How Much Sleep Do You Get?

normally around 7 hours. with less sleep i feel like i can't properly function. i usually go to bed around 11pm, then read or watch tv for a bit and sleep around 11.30, and get up between 6.30am and 7.
i'd like to sleep more but i hardly manage.
im a heavy sleeper, there isnt a thing called "napping" in my book,
the least time i get if sleeping is 10 hrs other wise ill be cranky and in an awful mood
my average night sleep time is about 12-15 hrs...
i wake up late, i usually sleep around 1-2 a.m and wake up around 10 or 11 a.m. and this semester is amazing most of my classes are after 12 p.m so im like sleeping most of the time, lol
and believe me, if nothing wakes me i keep on sleeping till god knows when :|
i need therapy i know :\
Elegance.Is.Refusal. said:
i dont get nearly enough im always tired which just leads to me being cranky:ninja:

One of the reasons I MUST get my sleep... and I hate walking around tired all of the time... plus I get cravings much less if I'm well rested. :D
I used to get hardly any, but now I make sure I get 7.5 hrs every night. It has made a huge differenece, and now I definitely am more alert during the day. Of course, it means going to bed early, but I just DVR any of the tv shows I might miss! :lol:
I get sleep paralysis and incubus issues. Some months it occurs almost
every night. Then it won't happen for a while. Some nights I can have
3-6 hours of sleep. Then another night much less. If I didn't have these
problems I believe I could have 6-8 hours per night of good sleep. sighs*
10-12hrs./ea. night... yeah.. uni is finished and I got some free time until job starts .
i get between 6-7 hours... i get up at 5:30am... so i always feel like its not enough. id need 7-8.
I'm a college student, so it's...

"Sleep? What sleep?" :lol:

same here!!!

some nights I dont sleep at all (not even a minute) doing work, I hate that so much !!you feel like a zombie...once a car almost hit me:shock: .

I feel so happy and rested whenever I get the chance to sleep well :p
It depends. I aim for at least 8, but my sleep patterns get messed up a lot somehow

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