Hair Extensions

I never slept eith mine in. I tried to take them out as soon as I could so I wouldn't damage my already fine hair.

I tried on my mom's clip-in extensions today and I felt so amazing with thicker hair.. It made me want to get extensions..
Used to have long hair, but chopped it off to shoulder length.

I just worry about this for stupid reasons like "false advertisement" or something :lol: although I wear makeup and highlight my hair which are pretty much the same right?
I wanted to get extensions but am a little tight on cash, so I was wondering what the longest lasting extensions are (i.e. get the most bang for my buck).
I wanted to get extensions but am a little tight on cash, so I was wondering what the longest lasting extensions are (i.e. get the most bang for my buck).
ive had every extension known to man and i'll tell you... the glue are the best and cheapest. they're a handful, so it's a commitment, but if you're willing to take care of them, it's amazing.

buy the fake hair, it's like 30 bucks, and the glue which is like... 2 dollars or something
have a friend help you.

start at the bottom, section your hair in horizontal rows
take the fake hair, measure it out.
flat iron the weft
put glue on,
stick on hair, up to the hairline, but be careful not to get glue on the hair clipped up,
and then hold for a couple seconds, blowdry just to be sure it's dry...
and then take another section down.
when i get to the sides i usually make them horizontal diagonal forward.

then have someone cut them so they blend with your own hair! interested in clip on extensions, but im not really sure how it works. like if its clipped under a layer of your own hair, wouldnt your hair be incredibly uneven with the mix of your own hair and the extensions? since the extensions would be making your hair longer while your own hair is short? :blink:

I have keratin bond extensions, not clip in, but the different lengths just blend and you cant really tell. If anything it looks like you have layers but either way it looks natural as long as the stylist knows what they're doing. I have socap brand extensions which are fabulous.
i will never get extensions. my friend got extensions(glue on) for her 21st birthday this year. she had her extensions for almost 2 weeks. when she was taking them off, her hair was falling out along with the extension strip. :shock:
well, makes sense, but think about how much of your hair sheds each day, the hair coming out with the glue was just shedded hair... literally glued to the extension. unless she ripped them out...
well, makes sense, but think about how much of your hair sheds each day, the hair coming out with the glue was just shedded hair... literally glued to the extension. unless she ripped them out...
she thought it was due to the chemical in the glue..she got very paranoid.:lol:
no, she didn't rip them off.
i thought about having a lacefront at some point in my life....

sometimes i want longer hair, sometimes i feel like a buzzcut.
lacefronts are scary realistic. i work at this wig boutique and we have a lot of drag queen clients who do pageants, and i'm tellin you... when i try on their wigs it literally looks like it's growing out of my head. it's sooo cool.
Great Lengths Extensions

Has anyone tried this type of extensions or know of anyone that has used the method?

I am considering it for myself but its quiet expensive and wondering if it's "worth" the investment.

I watched a documentary on extensions the other day presented by Jamelia (singer).
It was really interesting. iplayer
Pop singer Jamelia investigates the hair extension industry. Real human hair extensions are becoming as much a part of girls' beauty regimes as fake tans. From celebrities to schoolgirls, women will spend anything from 20 to 2,000 pounds to clip, glue or sew another girl's hair on to their heads. As a result of a massive recent increase in popularity, the human hair industry has exploded with an estimated 65 million pounds being spent every year on extensions in the UK alone.
Jamelia travels in search of the girls whose hair goes into the product. She follows a trail of hair back to its roots, on an international road trip from exclusive London salons to a dingy Moscow apartment where men trade human ponytails for cash to the hair-sacrificing temples of southern India. Jamelia even has her own extensions analysed using ground-breaking forensic techniques, to try and track down the woman whose hair she wore on a recent TV appearance.
Jamelia's journey brings her face to face with some of her worst fears when she witnesses bunches of hair being shaved from toddlers' heads and meets a 13-year old flogging her hair in exchange for pocket money.
While shaving toddlers and taking it from woman is terrible, I'm sure (I hope) thats not the norm. There is corruption in most industries so thats nothing new (child labor and fakes for clothing, for example). I actually think hair extensions are a good way for women, or men too I guess, to get money for food when they're struggling pretty easily and painlessly. I mean what would they do otherwise? starve, prostitution, selling kidneys? Cutting their hair seems like a better option. Probably the last thing they're thinking about is vanity.
My personal advice, I wear extensions(sewed) and I could not be happier!!!Gorgeous hair, great length and very easy to take care of!!!Furthermore, sewed extensions are the best in my humble opinion and this is obvious if you compare them to glued extensions as I have friends who actually had to cut their hair ending up in tears!
As for the cost, I am not really sure as I got mine in a beaty salon in Paris belonging to one of my best friends and got everything done for just 120 euros but when I say everything I say everything: six layers of hair,clips...

If you want some advice just ask me and perphaps I can help you with my experience that, as I said before, could have not been any better!!

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