James Rousseau

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I can't believe more of his pictures haven't been posted! I adore him. Oh man.

More James:


I think he's so cute, his face is very interesting. Sorry for any reposts. :flower:
he is just lovely...
he has that british 'thing' that is a biiiig, huge turn on...
I don't care for his modelling photos but in candids he's fairly hot, especially in the ones below. He's one of the few male models who is semi-close to my type in that he has cute, intelligent eyes and seems like an interesting person. I don't know why he always appears so gaunt and freaky in fashion photos.

Yeah, apparently he's going out with Kate Bosworth :huh: I'm jealous. (source: ohnotheydidnt, kate bosworth's tFS thread)


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he is cuter in candids than most of his modeling shots, some of those I do like though

#61 the second one in this post is one of my faves, he looks adorable
he looks kind of like prince william... not my cup of tea
but he's related to jean jacque rosseau, no? that's very cool
somebody on the fashion spot said it is maby James Rousseau is that true, or those any body know who this guy is? The only thing that i know is that i meet him a fuw years ago at the valentino show, and i though he whas really good looking that is why i asked him to go on the picture with me :blush::blush:
It definitly looks like James to me! cute you met him! was he nice?
^thanks for your respons are you sure it is him ??? i really want to know :-))) thanksssssssssssssssssssss
I'd say 99% chances are thats him

he looks like he does in these pics see

source: model-hommes
WOOWWW thank you so much for this, ohhh my god i did not know he had such a great body !!! :blush::blush: If i only know at that time hhahhhah :D:D Yes now im 100 procent sure it is him, but he looks great, but at those pictures with kate b he looks UGGHHHH .
Thank you so much vmob84 for this info, im really happy to know who he is, this whas my only pictures of a model that i did not know , but now i know ^_^^_^

vmob84 said:
I'd say 99% chances are thats him

he looks like he does in these pics see

source: model-hommes
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yw :flower: you have a great collection of pics! how do you get to meet all these models anyways?
for work going to paris fashion week, and meeting all the greatest models of the world :-))) Im so happy i meet them all, this is a huge hobby for me, for allready more than 10 years !!! Im happy you like my website :-))) merci
OOH HE IS CUTE! so i was jsut randomly reading something on Bosworth when i saw a candid of HIM:woot: :woot: :wub: he is gorgeous! i liek his long haire dlook in a few of the shoots but man the candids are ultimately ht too, that 2nd pic^with kate, wwozeee!

i mean loooooooooooooook
:wub: :crush: :crush: :crush: she has soooooooo totally done better for hersefl! talk about upghrade ;p (yup, i dont see the fuss in olradno!)

he has a lovely smile! and just looks super cool and slick! i much prefer his short hair look, ohhh wow!

wowzee, and hes a Brit ;p
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Im looking for photos of James that would fit a hip cool, editorial ad for Versace e.g leather, tightly fitted suits, could anyone help me :) Pm them to me if you have any or post them here
Vogue Homem Brazil November 2003 with his ex Ana Beatriz Barros

I happened to walk past the notice board in our college main building today about Old Malvernians.
And there he is, a picture of him in the current Jaeger campaign, I only just found out I am in the same school as he was! :D

Nothing much, just showing off :p
Wow, I love those Vogue Homem Brazil shots! :woot: Thanks for posting those.

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