McCartney vs. JLo

Nader said:
If anything its that DISGUSTING mink hat that Naomi wears at the end of her fall 05 show that warrants harassment.
I agree with that :lol: :lol: :lol:
I never really understood this though...why do they have to skin animals alive to make fure? why not just use fur off dead animals?
they're protesting against JLo not because she simply wears fur, but because she has a clothing line that uses fur.

I much prefer people who protest against fur advertisers than people who financially support the fur industry, which kills so many beautiful foxes, chinchilas and other cute animals in such a disgustingly cruel way... skin them alive? electrocute them from the inside? yeah, that's classy.
waukon73 said:
Why not talk to J.Lo in private, I'm sure it would be way more effective then hollering crazy things at her.

exactly! ;) but then that would rob Paul's wife the opprtunity of some valuable tabloid space.

The only fake person in all of this debacle is Paul's wife.
Yes, I'm sure that J.LO will listen to bunch of craz people screaming outside her offices, and it's not like she was actually at the Sweetface office anyway..
Wait a second...I don't think many of you guys are seeing the big picture. Before everyone goes off and calls Paul's wife a media attention wh*re, let's all review how completely nonsensical that sounds. I think supporting animal rights is the most selfless and humane thing a person can do. Basic rights like the right to live their lives in their natural habitat with their families, progenerating the circle of life..I don't think that's too much to ask and it's sad human kind still feels the need to exploit others even after all these civil revolutions with african-americans and women.

Anyways, I'm all about fighting the good fight and at least these people are standing up for what they believe, that's more than I can say for our colonization of dull-minded clones of our capitalistic society. ::ahem:: I mean do we really need a J.Lo monopolization of film, music AND fashion? Has the arts turned into a joke? Thanks my 0.02 guys, spend wisely.
I am sorry sssanguine, but as a person of color, I resent civil rights/slavery being used by the animal rights contingent. I don't like the Holocaust being dragged into it either. That to me is insulting. PETA has already tried this, and there was a backlash. (rightfully so, imo)

I am no fan of JLo, however she has not monopolized anything. She does have a right to earn a living, whether or not any of us like her choice of career. Everyone does not have the same sense of morality, everyone does not love animals. To me, humane is to not attack a fellow human being because they won't share your opinion or do exactly what you want. Doing so is pure evil, just as evil as hurting an animal. Compassion and respect are not just for animals.

I feel that education is the key. There should be a nationwide campaign to educate retailers and consumers about the use of dog and cat fur so that they are aware and can avoid these products. The countries that engage in this disgusting practice need to be pressured and punished as well.

btw, I don't remember anyone saying that Heather was there to protest JLo's use of dog and cat fur, only her use of fur in general. The news tonight was implying that she is using dog and cat fur. If she is not, I hope she files a huge lawsuit and wins.
I don't get this "omg, she's attacking a fellow human being!" fuss. Nobody did nothing physical to her. She's a human being, yes, but that doesn't mean she's a saint, that doesn't mean people can't criticize her for supporting something inhumane. JLo has the right to wear fur, yes. And people who can't stand the killing of animals for vanity have the right to criticize her and try to get her attention to the issue because if they do, if she considers what these people are trying to tell her, she will be sparing the lives of countless animals. And she'll be an example for others.

I don't like the way PETA handles some things, but I don't feel "sorry" for JLo.
I'm a great supporter of the animal rights cause.
And to be quite honest, animals have never disappointed me as humans do. People can be cruel, greedy, selfish, sadic. Animals have nothing but love to give us. And that's what we give them back: we torture them. So what's so crazy about trying to do something for those who can't speak for themselves and have to endure so much pain in the hands of 'human beings'? It doesn't mean these people don't care about other people. It only means that they also care about something other then their own species.

