JLO yells at airhostess

CelineChic said:
So you met her for a total of what, 15 minutes? And you're able to disregard any chance of her having an attitude problem?

Well, you are certainly the authority when it comes to attitude problems! :lol:
CelineChic said:
So you met her for a total of what, 15 minutes? And you're able to disregard any chance of her having an attitude problem?

Probably more accurate than judging Jennifer from a bitchy inaccurate website though...:innocent:
Heroin_Chic said:
I used to like her a lot and I never expected something like that from her! :( She is not a spoiled brat like Paris Hilton, who grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth.

JLO is from the Bronx and wore cheap shoes most of her life so how dare she talk to the stewardess like that! :yuk:

EXACTLY!!!! Who the hell does she think she is.....REMEMBER Jennifer Lopez....YOU'RE JENNY FROM THE BLOCK!!! You used to ride the 6 Train! don't get it twisted!

I hate when celebs and people who have achieved some sort of status in society treat other people like they are less human. But you know...that just goes to show you what kind of person jennifer really is...because if you were a kind hearted person you wouldn't belittle someone else to make yourself feel better!
style_savy said:
Oh trust me I've worked in the "real" world. I've held down lots of sh*tty jobs worse than waiting like housekeeping which is friggen nasty even at the nice hotel I worked at. That's how I pay for my degree. Life's tough for everyone these days. I think If I'm gonna give up hard earned money that I need myself just like you the person better have done their job decently at least. I don't pity others because I don't pity myself and I know what it's like to work for nothing. I'm not saying don't tip I'm just saying it's someones generosity if they leave extra money. And if you wanna tip bad service then may it be said "a fool and his money is easily parted".

I completely agree with you:flower:
u know, i think people love to hate Jennifer Lopez just to hate her....someone that u could pick on over and over again because she is an easy target for scrunity from the public!
Heroin_Chic said:
Excuse me, have you ever worked in the real world!?

Waiter is one of the worst-paid jobs out there! 6-7 bucks per hour and usually the better the place, the worse the payment - owners justify that by the tips they`re supposed to get! So if waiters are not tipped they`re screwed.

I tip 10-20% for every service I receive. That`s just normal politeness & understanding for other people`s situations! So, if a dead-broke student like me tips everywhere why can`t millionares do it!? :doh:

Oh please. Tipping in the world has gone crazy. I am with Style_savvy on this. In America they tip even if the service is terrible and I would refuse. In England you just don't. If you want a tip, you give exemplary service.

And you just contradict yourself. If owners give people awful pay because they assume they'll get tipped, then surely a society where tipping only occurs with very good service but everyone gets decent pay in the first place, is preferable.
style_savy said:
Oh trust me I've worked in the "real" world. I've held down lots of sh*tty jobs worse than waiting like housekeeping which is friggen nasty even at the nice hotel I worked at. That's how I pay for my degree. Life's tough for everyone these days. I think If I'm gonna give up hard earned money that I need myself just like you the person better have done their job decently at least. I don't pity others because I don't pity myself and I know what it's like to work for nothing. I'm not saying don't tip I'm just saying it's someones generosity if they leave extra money. And if you wanna tip bad service then may it be said "a fool and his money is easily parted".

Karma. Why is it called tipping if it is compulsory? It is an act of generosity. And if there is service charge which there often is, there is absolutely no need to tip.

The staff in America and other places where tipping is standard are so rude because they take their tips for granted. It shouldnt be like that.
SiennaInLondon said:
Karma. Why is it called tipping if it is compulsory? It is an act of generosity. And if there is service charge which there often is, there is absolutely no need to tip.

The staff in America and other places where tipping is standard are so rude because they take their tips for granted. It shouldnt be like that.

This generalization does not stand up. I know plenty of service industry people who depend on tips and they have all been "stiffed" way too many times for them to assume they will receive a tip no matter how good their service is. Most of them provide good service anyway because they need the tips to pay their rent, buy groceries, etc.

