Jessica Alba Wants to Sue Hugh Hefner *update- she forgives him*


I love model_mom!
Jan 14, 2004
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Actress Jessica Alba has threatened Playboy lothario Hugh Hefner with legal action, insisting the March issue of his magazine suggests she poses "nude or semi-nude".
Alba shot off a legal warning to the magazine mogul after realizing her image had been placed on the cover of the soft-p*rn publication, without her knowledge or consent.
The letter demands Playboy immediately stops distributing the offending issue, and Alba insists a "monetary settlement" is appropriate.
Alba's lawyer Brian Wolf claims the actress had previously turned down a substantial payment to be a Playboy cover girl and accuses the publication of tricking Colombia Pictures into allowing them a promotional shot from her film 'Into The Blue.'
Colombia Pictures have also written to Hefner, slamming the "outrageous, unethical behavior utilized by Playboy personnel to obtain" the racy shot.

from World Entertainment News Network 2006
How horrible for her! I would be really angry too if this happened to me!
^ I'd be angry, as well.
Yeah, really. That's pretty low. Did he want her on the cover THAT bad? I'm sure one of his "girlfriends" would have been more than willing to pose.
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What's her problem...

The way she's provocatively promoted herself over the years to compensate for lack of talent means she'll be heading for Playboy in the future anyway, once the roles inevitably dry up and get passed over to the next hot girl waiting round the corner.......

she might as well get Playboy out of her system now....:innocent:
While I would be pissed if I was Alba... what does she expect. Whenever I see her on magazine covers she is prancing around in a bikini or very little clothing. Not to mention she has made a movie career of being scantily clad. Frankly, I don't feel sorry for her.
^I think the main issue here is that she never agreed to be on the cover in the first place, be it a playboy or marie claire cover!

Here's a quote from the story on this:

Alba's lawyers say that after the "Fantastic Four" star refused to pose for Playboy, the magazine tricked Sony Pictures into giving them a publicity photo from her 2005 film "Into the Blue," for the cover.
oh please. has anyone seen jessica's movies? she's half naked in all of them. "sin city," anyone? i mean, she plays a STRIPPER in it.
Those rolls that she plays are for her "career". Her choosing to be/ not to be on playboy seems to me- to not have been a "career" move she wanted to make.

So what if she wore "sexy" clothing and played a stripper. She WANTED to! She did not WANT to be on Playboy. What is so difficult to comprehend?:unsure:
She has always said that she hates the fact that everyone wants her half naked in all her films or in photos and if she had the choice I am sure she would be fully clothed in most everything she does. But what other attractive actress can you name that hasnt done the same throughout their career? The choice for was have a career or don't. This is the cost. Let's face it, sex sells and Hollywood exists today because of it. HOWEVER, you have the choice to be on a magazine cover, no? What you wear...not so much but to be on one nonetheless. When on Playboy, it's pretty much a given that your going to be as naked as possible. She is in a serious relationship right now.. they disrespected her rights greatly. There is no denying that.
actually, you do not have a choice. the image of her in a bikini is a legitimate picture of her in support of some movie. playboy bought rights to that image in order to publish it. therefore, they are allowed to print it in their magazine.
A Playboy spokeswoman said Alba was placed on the cover after being chosen "sexiest star of the year" by its readers. She was included inside the magazine in an article on the top 25 sexiest celebrities as chosen in an online poll "Many celebrities have appeared on the cover of Playboy, but not nude, including Claudia Schiffer, Paris Hilton, Goldie Hawn, Raquel Welch, Barbra Streisand, Brooke Shields</SPAN> and Donald Trump," Playboy spokeswoman Lauren Malone said.

Seems to me that Playboy did nothing wrong....
Alba's just taking her 'image' a little too seriously :rolleyes: She's not exactly an Oscar actress, good lord....
I'm surprised at all the anti-feminism going on in this thread.

Women should be allowed to make their own CHOICES and not have CHOICES made for them just because they're very sexy and have gorgeous bodies.... Jessica should use her body and sexuality for however she WANTS....

Just because she's not an Oscar actress and just becuase she's played a stripper and a diver, people should MAKE their choices for her?!

