Irish Street Style

uh-oh, this page is a bit neglected isn't it!


Hmmm... anakaye, seems we are acquainted, no?! Nice photies btw, was beginning to wonder if i was the only paddy around here!
i'm not sure if we are indeed acquainted but i have nothing to do with the photos i posted... i'm just an observer...
Cool, I didn't realize this page was here! I must go see if I can find some pics to show off how cool us irish are!!
Ooh LegsXI thanks for the yummy posts! I sometimes think fashion filosofy only gets in a very small niche of Irish street style. I think there are alot more bland dressers out there than it may seem, but also a lot more great ones too that perhaps are not as in-your face.. Though i guess that is what makes them noticeable to a photographer in the first place..!
Anyway here are some from a blog I just found





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I do find, from my own experience and the stories I hear from others, that there's a definite small-mindedness in Northern Ireland where men and women can attract abuse for standing out too much.

There were always a lot of inventive dressers around areas such as the Art College because students would happily wear their own designs at all hours of the day, but elsewhere, outfits become safer. And I also think the weather stops people from being too 'impractical' with their clothing, because it's so variable you end up dressing to anticipate rain at any moment.
i absolutely hate fashion filosophy, dublinstreets is far better because they seem to pick out people who put clothes together and look comfortable, unlike ff which i think just follows the latest trends and looks for people who do so too, i think they (the blogs not irish people) are really uninspiring.
Every now and again they find someone with good style, but not very often.
(the reason im so passionate about it is because i'm from dublin, and when found those two sites i was so excited to see whats going on back home, but instead i just find them bland)
I gotta agree with you B.L.U.E especially with ff.. often they seem somewhat staged too and deffo only show a small section of Irish street style... someone did take a photo of me and my friend on Grafton St. yesterday though.. she asked about labels we like and where our clothes were from... I'd just come from college though and was really confused.. i didn't even think to ask what it was for! :blush:
I agree too, they don't really get their pics off the streets either, they're more from poncy events and stuff :innocent:
^^^ thats exactly what I was thinking, all the pics are from the same few events...boring! There are no good irish blogs on street style or fashion for that matter...although if there are I stand corrected! Maybe I should get off my *** and start my own...hmm!
i really don't think it's a matter of not enough blogs... there is just little to no innovation in dublin at the moment. So much of it is London-style-3-months-too-late, then there's also a large proportion of topshop and urban outfitters aficionados, and outside of that, there's very little else. I get what you mean about art students Tigerrouge about art students... but i also think a lot of people are trying too hard to emulate what they see on the internet being beamed in from London/NY/Scandinavia.
i think it's time that Irish street style became something of its own, and not a pale and pathetic imitation of other cities!

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