Jerome Dreyfuss Bags

Thanks! I'm curious about the leather jackets. Do you know about the price range Kenysha?
Dont know about the jacket price yet but my guess would be 350 to 600 euros maybe...
Jérôme Dreyfuss Store TAIPEI

Excellente nouvelle pour nos clientes habitant Taipei et sa région… pour toutes celles qui auront le plaisir de s’y rendre ces prochains mois. Elles pourront désormais acquérir les créations Jérôme Dreyfuss dans un shop-in-shop leur étant exclusivement dédié !

Jérôme Dreyfuss Store
1, eslite Dunhua store 1 F
No.245, Sec. 1

Dunhua N. Rd.

Da’an Dist.

Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tél. 886 2 8773-5498
Christmas parisian boutiques

Les vitrines de nos deux boutiques parisiennes ont été décorées en circonstance de silhouettes aux masques festifs…

Nous les devons à la talentueuse artiste Caroline Rennequin. Faits de papiers, peints découpés et assemblés, ces masques joyeux ambianceront nos vitrines durant toute la période des fêtes de fin d’année (et seront là aussi à l’aube de 2010). Lumineux Noël à toutes !
Halloween parisian boutiques

Mais qu’est-il arrivé à Billy, Gilbert et Lucien, transformés en d’étranges squelettes dans les vitrines de nos boutiques parisiennes ?

Pas de panique, on doit ces superbes mutations de nos créations en de surprenants squelettes à l’artiste française Caroline Rennequin. Sculptés en terre cuite, ces ossements de Billy, Gilbert et Lucien ont ensuite été peints avant d’être installés dans nos boutiques de la rue Jacob et de la rue de l’Échaudé. Un bon (et nouveau) prétexte pour nous rendre visite… à l’approche d’Halloween.
Question for anyone with a does the bag close? I love the shape but hate bags that don't close with some degree of security so any info would be appreciated.
Hebden unfortunately you cant close the billy bag I love it too but I had to resell my 2 billy cause I could not close them
But I see more & more girls in paris with this bag so I guess its not such a big problem after all
Thanks for the information :flower: It probably doesn't bother a lot of people...perhaps I'm just paranoid about pickpockets or my own ability to drop things...but, for me, the bag being open would stop me getting it.
So ive just called the boutique rue jacob the jacket price is 1500 euros
^Ouch! Expensive much! Thanks for the pm btw!
I have the billy. It does close, just not completely. There are three big snaps up top and then then two leather straps on the side with snaps that draws the sides in a bit. I just put my wallet in the bottom of my bag under all of my heavy books, makeup bag, camera and bits and bobs.
[FONT="TIMES NEW ROMAN]Spring/Summer collection is now up online[/FONT]
billy black crocodile

Those croc Billys are incredible but I prefer the drape of the leather ones.. If I had thousands of dollars that I couldn't find other ways to spend I would not mind having one of those croc bags though.

I just bought the Twee in leopard pony skin, am contemplating the Billy in a marbled beige pony...

I LOVE the blue bags posted, JF makes such a nice shade of blue and the volcano leather is sooo amazing!
I am on the lookout for a billy, but i'm just so undecided about the color! I like the green and grey ones but they don't wow me, i think...

Bordeaux would be great, does the billy exist in bordeaux?
Also, does anyone know of a style that is truly a crossbody bag, maybe the twee? I tend to spend a lot of time walking and it really hurts my shoulder to carry a bag on one side only.
Jerome Dreyfuss fall 2010

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