Gossip Girl (TV Series)

Recap time!! :woot:

Last night, it was as if a plague had swept the Upper East Side, one whose symptoms were uniquely tailored to their hosts. Nearly everyone on Gossip Girl was suffering: Blair was the pregnantest pregnant person ever, full of bile and puke and inconvenient emotions. She wants badly to be a princess, but the determination of the creature inside of her to make trouble is an almost certain indication of who its father is (and it's not "mild-mannered" Louis, even if he is "surprisingly virile."). Meanwhile, Chuck was experiencing acute female hysteria, Dan was lovelorn as ever, and Nate had an itch that only a cougar could scratch. And then there was Serena, who as always, was suffering from chronic stupidity.
But as always, in sickness and in health, the Reality Index perseveres.
Realer Than “Carmmageddon” in L.A.
• “I’m sick of you guys on antidepressants,” the woman credited as “Unsatisfied Hottie” grumbles as she leaves the apartment. And that’s how we know we’re back in New York. Plus 5
• Nate is having trouble getting it up, he tells Chuck, because he “can’t stop thinking about that woman from L.A.” Chuck: “That’s understandable, given your mother issues.” Plus 5
• Nate copes with cougar withdrawal by baking pot brownies. Plus 5
• He had sex with her in a house that she owns, and she told him to his face that she also owns a newspaper called The New York Spectator. Yet Nate is incapable of finding out via basic Google search or property record lookup the name of the woman he’s obsessing over until he gets a paper card with her name on it. Plus 10
• New York Senator Chuck Schumer and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein are both personally vying to offer Nate, the pothead college dropout son of a convicted Ponzi schemer who doesn’t even understand how 411 works, an internship. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. Actually, you know what? Yeah, we’re going to put this in the plus column because that’s probably why this country is so ****ed up. Plus 20
• Blair is intent on showing up “Charlene and her swimmer’s body,” by becoming a style icon in Monaco. If this thing really works out — more on that later — then Charlene’s going to be wearing headbands and fetching yogurt before long. Plus 2
• “Shh, you never know who might be lurking.” Blair says, seconds before Louis lisps, “Hello, Blair?” through her bedroom door. Plus 10 for acknowledgment of the fact that even on a show where nary a furtive conversation is had without being overheard by someone else, Louis is a lurker nonpareil.
• Beatrice recognizes the symptoms of bulimia “from boarding school,” she tells Dorota. Plus 5 “The pale skin, the not eating in public.” Plus another 2
• Now that characters have been doing things behind our backs like writing novels and taking pregnancy tests, it seems safe to say that while in Los Angeles, Serena pilfered a few bobbly earrings and shrunken blazers from the set of Clarissa Explains It All. Plus 2
• Cece’s bridge games get so “brutal” that cops need to be called. Plus 2
• Dan attempts to get into Vanessa’s account using the password “Maysles.” Plus 8
• Things that are behind Dan when he’s talking on the phone to Serena: The Sound Studio, Blown to Bits: A Wake-up Call to the Human Consequences of the Digital Revolution, a book on law school. Things that are behind Serena: billboards for Louis Vuitton, Armani Exchange. Not bad, set dressers. Plus 2
• Aw, Gossip Girl crew member Ramona Wong is in Dan’s phone. Plus 4
Charlie: “I’m not sure there’s enough closet space ... The beach traffic can get really bad, and that might depress me ... Maybe I should just stay where I am ... ”
Serena: “So you’re going to give this place up because of traffic? Oh, I don’t have my check book.”
Charlie: “I don’t think I have enough to cover two months' rent ... ”
Serena: “Unless you bought the Maldives without telling me. [beat] Is this your way of telling me that you don’t want to live with me?” Duh. DO YOU THINK? Plus 5
• Louis, suddenly appearing behind Blair at church: “Tell me what?” Plus another 5, see above.
• Dan to Chuck: “I could tickle you.” Plus 5
• Louis “may be mild-mannered, but he’s surprisingly virile.” Plus 2
• Nate convinces his mother to do the interview with Elizabeth Hurley by telling her it would make her “classier than Ruth Madoff.” Plus 2
• Elizabeth Hurley: “Are you trying to trade my interview with your mother for sex?” Nate: “Yes.” Plus 2
• Strong-willed British babe comes to town with outsize ideas about building a media empire, using her position as a tool to harness power. Her first story is on “the disgraced wives of dirty businessmen.” Yeah, that sounds about right. Plus 10
• Beatrice is secretly trying to undermine her brother in order to get the crown for herself. Obviously. Monaco, like the Upper East Side, is known for being a place where, "rumour and malice [are] held up as a national sport.” Plus 10
• Aiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeee we shrieked aloud when Beatrice kissed the priest, even though we knew something had to be up with him since he looks like a Chippendale’s dancer. Plus 50, and more to come if at the next Big Party he whips off his cassock in one smooth motion, revealing it to have been held together with velcro.
Total: 169

