How Much Sleep Do You Get?

I got around 5 last night. I enjoy sleeping (mainly the dreaming part), but I cannot seem to fall asleep for at last an hour after getting into bed.
4-5 suffices. 5-6 is what I usually get. Anymore and it makes me really groggy.... I'm not one of those who enjoys/needs the sleep.
From what i read people shouldn´t sleep less than 7 hours a night.

If you sleep less, it will weaken your imune sistem and also deprive yourself from totally resting your senses, therefore damaging the brain.

Sleep is a part of life, not a waste of time, like some overly stressed people tend to think.
Now that I'm on holidays I've been getting 11-12 hours of sleep...:shock: I think I'm recovering from a sort of sleep-debt I had from waking up early to go to school the past 3 months :unsure::ermm:
^ just what i was about to say, the last few weeks it has been 6 hours most nights
i get about 4-5 I used to get less, but I always need more. I can just never get deep sleep enough though :( I'm also usually doing a lot of all nighters during the school semester, sometimes like 2 nights in a row...its horrible
last night or this morning i got to sleep at 3.30 and got up at 10.. i dont get enough sleep and then party and never catch up.. i'm exhausted alot
madem0iselle said:
is it true that if u sleep late ur pores tend to oopen wider =S
Oh my gosh.. if it does.. I'm forcing myself to sleep early! I'd like to know the answer too!

I just remembed that my professor in Psychology told us that pulling an all nighter does not effect your cognitive (thinking), however.. if you pull 3 all nighters in a row.. then the 3rd day.. your cognitive will be affected! I tried pulling 3 all nighters in a row for school and wow... 3rd night, my body died out!
7-8 here. i went through years of insomnia, and inability to get to sleep. i could always stay asleep if i could get there. i don't mess with it. other people can think i'm lazy. it can mean i don't do certain things, but that's fine.
^haha i'm the opposite sometimes, i won't be tired but i want to sleep!! i love sleeping, i wish i could just retire to a secluded island and sleep by the ocean 15-20 hours a day :lol:
Not much. I kinda have depression (I DON'T want to talk about it) and these past few weeks I am just not tired before 1:30, 2:00 am. I used to want to sleep all of the time from the depression, now it is like I am tired in my mind but my body just won't shut down at the right time.
Great job people. Well I did 40 minutes yesterday and fell asleep around 8pm the next day. However I was basically sick!
I usually sleep 5 hours.
I usually get around 7-8 hours...but lately I've been taking advantage of being on holiday by either sleeping 11 hours straight or pulling allnighters (like perhaps now :innocent: ) just because I can. It's going to be hell getting back on a normal sleep schedule next week for school :doh:
i love sleeping so much . . the dreams i have are amazing . . such fun (if only they were real) :heart:
& i rmbr them every morning!
never had a nightmare in my life!
when my off of school I usually sleep until 8, which makes around 9 hours (going to bed around 11pm).

on school days I get a little less, but almost always 8 hours.

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