Masculine traits? What are those? Who were the "radicals"? The first wave feminists, if you are referring to those who fought for the vote etc, Victorian era, were of their time. They just wanted to have rights to property and to vote. It was a start. But don't kid yourself, because it was after them that the 1920s followed and with that era, the flappers, and the end of corsets, covering everything, etc. Including hands and ankles etc. The feminists of the late 60s and early 70s didn't advocate "masculine traits" though I am still not sure what those are. They advocated working outside the home, having the ability to move up at a job, to do things besides being a helpmeet/secretary. And yeah, to wear jeans if they so chose. Not cinch in waists and full skirts and white gloves. But a different kind of sexy and femininity.