I don't like LV. I just don't like their styles. I wouldn't buy an original if I could afford it, and I certainly wouldn't buy a fake or a knockoff.
My issue with LV is that most of their bags are too busy, and I don't like the colors and materials and hardware.
I really dislike the duotone brown monogram leather which I kind of see as being the "classic" LV trademark leather. I don't know why, but that two-tone brown has always just looked kind of queasy to me.
I think the ones like the Cherry Blossom and the one with the little alien would be adorable if it didn't have the monogram underneath of the graphic print.
The Multicolore, I really don't like. I don't like the colors, I think it is way too busy. Mostly, though, I don't like the colors. The turquoise, yellow, magenta, ect, look like the 8-bit color selction from an old-school Tandy TRS with a color monitor. (show my age a bit, shall I?)
That said, I don't fault anyone else for liking LVs. Some of their plainer stuff isn't bad looking, though still not my big thing. Some of their more bizarre stuff will probably become a sought-after classic long after the hype dies down. Moreover, I'm a G.D.I. of the fashion world--totally outside of the Luxe Loop, so I might just not be seeing or understanding what is so great about high-end goods simply because they are so out of my range that I will probably never even hold an LV, let alone think to buy one. If I had the $1-2k hanging around, it would be spent on restoring my car or buying plants for landscaping the yard, or getting a start on finishing out the attic of the house.