And I don't get it... people are oh so horrified about what Heather did, but knowing the torture and pain that animals have to endure to become their fur coats doesn't affect them at all. :yuk:
Brazilian Girl said:
I don't get this "omg, she's attacking a fellow human being!" fuss. Nobody did nothing physical to her. She's a human being, yes, but that doesn't mean she's a saint, that doesn't mean people can't criticize her for supporting something inhumane. JLo has the right to wear fur, yes. And people who can't stand the killing of animals for vanity have the right to criticize her and try to get her attention to the issue because if they do, if she considers what these people are trying to tell her, she will be sparing the lives of countless animals. And she'll be an example for others.

I don't like the way PETA handles some things, but I don't feel "sorry" for JLo.
I'm a great supporter of the animal rights cause.
And to be quite honest, animals have never disappointed me as humans do. People can be cruel, greedy, selfish, sadic. Animals have nothing but love to give us. And that's what we give them back: we torture them. So what's so crazy about trying to do something for those who can't speak for themselves and have to endure so much pain in the hands of 'human beings'? It doesn't mean these people don't care about other people. It only means that they also care about something other then their own species.

And I don't get it... people are oh so horrified about what Heather did, but knowing the torture and pain that animals have to endure to become their fur coats doesn't affect them at all. :yuk:

An attack can be psychological as well as physical. Neither one is acceptable to me or can be justified. I wonder if the people who approve of these tactics would open themselves up to be stalked and harassed by those who disagreed with their life/career choices..I highly doubt it.

Perhaps JLo does not want to consider what PETA has to say. Maybe she doesn't want to be an example for others? Everyone on the planet is not an animal lover, nor does everyone believe in the idea of animal rights. It would be great if more people cared, but that simply isn't the reality. Also, there is a HUGE difference between criticizing someone and threatening to bother them at their home.

How do you know that the people who are upset by Heather's actions don't care about animals? I personally am disgusted by the cruelty of the fur industry and also by the thought of dogs and cats being victims. I still refuse to support PETA. I do my part by not wearing fur. I believe in the value of any being's rights, human or animal, and will not violate those of one to protect another. I can care about another species yet not be a disgrace to my own.

Your view of the animal kingdom is a bit unrealistic imo-they are not all cuddly critters. They can also be cruel and violent and greedy and they don't always love us. Wild animals as well as domestic ones injure and kill humans quite often.

btw, no one has answered my question about why Jennifer Lopez, of all the fur-loving celebs out there, is such a target for PETA.
Brazilian girl,thumbs up for your comment..... Nothing frustrates me more than a bunch of ignorant people who pass out wearing fur as ok and then gets furious if someone uses bad ways to denounce them........

oh poor little fragile soul that is.... JLo poor you...... :rolleyes: Those poor animal deserve much more respect.....
stylegurrl & lena you have both shared my sentiments. :heart: :flower:

as far as PETA, they are allowed to rant and rave, and you know to visit a place of business doens't bother me, but when someone start saying they'll visit your home and harrass you- send out the restraining orders, because to me that is crazy and fanatical. yes everyone needs to be educated, but forced to do something because you want them too- doesn't work for me, but that's just how i feel. that kind of behavior makes me lose respect for the organization she is said to be representing.
stylegurrl- First off, you're very evident in your anrthropocentric beliefs, I understand that to you and many other people as well, we (humans) are all that matters in the world but I and many others beg to differ. I think of the world as a community and its survival depends on everyone INCLUDING animals and the earth. Fur shouldn't only be seen as an atrocity because they "might" be using dog and cat fur, what makes them different than other animals just because we call them pets? I think every animal has a right to live.

In regards to the Holocaust thing which is a topic that has already been mentioned please read, "Eternal Treblinka" by Charles Patterson, it's actually the book which funded that belief for Peta, Peta did not coin that association between the holocaust and our treatment of animals. Isaac Bashevis Singer (1904-91), was actually the first major writer to focus on the "Nazi" way we treat animals. Patterson is a Holocaust educator and wrote a book about anti-semitism and the holocaust before he wrote Eternal Treblinka.

