Little Star
I'm studying Greek history at school and for an uncoming essay I have to write about how greek culture has directly influenced today's society. Anyway I noticed a lot of grecian inspired dresses on the runway recently, and am hoping to focus one of my choices on that.
To be able to do so though I need to locate some info on it. I was wondering if anyone was knowledgable about this topic here? Or if you have links to a specific designer who was influenced by this, and has interviews about her inspiration? I don't think I'll have much luck...but I'm really hoping!!!
Thankyou for your help/time!
I'm studying Greek history at school and for an uncoming essay I have to write about how greek culture has directly influenced today's society. Anyway I noticed a lot of grecian inspired dresses on the runway recently, and am hoping to focus one of my choices on that.
To be able to do so though I need to locate some info on it. I was wondering if anyone was knowledgable about this topic here? Or if you have links to a specific designer who was influenced by this, and has interviews about her inspiration? I don't think I'll have much luck...but I'm really hoping!!!
Thankyou for your help/time!