Faker Than Gossip Girl Tipsters Being Vigilant About Goings-On in Queens
• Honestly, if Chuck is going to do this Fight Club thing, wouldn’t it make more sense for him to do it in a basement or a ballroom of his hotel or anywhere except the same street corner, twice? Minus 3
• Gossip Girl’s item about Blair is headlined “The Princess Bride,” reminding us how long it’s been since Wallace Shawn dared show his face on this show. No points, just saying.
• Why is Dorota wearing a pantyliner on her head at her own doctor’s appointment? Minus 5
• We know Gossip Girl sees all, but really? Dan finds Chuck getting beaten up on the Gossip Girl map? How did that happen? Did he check in? How did that look? “Chuck Bass Has Unseated Gin-Soaked Bum As Mayor of Random Alley In Long Island City”? Minus 6
• Dan calls Serena for help hacking into Vanessa’s bank account. Because, Serena van der Woodsen, ace hacker, obviously. Minus 5
• Beatrice deduces Blair has an eating disorder or a drug problem just because she goes to the bathroom a lot and isn’t interested in eating a dirty water hot dog from a street cart. Minus 5
• Why doesn’t Louis question the presence of Dan Humphrey, wearing a T-shirt and jeans and looking deeply pained, at a church event filled with royals? For that matter, how did security let him in? Minus 5
• Characters who are supposed to be native French speakers speaking English to each other even when there’s no one else around. Come on. Did Lost do nothing right? Minus 5
• Of all the things that are ridiculous about Ivy and her boyfriend Max’s sudden decision to up and move to Portland — don’t they have a lease in L.A.? What are they going to do with all those tchotchkes? Also, why is this guy such a total p*ssy? — Max’s preemptive purchase of Road Snacks was somehow the most galling. The whole point of Funyuns is that you’re allowed to buy them on the road because they’re the only thing around. Duh. Minus 8
• Still, that’s not quite as ridiculous as Ivy suddenly deciding to full-on assume a new identity instead of just owning up to Serena about her crazy-*** aunt. Minus 10
• Dan diagnoses Chuck with “conversion disorder,” otherwise known as “hysteria,” and postulates that he’s traumatized by Blair leaving him “forever.” We think we may have seen this on Days of Our Lives once. Minus 15
• Blair BumpWatch 2011: Is this for real happening? Really? Never mind who the father is: Are we seriously supposed to believe that the rest of the season is going to be all about Blair getting fat and obsessing about baby carriages and being like, "Pickles!" and going out to dinner and looking uncomfortable and not drinking except for maybe a small glass of Guinness, and then giving birth and being like, "Oh ha-ha I never thought I would be this person but it's really true that when you have a baby, it's impossible to talk or to think about anything else!" and being like, "baby weight, argh" and "mommy and me yoga" so on through getting the kid into Constance Billiard so that the cycle can begin all over again? The answer is no, this cannot possibly happen, unless they're trying to capitalize on the Teen Mom phenomenon and/or drive us out of our fricking minds. The alternatives, however, now that it's pretty much established she's up the spout, are just as unappealing: Abortion? Miscarriage? Kidnapping? Alien abduction? Will she give birth to Rosemary's Baby? Actually, that would be kind of cool. Still, Minus 10 for even making us think about any of this.
Total: 62
Despite our reservations about the pregnancy plotline and Chuck's West Side Story–looking fight scenes, hilariously subversive name-dropping of Lloyd Blankfein and promisingly absurd scenarios involving Nate and the princess of Monaco cheered us and brought this episode over to the the Real side.

