Jill Stuart S/S 06 New York

Some of it is sweet and pretty, but as a whole I don't like it. I'm not exactly sure why, can't really point my finger on it, I'm just not feeling it. :ninja:
I agree with fashionmad...
I think I'm growing to respect Jill Stuart more and more...just from seeing the collections...underneath all these frills she has her own style and yet is definitely evolving in her art. One can tell she remains inspired and loves her work. And she does have a sense for balance.
Very pretty, I love delicate dresses like such. A lot of the models look really strange.
Mmmm ... sugar and spice and everything nice ... this is like cupcakes. Some of it is a bit over the top, some very wearable ... it's just so nice to see pretty.

...so beautiful and lovely and fresh and pretty and romantic and...love it
There are a lot of nice things in this collection, but also a bunch that I wouldn't even go near.... the over-embellishment is just NOT my style.
didn't really like this - never like her clothes much. too boring for my taste. i liked the bathing suits though.

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