Granny Style

The grannies around me wear pastel sweatpants with pastel t-shirts. Exclusively.
So, I managed to assess the style of a handful of real grannies on my bus journey into town today. Most of them were wearing baggy fleece sports jackets and calf length polyester, pleated skirts. Not an ideal representation of the granny-chic, but perhaps we're just a style-less lot around these parts ;)
I suggest invading church during mass^ as they'll have a reason to glam up. Where I live, they also tend to look ordinary, as they are ordinary people, but yea I would say the ones who really dress up all the time are the eccentrics! I had a teacher that was one, and she always looks like she stepped out of a 40s movie, even wearing turbans to class sometimes (she told me once that her hair is fragile). And when the hair is out, it's extreme, pseudo bouffant-style... I was told she doesn't go out much.
I also had a teacher who looked just like Jil Sander. And at church there is a woman who is always alone and smiling, wearing different kinds of hats and long coats with long dresses. It's rare to find one that looks more 'crazy', I think they tend to always be well dressed but once I was visiting a granny at her studio on a field trip.. and I'd only seen her in her working clothes but her work consists of these giant 'crazy' tie-dye-like smocks ---and she was doing well in business it seems.
I've only seen one man that I can remember and it was back in high school. I had heard that he always walks all the way downtown.. maybe 30-45 min, I think everyday. Always wearing colour-coordinated suit ensembles and once I saw him on the bus, all in beige with also a beige fedora (but with brown oxfords), and talking about how his suit was made of linen and that "they don't make them like this anymore." He was also always alone.
My grandfather did the fedora too.

My mother had an aunt who was always impeccably dressed, both indoors and outdoors, till well into her late eighties when she died. I hear that she was an exquisite seamstress and was somewhat critical of my mother and her sister when they were little girls, always stressing the importance of their outfits, hairstyles, etc. Every photo of her that I have seen she looks absolutely remarkable. She wasn't very well off, yet her appearance gave such a strong impression of luxury, 'class'. If only I still had such a style conscious living relative! She would perhaps criticize me non stop, but I think I could live with that;)
Mass is usually a great bet for Granny stylin'. I remember my granny used to wear exclusively pantsuits and rock a 1950's perm. She was one cool nan.
Shall we post pictures of real grannies and grandpas?
It would be funny if this got out of hand lol



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I'm interested in where it comes from, as a style.. Was it made up only recently? I think they're going after a stereotype maybe? A kooky lady like Harry Potter's Sybill Trelawney. Or the other side of it, a polished well put together woman with proper etiquette and elegance^^ usually, as if they just stepped out of a time machine :blush:

My grandfather did the fedora too.

My mother had an aunt who was always impeccably dressed, both indoors and outdoors, till well into her late eighties when she died. I hear that she was an exquisite seamstress and was somewhat critical of my mother and her sister when they were little girls, always stressing the importance of their outfits, hairstyles, etc. Every photo of her that I have seen she looks absolutely remarkable. She wasn't very well off, yet her appearance gave such a strong impression of luxury, 'class'. If only I still had such a style conscious living relative! She would perhaps criticize me non stop, but I think I could live with that;)
My teacher was exactly like that :D I would agree that they can be difficult to work with but at the same time, a great inspiration
Just want to add a bit to this
Was it made up only recently?
What I meant here was that some looks from late 60s, 70s seem to touch up on the same idea, with the crochet and shawls, doily-like dresses --but I'm realizing now that's more probably a movement in handcrafts like we had for a few fashion seasons here, around 2005. At the school library there is a ton of books all from this time period: dyeing, weaving.. crafts from "nature", making collages out of dried seeds, nuts, flowers. They're all written like they're for children, it gives the impression they were trying to promote it and making it as user-friendly as possible.

I think they're going after a stereotype maybe?
I think of movies, main character's "mother."
Psycho's Norman Bates' mother. Bonnets, Sun dresses.. extremely casual because they mostly spend their time at home. And knits, because you have plenty of time at that age...?

a polished well put together woman with proper etiquette and elegance^^ usually, as if they just stepped out of a time machine :blush:
I usually think of matching outfits. Formal wear, business. Ie the jacket or shirt in the same fabric as the skirt or pant. My teacher has a collection of old fashion magazines from the mid-century.. It's just completely full of these two-piece looks. And always heels.
There's something really charming about granny style , but to me it's seems a bit difficult to wear it properly , to modernize it. So I stick little pieces , mostly accesories like brooches, pearls, neclackes , and steal all my granny's cool cashmere garemet (sweaters, cardis, etc ..)
I think that one girl that does the granny style really well is Tavi (from stylerookie), she can get a bit theatrical but she's got good taste amongst everything.



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I'm interested in where it comes from, as a style.. Was it made up only recently? I think they're going after a stereotype maybe? A kooky lady like Harry Potter's Sybill Trelawney. Or the other side of it, a polished well put together woman with proper etiquette and elegance^^ usually, as if they just stepped out of a time machine :blush:

My teacher was exactly like that :D I would agree that they can be difficult to work with but at the same time, a great inspiration

I wonder, also, if the image represents a less sexually overt style (which is obvious to a certain extent, unless only elements of it are used within an overall look).