New York Magazine
Blair BumpWatch 2011: Is this for real happening? Really? Never mind who the father is: Are we seriously supposed to believe that the rest of the season is going to be all about Blair getting fat and obsessing about baby carriages and being like, "Pickles!" and going out to dinner and looking uncomfortable and not drinking except for maybe a small glass of Guinness, and then giving birth and being like, "Oh ha-ha I never thought I would be this person but it's really true that when you have a baby, it's impossible to talk or to think about anything else!" and being like, "baby weight, argh" and "mommy and me yoga" so on through getting the kid into Constance Billiard so that the cycle can begin all over again? The answer is no, this cannot possibly happen

That is essentially my feeling on the whole Blair plotline this season in a nutshell.
This thread is SO dead. Like, really. But hey ... with a plotline like this it's no wonder... I don't understand how they have thought that a pregnant blair is a good idea...
I can't think of one plotline at the moment that is not absurd (I-feel-no-pain-Chuck), ridiculous (pregnant Blair, CeCe not knowing that her granddaughter does not look like Ivy) or repetitive ( Nate and older woman).

Where is the drama, the character development...anything ???? Please writers... you have to come up with something better than a third-rate soap opera script.

Aaah yes...Dair is something that is still nice to look at... but even they will soon start to fade in this sub-par storyline.
Maybe the pregnancy test is a false positive - let's hope.

I really hope so. This show is actually beginning to revive itself for me. Now all they need to do is get rid of Prince Louie and it will be fully repaired :lol::P
she is definitely pregnant...when she was wearing the wedding dress that lady asked her about it...obviously she has put on weight too
i wonder, do leighton and blake have the same frenemy thing off set too?

anyway. yawn so far for this season.

we need georgina to come back.
^ There were always those rumors, but when they were in Paris last year they seemed to be having a great time together in the backstage pictures...
The next episode sounds like it's going to be interesting.
LOL, he made Nate gay.
Next episode looks like it might be better purely because it seems to pull them all back together, it's been far too tangent-y this season. They're always more interesting characters when you have them bickering in a room together.
If it's Tuesday it must be Recap!! B)

