i-D Spring 2012

I love this new set of covers! They are all striking...everyone is beautiful in their own way.
Carolyn and Sui are the standouts in my opinion...great!!
I'm liking all of the covers this time (nice change), Guinevere's and Sui He's are particularly stunning.
I won't even try to pick a favarite, ALL covers are absolutely stunning.
all the covers are quite good, especially's sui he's. karl's one seems a bit out of place.
Not overcome with the covers. Carolyn and Sharlom are welcomed faces, though.
Guinevere's first I-D cover since 1999. About time!

Her cover is my favorite, next to Sui He's :heart:.. i-D has been doing some really artistic stuff lately, I only hope they don't compensate this with something stupid and utterly commercial.. oh wait, they already did (Karl's cover). :D
Theese covers are done to perfection!
i-D at their best! Excellent previews, hoping for a great content with stellar casting! :blush:
Guinevere cover makes my heart stop! :blush::heart:
Oh my, what a stunning set of covers :heart: I love Shalom's the most, that Gareth Pugh dress looks really cool here. Sui He's and Guinevere's covers are outstanding, too. And of course I love Karl's :D Fabulous.
I was excited to see Shalom's cover, but what happened to her face? It looks a bit... weird and it's not the effect of the make-up.

Meh. I don't really like these covers. There's nothing really interesting about them.
This covers are stunning... Don't like the 4th one though, the second reminds me of Marilyn Manson :sick: the rest could easily be all on my bookshelf by now! Carolyn's cover is my absolute favorite, Sui is amazing as usual.
I want all the covers..i'm a greedy girrl..
karl looks gorg and guinevere kills me :heart:
Such a great round of covers :heart: :heart: :heart:. Definitely buying Karl's cover but I wouldn't mind gtting Sui He, Guinevre and Shalom covers as well if I see them.
Perfect way to present a Royal issue.
They are all stunning covers, but if I had to pick one it would be Carolyn's. Her make up is just immaculate.

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