I can't even believe this.. Basically people are saying that corporations should make decisions for women, that women should have no autonomy or power once they take off their clothes... that no one should RESPECT a woman's rights if she takes off her clothes for a movie role?!?!

That people should only respect women who win OSCARS?!
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^ Oh chill out :innocent:

Remember, this is Hollywood we're talking about. Somehow a ditzy blonde wearing a bikini makes more money than a female laywer who puts r*pists in jail. That's life.

Anyway--If it's not legal, she'll win the case. If it is legal, she'll get over it.
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oolie coco said:
I'm surprised at all the anti-feminism going on in this thread.

Women should be allowed to make their own CHOICES and not have CHOICES made for them just because they're very sexy and have gorgeous bodies.... Jessica should use her body and sexuality for however she WANTS....

Just because she's not an Oscar actress and just becuase she's played a stripper and a diver, people should MAKE their choices for her?!

I can't even believe this.. Basically people are saying that corporations should make decisions for women, that women should have no autonomy or power once they take off their clothes... that no one should RESPECT a woman's rights if she takes off her clothes for a movie role?!?!

That people should only respect women who win OSCARS?! you even understand the original concept of of feminism....

Yes I'm sure the suffragettes would be real proud of the way instead of letting men objectify us women, we just save them the hassle and do it ourselves. :innocent: The irony is corporations are making decision for actresses. Nowadays the only actresses that get attention are the ones who behave in a provocative manner and have a sexy image. Most young actresses and female singers in showbiz have peddled a sexually charged image at some point to sell themselves.

Women are just fooling themselves into thinking they have the power when in reality they don't. Men still want to see sexy naked women, and that's what actresses like Jessica Alba give them. And Oscars has got jack to do with it so why that's your big question, I'm confused . It's about self respect. I will always have more respect for a woman who keeps her clothes on throughout her entire career and still acheive success.

I love the excuses some of the actresses come up with to explain why their clothes keep falling off for men's magazines: 'I want to prove I've grown up' ' I'm a feminist, I'm a strong woman' Nah love, you're just a struggling actress who's using the old 't*t and ***' method because you haven't got the patience or talent to do it a decent dignified way, which fine if that's what you want to do. Just don't insult the intelligence of people and make out it's a feminist act.

Funny thing is women like Jessica Alba are the first ones to scream out about sexism and the way in which Hollywood films only give stereotypical sex symbol roles to women.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.:wink:
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modelmama said:
Those rolls that she plays are for her "career". Her choosing to be/ not to be on playboy seems to me- to not have been a "career" move she wanted to make.

So what if she wore "sexy" clothing and played a stripper. She WANTED to! She did not WANT to be on Playboy. What is so difficult to comprehend?:unsure:

I completely agree 100%!! She could do nude scenes galore for all I care in her movies... the point is she did not want to be on the cover of Playboy.. she should not be on the cover period.

I remember this happened to Vanna White when Wheel of Fortune was first starting to make it big.. this type of crap just shouldn't be going on.. like it or not.. playboy represents a certain image.. posing naked on the cover of Vanity Fair and posing (even not naked) on the cover of Playboy are two different things.. percieved different ways by the majority of the public and it really affects an actresse's image (which is all important in Hollywood).. so she has done racy roles (which I'm sure are the majority of roles she is offered probably.. give her a break!!)... doesn't mean Hugh Heffner can just post her on the cover of his magazine w/o her permission.

And so what if Claudia Schiffard, Barbara Streissand, were on the cover of playboy.. Hilary Clinton could be on the cover.. if Jessica Alba doesn't want to be on it.. she shouldn't be.

If I were Jessica Alba I'd be fuming right now as well...
A Playboy spokeswoman said Alba was placed on the cover after being chosen "sexiest star of the year" by its readers. She was included inside the magazine in an article on the top 25 sexiest celebrities as chosen in an online poll "Many celebrities have appeared on the cover of Playboy, but not nude, including Claudia Schiffer, Paris Hilton, Goldie Hawn, Raquel Welch, Barbra Streisand, Brooke Shields</SPAN> and Donald Trump," Playboy spokeswoman Lauren Malone said.

Woah okay... Paris Hilton?? Wasn't she going on about how she'll never do it?

And why the hell is Donald Trump on the cover of Playboy... so wrong.

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