Harvey Nichols Expands


flaunt the imperfection
Jan 28, 2004
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HARVEY NICHOLS is taking on the world. The famous fashion emporium, which has stores in Leeds, Birmingham, Edinburgh and Manchester, is addition to its Knightsbridge flagship, will throw open the doors of a 32,000-square-foot new venue in Dublin, a 120,000 giant in Dubai and a 60,000 new shop in Hong Kong by the end of September 2005. Founded in 1813, Harvey Nicks is synonymous with the highest standard of luxury, as well as rooting out exciting new names to put them at the forefront of fashion. Having rode the wave of a financial climate that has left some of its main competitors struggling to keep up, it is now set to keep on winning on a global scale. And it's still the nicest place to indulge your shopping addiction. (January 3 2005, AM)

from vogue.co.uk
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Dublin surprises me! But they go where the money is, smart move!
BRAVA softie:flower: for this article.

DUBAI must be amazing... was gonna work there (apply there) but HN is better when you are THE customer rather than the epmloyee:innocent:
wow, what a smart move!......and next on new york!! and paris.....
They are going to build a store in 2008 in liverpool for the capital of culture thingy.
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wow, hong kong!
Ill have to check it out and get back to you guys.

what notable brands does nichols carry?
Just checked:

Ann Dem, Balenciaga, Mcqueen.. Maybe the first stockist of Carpe Diem/Lmaltieri in Hong Kong!?

Although im sure having a stockist that close will be terrible for my wallet :lol:

This is very exciting!
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leyla m. said:
BRAVA softie:flower: for this article.

DUBAI must be amazing... was gonna work there (apply there) but HN is better when you are THE customer rather than the epmloyee:innocent:

i sooo thought of you leyla... :flower:
Wow, that's quite a few major stores. I'm surprised that HN hasn't tried NY but at the same time there are already a few stores there that are similar to them and more est. stateside ie.Barney's and Bergdorf's. Anyway, thanks for the news softie :flower:
Meg said:
Wow, that's quite a few major stores. I'm surprised that HN hasn't tried NY but at the same time there are already a few stores there that are similar to them and more est. stateside ie.Barney's and Bergdorf's. Anyway, thanks for the news softie :flower:
The Union Square area in NYC is SERIOUSLY lacking a department store. Besides that, I really don't see another dept store in New York. But, then again, I said the same thing before Jeffrey opened, and it's been a huge success.

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