Interview from Maxim:
Standing 5'10" without heels, she was built to strut catwalks and break necks. Performing in everything from the fabled Victoria’s Secret show to high-end fashion campaigns, Jessica defines the modern super*model. And coming up, she has the
White Out Project, which we'll be watching out for. Meet the unique Jessica White.
You’ve done bikinis and body paint for the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue. Which do you prefer?
My first experience with body painting was pretty funny. I was supposed to be “wearing” a Miami Dolphins jersey with the number 54. Now, I have real breasts, but they’re big, so it was almost impossible to get the five and the four over them. If they were a little harder, it would have been easier, but they’re real. It took three hours for each boob.
So not your favorite gig?
The painted swimwear is fun, because it’s art, and I look at myself as an artist. I love exploring that. When you do a lot of bathing suit and lingerie shoots like I do, you’re looking for the next best thing to keep the creative juices going.
What’s it like doing the Victoria’s Secret show?
Intense. It’s a big, epic show. But backstage is probably more interesting than the runway. It’s a madhouse…That’s the only word to describe it. You’ve got women running around completely nude trying to get to their next look. It’s confusing. It’s exciting…It’s a big ball of fun.
Have you ever had a runway accident? Only one. I was doing the Vogue fashion awards when I was 16, live on VH1. I was coming down the steps, and I’m a really hard walker. I hadn’t had a mistake yet in my career. Everything had been perfect. So I come down the steps on live TV, and I slip. I didn’t fall, but you could see the look on my face. I was mortified. I was devastated. But you live and you learn.
Have you really been celibate for the past year?
Yes! Team celibacy over here. I’m empowering all women. I’m not necessarily saying to stay celibate. Making love is a beautiful thing. But you don’t have to connect with someone unless you truly know the person. I’m in love with someone—that doesn’t mean I need to connect with him. I’m just telling women to be smarter about the way they go about relationships.
What do you look for in a guy?
A strong man who isn’t going to disappear next to me, because I’m an extremely strong woman. A person who understands that I love my job and that I work extremely hard. I don’t want a man who’s perfect, because nobody’s perfect.
We hear you used to sleepwalk.
Yes, when I was younger. I’d sleepwalk and throw things at my sisters while I slept. I would open up their drawers and throw socks and hit them in the head with shoes.
From: Buffalo, NY
Birthday: June 22
Special Skill: “I can write. I’m writing my own book of poetry.”
Alternate Career: “If I wasn’t a model, I would be a foren*sic pathologist. I’m obsessed with medicine.”
Favorite Body Part: “I love my legs. They made me famous.”