Many women may indulge in princess fantasies, but for the ladies of Gossip Girl, they sometimes turn real. In last night’s episode, Lily was liberated from the house arrest spell by Prince Rufus, who magically whisked off her ankle bracelet in time for her to go to the Big Ball. As for her niece, Fake Charlie Rhodes, a.k.a. Ivy, Lily is right about one thing: The girl has some serious mental issues. It’s like every time she sees a sequined dress or a pair of Louboutins, she goes into some kind of fugue state, and when she snaps back to reality she finds she’s dug herself deeper into a situation that will get her arrested if not institutionalized. “Everything is all sparkly here,” she explains helplessly, to the woman she is blackmailing in order to assume a false identity. Don’t go into the sparkles, Ivy! Ah, too late. In the meantime, Blair pursues her Grace Kelly fantasy at all costs by telling Louis the baby she’s carrying is his — although the final scene suggests she’s going to have some explaining to do when the kid pops out wearing an Ascot and drinking its own celebratory Scotch.
More Real Than André Leon Talley Getting Everyone Into a Panic
• The Upper East Side: "A mecca for psychotic freaks," where a “breakdown is practically a rite of passage, like a bar mitzvah.” The Upper West Side: Zabar’s Zombies. Stereotypes are based on truths, people. Plus 5
• I already forget why the task of taking care for Chuck has fallen to Dan — is he doing it for school credits? Is that why he never has to go to class? — but it’s cute how their relationship is coming to resemble the one between Robin Williams and Robert De Niro in Awakenings, with Dan showing Chuck Field of Dreams and bringing him puppies to coax him back to life, while Chuck responds in the most affectionate way he knows how: “I have some knee pads in the bedroom if you need them.” Plus 10
• Of course, Cece has agreed to help engineer a plot to lie to her daughter about her granddaughter’s whereabouts. Plus 3
• “You should have seen the place I found Charlie living in,” says Serena, who once woke up drugged out in a ratty motel in Queens. “Squalor is too nice a word.” Plus 3, because this is definitely how rich people talk about normal people’s apartments behind their backs.
• “The best part of pregnancy is knowing who father is.” &8212;Dorota. Plus 3
• Nate’s indignant little speech to the character we can only refer to as Elizabeth Hurley about how he feels used makes me want to audition for Tisch so I can deliver it as a monologue. “I would love to celebrate with you. I would love to celebrate with you multiple times a day. I’m starting to wonder if that’s all you hired me for.Plus 4
• Blair: “That would be civilized. Unlike your hair, Humphrey. You look like a Muppet.” Poor Penn Badgley and his Jeff Buckley hair. But someone had to say it. Plus 3
• Okay, so Elizabeth’s Hurley buys up an old newspaper, ****-cans the entire staff of career journalists on a whim, replaces them with an unpaid twentysomething with no knowledge of reporting, no respect for journalistic ethics, and extremely loose morals, all because she wants to compete with some schmuckette on the Internet? Okay, that’s realistic. Plus 20
• The note Serena left for Charlie on her dress says, “Live your dreams.” Plus 3. Be the change you want to see in the world, Serena.
• Nate’s idea of being taken seriously is being allowed to ask people about their vacations in Mykonos and other insipid lifestyle questions. Plus 20
• When Lily walks into the fashion show, the whispering people in the crowd sounded almost exactly like the black smoke from Lost. Is that what that was? The collective sound of murmurs straining to get out of plastic-surgery-enhanced faces? Guess we'll never know. Thanks for continuing to annoy us from the beyond, Lost.
• Jamie Johnson is the first person to be nice to Lily, which feels right, somehow. Plus 2
• Oh look, it is Chris Benz. Plus 1
• The Jenny Packham dresses were really lovely, and Blair especially looked great. She even had plausible Pregnancy Cleavage! Look out, Serena. Plus 4
• “If you have any real Rockefellers, Charlie will take them,” Blair tells the event organizers. “I’d be fine with a model or a witty gay.” Aw, she really is growing up. Plus 2
• “Are you sure you didn’t work for News Corp.?” Elizabeth Hurley says, when Nate suggests stealing everyone’s cell phones. Obvious, but still, Plus 2
• We can’t believe we’re saying this, but the weird gnome professor stealing Dan’s novel was kind of a better Gossip Girl plotline than it was a Woody Allen movie! Plus 1
• Wow, other than the agent who looks like an actress, those publishing people at Club A Steakhouse really look like publishing people. Oh, that’s because they are! There’s Jonathan Karp again and uh ... two people called Elise and Mark from Simon & Schuster whom we do not know. [Help, book people?] Plus 5 anyway
• “People trust their phones way too much,” says Elizabeth Hurley, scrolling through naked photos of some girl. Hahaha, yes they do. Plus 9
