Is Jennifer Aniston Pregnant ? Engaged ?

i am sooooo off-topic.. pardon me to ask silly questions to all of you, but i would love to be answered at some point. first of all, why john mayer is believed to be a douche?

i do ask. because. i am a great admirer of chris botti and his band. i was once at his press conference which his band also attended, along with mark whitfield.. his guitarist. and this guitarist happens to know john mayer very well indeed, as he worked with him numerous times. one of the journalist that attended the press conference asked whitfield about his work done with mayer, as they are both very passionate towards the guitar. whitfield admitted he has never known more sweeter and reliable person than john mayer himself. he had praised his personality to heavens..

that's why i am curious. maybe it was just plain talking...
If Jennifer had been pregnant every time Star or People or US ran that cover story she would have at least 20 children by now.
If she needs a baby to hold on to a man, why does she wait until John? (assuming that rumor is true.) Oh, i got it! Maybe Brad Pitt was not worth it.:innocent: We all know who is more despearte in that regard. :lol:
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i am sooooo off-topic.. pardon me to ask silly questions to all of you, but i would love to be answered at some point. first of all, why john mayer is believed to be a douche?

i do ask. because. i am a great admirer of chris botti and his band. i was once at his press conference which his band also attended, along with mark whitfield.. his guitarist. and this guitarist happens to know john mayer very well indeed, as he worked with him numerous times. one of the journalist that attended the press conference asked whitfield about his work done with mayer, as they are both very passionate towards the guitar. whitfield admitted he has never known more sweeter and reliable person than john mayer himself. he had praised his personality to heavens..

that's why i am curious. maybe it was just plain talking...
John is cool with his friends and with people in general [speaking from experience] but when he is described as a "douche" not because of his overall personality but how he treats the girls/women he have dated/hookedup/slept with. bottomline, he's a typical *** when it comes with relationships of the opposite sex, i'm sure you girls and ladies have encountered such a boyfriend or one-nighter in your life? if not, then you may have heard from girlfriends of their experience with one?
Jen should've stayed with Vince. He may not be a stud but he's real and way better than the men she's been linked to as of late.

Two words: Gerard Butler.

Jesus, she wouldn't let Brad plant his seed but apparently JOHN MAYER was acceptable? God, talk about settling haha.. Seriously now, what the heck happened to him? I loved him in his "Your Body Is A Wonderland" days. Then I see him in Borat's bathing suit and it's like his douche-bag switch got turned on.

All I can say is, if this is true, this could possibly be the biggest downgrade in Hollywood History :innocent:
^^^ OMG Gerry Butler is so hot! He and Jen would be so cute together and it would be a great upgrade from Brad and especially from the rags she's been dating since (not including Vince)

If Jen is pregnant than congrats to her, if she's not then I would recommend NOT having a kid with J Meyer who is the biggest tool and womanizer. Why women find him attractive (physically or otherwise) is a wonder
Jennifer Aniston Has A Baby Bump???

Wed, 22 October 2008 at 1:33 am

Jennifer Aniston fuels rumors that she’s expecting as she makes a stop at her mother’s house on Tuesday afternoon in West Hollywood, Calif.

Australia’s News Weekly reported that the 39-year-old actress has reunited with rocker John Mayer and is reportedly expecting his child!

Jennifer and John, 30, claiming to have committment-phobia, reportedly reunited over a romantic dinner in New York just over a week ago.

WHAT DO YOU THINK — Is Jen pregnant or not?
oh hell no :lol:
He's so hot Aniston is a cold fish to him.
if Owen Wilson who she worked in a movie with didn't hit on her, THAT SAYS ALOT about dear ole Jen lol.... sorry to say.

Isn't that what I said?? Your post said she hadn't been linked to any better men since Vince Vaughn. Gerard Butler's probably the hottest guy she's been linked with since Brad (and maybe that model dude I dunno his name)
As for Owen Wilson though :sick:
(On a side note, when he came to town about a month ago to film, he went to a lounge where he subsequently hit on my 24 year old office manager from work and went jogging with her the next day :lol:) I guess he likes them young (he's friggin 40)
AH! it looked like you were implying Gerard Butler is good for Jen. sorry. lol

yeah, Owen is up there. lol
also not to mention another flirt (coughsKevinCostnercoughs) who she made a movie with didn't flirt/bed her either, and he's notorious for such behavior in and off the set.
But.. why? Why does PR think it makes her look good to be seen with so many different men? To make it seem that she is desired or something?

I always thought she and Vince would last, I thought they made a good couple..

I still like Jen though, it's not (entirely) her fault if she hasn't had good luck with men so far... I truly wish her the happy ending like Brad has had...
But.. why? Why does PR think it makes her look good to be seen with so many different men? To make it seem that she is desired or something?

I think right after Brad left her they really played the sympathy card,
making everyone feel bad for her.... Poor Jen.:cry:

Now they are going t*t for tat with Brangelina to show she is so over Brad.
The Gerald Butler rumors happened soon after all the attention was on the twin's pregnancy.
Now she is back with John Mayer and back in the news just as Angelina is on W and promoting her new movie.

if it is true...I have to say I really hate that kind of PR tactics. Being overexposed like Brangelina is never a good thing.

BTW I had never heard of that Gerald Butler rumor before.
the model with whom she has been romantically linked with name is paul sculfor. i've heard he has passed on to cameron diaz just after (m)aniston.

and. IMHO if she wants to show the world how she is over brad.. she would get pregnant in 2005/2006. with vince. who seemed to be a stable guy.

nevertheless, she is a bizarre persona for me. every man she had been together with seems to departure from her as quickly as possible. i mean.. what can be wrong with 39-year-old woman who's on the verge of becoming a frustrated spinster? (or a cougar.. even worse). 'cause let's face the truth.. she's nearly 40. rather sooner than later baby bell will stop ringing...
Jesus this thread is full of a lot of mysoginist crap. The suggestion that, because she didn't have relationships with her co-stars Wilson or Costner, she is a "cold-fish" is absolutely absurd.
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