Live Streaming... The F/W 2025.26 Fashion Shows
Boring hair, uninspired makeup, and the same sleazy dress style as always. If I was half that beautiful and was invited to the Cannes Film Festival I would do my damnedest to leave everyone breathless. If Irina is wondering why her her high fashion modeling career has the pace of a lethargic snail then she should be made aware that what you wear, your overall style in public events (especially as huge as this) all play a role in what doors open for you.
P.S. I'm not sorry this sounds bitchy
Amfar after after after party!
Can this trip get any better? Had so much fun with my fav John !xx
For my first time on the big screen...I'm so excited and honored to say ill be working with Brett Ratner on his new movie Hercules!!! Thank u