Sadly, the full-on granny classic would cause havoc here, in my little northern UK town. We have to sneak things in slowly;)
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What I find amusing about some of these looks and that one^ is how much they resemble babies' clothes


(cap from Gone with the Wind)

I wonder, also, if the image represents a less sexually overt style (which is obvious to a certain extent, unless only elements of it are used within an overall look).
You're totally right, and I think it's the perfect way to describe it:p It's very modest, humble and all that sort... When I think of the Amish, religious habits, I get a similar vibe also as 'granny' :D:heart:


Much sharper take on the original^. There was also an editorial in Harper's Bazaar Oct 2006 -link here. Funny as it's veering close to "Gothic". I would say I'm both a goth and gran at heart :blush:

Sadly, the full-on granny classic would cause havoc here, in my little northern UK town. We have to sneak things in slowly;)
Same here.. I feel like 'suburb' is the Hades of fashion, like where it goes to die. You have to be at either extreme, completely alone in the country or in a very busy city. Otherwise it's very difficult to express yourself.

I've actually been dreaming to move somewhere there^. I love watching English mysteries. They often show scenes in rural parts.. It seems very romantic, the weather, and the waves crashing on rugged terrain, the mossy green knolls stretching endlessly --and thatched cottages or houses made of stone:heart: sitting on top of hills. And there's no neighbours in sight or they're a far ways off... I'd dress up and walk for hours, with no fear for being seen ^^. I hope I'm not being deluded by TV(?) XD

Here's one of my favourite series, with stylish granny to match

Agatha Christie's Miss (Jane) Marple



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There's something really charming about granny style , but to me it's seems a bit difficult to wear it properly , to modernize it. So I stick little pieces , mostly accesories like brooches, pearls, neclackes , and steal all my granny's cool cashmere garemet (sweaters, cardis, etc ..)
I think that one girl that does the granny style really well is Tavi (from stylerookie), she can get a bit theatrical but she's got good taste amongst everything.
Thank you for posting her:) She's very good with colour. Her facial appearance maybe helps a lot bringing her look together. I think if one looks mature or tall even, it looks out of place and we have to try a different method.
I'm not sure if you'll agree with me, but maybe you can get ideas from this picture I posted and the link. I had a more gran style when I ended high school and I remember looking close to frumpy.. instead of what I intended, as you said, something charming. I think it depends on the fabrics you wear, probably the finer the better, the proportions and colours you choose. Dries van Noten would be a good designer to check up on, for women especially. He consistently balances rough with sleek, old with new.
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I really like nice cardigans that have a 'grandma' vibe and I do wear a lot of vintage ones. But I have to disagree and say Tavi has the worst style I've ever seen. I'm all for avant garde, but she just doesn't look good
Some of the things I see people wear on the streets I think if they were older they would look so ridiculous but because they are young and slim they look great in that
What I find amusing about some of these looks and that one^ is how much they resemble babies' clothes

So true! And this seems to work with certain other elements, such as hair braiding (It may seem inappropriate for me to wear my hair like this as an adult, as if I was attempting to parody youth, although thoroughly accepted to wear little braids when I am an 'old' lady). I always perceive the elderly to be somewhat free-er than younger folks to express themselves in this way, too, for they often tend to fall outside of our regular judgement and criticism due to their age (....yet perhaps this is not so amongst their own peer group?).
Although many cultures tend to view aging as a negative, I always find the prospects of sartorial adventures as an elderly person quite fascinating and exciting. Personally I love the old, English perception of a refined old lady (and gentlemen!): I can easily see myself sipping copious amounts of tea, surrounded by much loved books, reclining in my chaise at the country manor sporting my braids, lace gloves and knitted bootees.

Same here.. I feel like 'suburb' is the Hades of fashion, like where it goes to die. You have to be at either extreme, completely alone in the country or in a very busy city. Otherwise it's very difficult to express yourself.

I've actually been dreaming to move somewhere there^. I love watching English mysteries. They often show scenes in rural parts.. It seems very romantic, the weather, and the waves crashing on rugged terrain, the mossy green knolls stretching endlessly --and thatched cottages or houses made of stone:heart: sitting on top of hills. And there's no neighbours in sight or they're a far ways off... I'd dress up and walk for hours, with no fear for being seen ^^. I hope I'm not being deluded by TV(?) XD

I too suffer the TV delusion, and I have lived here all my life! These places do exist, certainly, so there is something to hope for!
Jenny Joseph's Warning is my ideal of granny style

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
And satin sandals, and say we've no money for butter,
I shall sit down on the pavement when I'm tired And gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
And run my stick along the public railings
And make up for the sobriety of my youth
I shall go out in the slippers in the rain
And pick flowers in other peoples gardens
And learn to spit

There is more to the poem, but that sums it up for me.
I intend to be a totally eccentric old lady with loads of cats and live out in the countryside near Whitby and do everything in the poem. That's granny style for me!
i love that^ i think i read that poem in this book i have back home. need to go dig it out and see if i have it :)
Grannies mix prints really well! I love to watch them on the street!
I also love knitwear! <3 Thank God fall is coming ^.^

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