'The last part of the book takes pains to tell the stories of individuals whose links to the Holocaust, both as victims and perpetrators, helped steer them into animal liberation advocacy. If the experience of suffering can generate some good, then the work of those whose memory of suffering moves them to alleviate the suffering of
others is even more powerful.'

I really can't see how ANYONE can even corellate suffering and death to someone getting educated maybe in an offensive way but that's all they are really trying to do. So you think it is less humane to torture innocent beings for all their lives until they are put to a painful death so people like J.Lo can be adorned with their carcass than me insulting someone??

Anyways, I and other animal right's advocates know we cannot make people care or sympathize but how can we know if we don't try?
sssanguine said:
stylegurrl- First off, you're very evident in your anrthropocentric beliefs, I understand that to you and many other people as well, we (humans) are all that matters in the world but I and many others beg to differ.

I think stylegurrl herself would beg to differ, since she stated in her posts several times that she is for animal rights and against their mistreatment.
stylegurrl said:
An attack can be psychological as well as physical. Neither one is acceptable to me or can be justified. I wonder if the people who approve of these tactics would open themselves up to be stalked and harassed by those who disagreed with their life/career choices..I highly doubt it.

Perhaps JLo does not want to consider what PETA has to say. Maybe she doesn't want to be an example for others? Everyone on the planet is not an animal lover, nor does everyone believe in the idea of animal rights. It would be great if more people cared, but that simply isn't the reality. Also, there is a HUGE difference between criticizing someone and threatening to bother them at their home.

How do you know that the people who are upset by Heather's actions don't care about animals? I personally am disgusted by the cruelty of the fur industry and also by the thought of dogs and cats being victims. I still refuse to support PETA. I do my part by not wearing fur. I believe in the value of any being's rights, human or animal, and will not violate those of one to protect another. I can care about another species yet not be a disgrace to my own.
I think this is beyond life/career choices, opinions or taste. This is about the suffering os innocent living beings, which for some people may not sound relevant or important at all, but it is. It's basic ethics and common sense (or should be). This kind of atrocities, animals being tortured, should not be acceptable in a society, and it is. They're not even considered atrocities at all, they're considered 'opinions', 'way of life', 'taste'.

I find it revolting that the idea that we shouldn't hurt an animal just as much as we shouldn't hurt a person, is something that only "animal lovers" or "animal right activists" should believe in.

As for the comment Heather made about going to Jennifer's home, I don't think she meant it, and I don't think was "threatening" Jennifer like "you watch your back I'm coming to get you :evil: ". Well if she did, it was really stupid of her. But I still don't think that. I saw Heather on tv (E! news I think), she wasn't fierce, furious, or whatever.
Your view of the animal kingdom is a bit unrealistic imo-they are not all cuddly critters. They can also be cruel and violent and greedy and they don't always love us. Wild animals as well as domestic ones injure and kill humans quite often.
I don't think that. Animals will kill if they feel that their life or offspring or habitat is being threatened. They don't do it because they feel pleasure in doing it, nor they do it gratuitously, like we may do. To a wild animal who doesn't live in contact with humans, a person is nothing but a threat to them, so you can't really expect them to lick your face if you invade their habitat. Domestic animals act the same way if they feel threatened. If you give them love and respect, that's all their gonna give you back.

And I have answered your question about Jennifer being a specific target for PETA.:flower: It's not because she's a person who wears fur, it's because her new clothing line has lots of fur in it, and PETA were expecting to convince her not to use any. They always protest against brands that use fur, it's not simply because it's JLo's line. But she's the one who decides whether there's gonna be fur in her line or not.
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you know, i love quasi-celebrities. especially the animal rights one. yes yes it's noble of them and i agree with their causes but...they're so damn funny. esp. pamela anderson and her giant breasts next to a PETA poster....quite a sight.

oh, on a serious note, regarding the animal discussion- don't forget that humans are animals. skinning animals for their fur is like skinning us for our epidermis :shock:. the only difference between humans and other animals is that we've stopped fertilizing the ground b/c our sh*t goes down pipes now, and not onto the grass.
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