They are well aware that people from certain parts of the world are very unlikely to leave them a tip...
SiennaInLondon said:
Argh it wont let me karma you style_savvy!

No worries glad you agree with me. Waiters are paid little because emlpoyers take their tips into account. They know that waiters will work for less if they think they can make up for lost wage in tips and take advantage of it. Essentially the public ends up paying extra for a service that should be provided in the costs of the meal. Essentially it's all just the supply and demand of labor. The higher the demand for waiting jobs (which there usually is high demand) the lower you can get away with paying staff. Maybe because I look at it from this capitalist economic stand point instead of the socialist way some of you do is why I feel tipping is in essence generosity or you could say charity.
Personally I have no problem giving a tip, regardless of how poor the service was. I guess that's just me....
BodhiTree said:
Personally I have no problem giving a tip, regardless of how poor the service was. I guess that's just me....

It's not just you. I always give one regardless of how the service is. If it is exceptional I will give 25%, normal 20% and poor 15%.

If I had an issue with paying a tip then I wouldn't go out and have people serve me in the first place. One would have to be quite a Scrooge to have people serve them and not pay them a tip.
tangerine said:
They are well aware that people from certain parts of the world are very unlikely to leave them a tip...

My sister's been waitressing for over 10 years now and says although bad tippers can be found in any group, the absolute worst tippers are old, white, American couples. When she worked at diners, not only would they not give money as tips, they would often give her fundamentalist leaflets to their church. Saved by Jesus, you don't need rent money, apparently.

Anyway, my sister works her *** off for tips, and doesn't expect them if she gives lousy service, so she tries to do her best every day. Oh so solicitious to their faces, choking down their hatred for them inside. All her waitressing friends are the same way, they cannot stand the customers, but plaster that smile on and do everything and anything asked because otherwise they'll get no tip at all.

So because of her stories and experiences, I a)never eat the coleslaw or chili, b)tip generously when the service is good (I do 20% for good, 25% for great) c) stack all the dishes neatly on the table when we're done, for easy pickup, and d)know that the waitstaff waits and watches for you to be chewing to ask if you need anything, because then you can't ask, and they won't have to get it. I'm onto their tricks though, and will pretend to take a bite to lure them over ^_^
Anastasia said:
All her waitressing friends are the same way, they cannot stand the customers, but plaster that smile on and do everything and anything asked because otherwise they'll get no tip at all.
Why the hate? :huh:

So because of her stories and experiences, I a)never eat the coleslaw or chili
That is something we really don't have to know.

I always try to be nice to any staff, in any store or restaurant, unless they are mean to me for no reason.
Harumi said:
Why the hate? :huh:

From her experiences working in the industry - she's been called a b*tch and worse, kicked, pushed bodily away while trying to serve, says no one is ever satisfied with anything, she gets yelled at for the quality of the food very often, as though it is her fault, never treated as a person but as the slave/robot bringing the food, etc - she knows not all customers are like that, but so many have been, she starts to paint them all with the same brush.

Then again, my sister can be a bit of a psycho, and hangs out with like-minded people, so maybe they're just an aberration ;) From most of the longterm waitstaff I've known personally though, there seems to be at least a great disgust for the customer, if not outright dislike/hate. I guess years of watching people eat while they're nasty to you can inspire great irritation.

Well, for the coleslaw (which I also love) the waitstaff/kitchen staff tends to spit in the barrel of it to vent their frustrations. I'm not saying all places are like this. But it's been a common theme in places she's worked, and I've heard the story elsewhere. I would think it was an urban legend if she hadn't seen it first hand. And Oprah's done shows where they've found urine and semen in food coming out of a kitchen, so I totally believe the spit.

She says the rumor about them spitting directly in your individual portion of food if you send it back isn't something she's seen though, thank goodness.

With the chili - and this is for lower end places, like fast food and diners - any "suspect" meat, that's been sitting on the grill too long or whatnot gets broken up and thrown in the chili.

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