How Much Sleep Do You Get?

seraphelle said:
Find him a girlfriend with a nice house? :innocent:

I sleep with a small personal fan right by my head, it's a nice white noise.

I second- except mine is a loud, cheap box fan. It has made such a difference!
I run a fan, as well. :flower: Moreso for the noise than anything.
3-5 hours...usually get in a 2 hour nap. I so need to figure out a way to fall asleep at 2am instead of 4am.
^ :shock:
How do you do it? I had two hours the other night and was totally buggered :blink:! I usually get about 8 hours or more... :innocent:
Lavender (sprinkled on your pillow) or evening primrose oil (capsules) is supposed to help you sleep; you could try that :).
as much as I can. Today i was off, and was extrelemly tires after my workout, and needed a lazy day. I was in & out of bed all day. i didnt even get dressed.It feels great every once in a while :)
Erin said:
I thought I was crazy! Other people actually need 10 hours, like I do?

Quite honestly, I never feel adequately rested... maybe I'm low on iron? I have no idea. But no matter how much sleep I get, once 1 or 2pm rolls around, I'm in need of a nap... or just have no energy whatsoever. :unsure:

I get that too! I'm on my third or so week of only getting about 3 1/2 hours of sleep, i'm wheezy, my eyes hardly open and I can't think straight. But when I do get 10 hours or whatever, if I get up at 8am for example, I just HAVE to nap at 1-2pm for about 2 hours. I can't help it, I just feel so drained and spaced out.
meandmyrhythmbox said:
12-14 hours

Wow, that's really impressive! I usually sleep about 8 hours every night, a bit more in the weekends (okey, a lot more!). A boy I know only needs 2 hours, I don't understand how he gets through the day ^_^

what do you do to keep awake if you didnt' have enough sleep the day before? (w/o coffee :p )
I need 8 or 9 hours of sleep to wake up refreshed and in a good mood. With more or less hours of sleep I won't feel so good. Unfortunately, I usually sleep 6/7 hours on week days, because it's really hard for me to go to bed before 12 a.m.
Sometimes, because of college essays and stuff, I sleep just 4 or 5 hours. But I can't do it more than 3 days in a row, or I will fell seriously tired and unproductive.
Last month, because of an important report I had to make, I started to go to bed at 11 p.m. to work in the morning. Surprisingly for me, waking up at 7 wasn't hard at all. Now I really think it makes a difference going to bed before midnight. When I go to bed after midnight, even if I'm able to get up later and sleep a lot, I don't feel as good.
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Lately I've never been getting more than 5-ish a night and maybe 8 on weekends .. and everyone wonders why my mood is so pissy.
6 Hours, not nearly enough, but at least I was up playing with my new ipod
Erin said:
I thought I was crazy! Other people actually need 10 hours, like I do?

Quite honestly, I never feel adequately rested... maybe I'm low on iron? I have no idea. But no matter how much sleep I get, once 1 or 2pm rolls around, I'm in need of a nap... or just have no energy whatsoever. :unsure:

Please tell more about the iron thing.
I´ve never heard about it before, but sometimes the same happens to me, i often feel like you do and wonder what is is, since i´m very healthy,...

But i used to take centrum tablets and sometimes the same happend, would those be enough to supress the iron deficency?

Tia :)
^ I think I may have a mild case of amenia... I know my mom is borderline anemic... (to be low on iron)... I don't take iron supplements, but I do take a multivitamin - but don't notice a difference. But yup, if you're tired a lot, or sometimes find yourself low on energy, some of the time low iron is to blame. So if you're at the doctor soon... I'd mention it. :flower:
I get between 3-6 on weekdays and 7 or 8 on the weekend. I really need to get more and my docter told me to go on a "sleep improvement plan" but I just can't seem to fit it in....

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