• “Meet my dog, Monkey.” At the beginning of the episode, we had brief and debilitating realization: If Chuck’s unfeeling streak was going be broken by the news that Blair’s baby was his, we knew with certainty that we were going to have to stop watching this show immediately and forever. Please don’t let it be that, we said to ourselves, but began mentally composing an apologetic blog post about how this Gossip Girl had crossed a line, and we could no longer continue faithfully recapping a show that didn’t care about us, you know? We didn’t want to be in a one-sided relationship. So it was a relief that things ended the way they did. Yes, it was the revelation that Blair was pregnant that finally broke Chuck. But the news was tempered by the fact that the baby was not his (although it maybe is? But let's table that for now), and it was Chuck’s puppy that comforted him in his grief like one of those courtroom dogs. Babies don’t comfort you, they just cry and **** their pants. We’re sure Chuck will eventually come to realize he got a better deal, in this scenario. It also helped that for the first couple seconds of that scene he really looked like he might have been tearfully masturbating. Plus 20
Total: 120
Faker Than a Doctor’s Office Calling Anyone Four Times for Anything Other Than an Overdue Bill
• “The contents of this envelope could alter the course of my life,” says Blair. “You want me to do this in front of pigeons and street vendors?” Minus 5. This is New York, at least 90 percent of emotional moments occur in front of pigeons and street vendors.
• Lily is reading Crime and Punishment. Minus 1
• “Your job is to make me scream,” Elizabeth Hurley tells Nate with such force and terrible, over-the-top, “I’m a COUGAR!” effort that we screamed. This character is scarier than those Paranormal Activity 3 ads. Minus 4
• Also, wasn’t she supposed to be plotting something? Surely she was targeting him for something more serious than making him her sex intern? Minus 2
• Dan receives a hard cover copy of his book approximately two months after Vanessa cold-submitted it to a publisher. Um, no. Minus 10
• “I need to look like Grace Kelly not Grace Coddington!” Minus 20. Everyone wants to look like Grace Coddington!
• In other fashion faux pas: Dan just walks up to the runway and grabs Blair off the aisle, which is Minus 1 in itself. But the utter waste of the hilarious and adorable Simon Doonan in a barely walk-on part? Wrong. Wrong wrong wrong. Minus 50
• Wait, where did Blair get Chuck’s DNA sample for the paternity test? Did Dan agree to perform unspeakable acts under the guise of making Chuck feel again? Minus 2. We feel cheated out of that scene.
• Rufus got the lawyer who advises some band to do what Lily’s high-paid legal team of experts could not. Minus 2
• “You did that for me?” Blair says, when Louis informs her he told Hello! he wasn’t ready for a family for a long time so they wouldn’t put her on bump watch. Yes, Blair. Louis told an inconsequential quasi-lie to a tabloid. All for you. That’s how much he loves you. Minus 2
• Would the attendants at the party really leave the area with everyone’s cell phones entirely unmanned, for a good ten minutes? Minus only 2, because we were a coat check girl once and it wasn't always pretty.
• Over the years, it's become increasingly clear that the Gossip Girl narrator is not a teenage girl at all but an obsessive shut-in like Nikki Finke or a wild-eyed dude with messy lipstick a little dog called Precious. Who else but a crazy person would devote this amount of time and effort to decoding the activities of the same pack of teenagers? Wait, don't answer that. Over time we've developed the ability to sort of zone out Gossip Girl's actual narration, the same way we do when a mariachi band gets on the subway. But we can't help but notice that the things she says have gotten steadily weirder — this week may have been her weirdest and creepiest yet: He who runs from the fear risks falling into the pit? Either this is an attempt from the writers to sneak in some religion and appease the family values groups, or the show's finale is going to end in a warped bloodbath from Veronica Mars. No points, but don't say we didn't warn you.
Total: 100
Even an egregious misuse of Simon Doonan and a cougar so cartoonish she practically has stripes couldn't trump the sight of Chuck and that puppy. Real Feelings That's what this show is all about. Next week: Everyone reads Dan's book — even Serena!
From Penn Badgley's NYLON interview -

But we have to ask - who do you think Dan's soul mate is? Blair, actually. Definitely. I think Blair is Dan's soul mate. I don’t know if they’re ever going to get together, but I’ll tell you that I’ve never enjoyed any scenes on the show as much as those scenes with Leighton Meester, on a strictly intellectually as an actor. There’s a whole other thing—like everything that happened early on in the show, like the obvious Dan and Serena stuff, that moved me in a different way for obvious reasons, but strictly as an actor, those scenes with Blair are the best.
Aww sweet

^ It's my fav. It looks like she's pushing Serena out of the way cause she's the real Queen of the UWS haha.
^ True!! :lol: Except that Serena gets into the limo the proper, lady like way- Blair does not...Minus 5 Points!! B)

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