Jorgelina Airaldi

came across a lovely interview with her at :heart:


Full name: Jorgelina Airaldi
place and date of birth: April 17th, 1984 in Colonia Belgrano, Provincia de Santa Fé, Argentina.

Nicknames: Jor or Lina.
Zodiacal sign and Chinese horoscope: Rat and Aries.
What puts you in a bad mood?: when people tell me what to do.
What's the story behind your last name?: it's from Italy. my great-grandparents came from northern Italy and settled in my town.
Hobbies/preferences: I like to play volleyball and I like Antique history.
Greatest virtue, worst flaw: I like to shine through, I'm a dreamer. my biggest flaw is that I dont let anyone help me.
Who would you like to be at a desert island with? I'd like to be lost with my boyfriend, not right now cause I dont have one. Anyway, I wouldnt mind being lost all by myself, I like solitude quite a bit.
what do you think of rugby and rugbiers? I know nothing about rugby. it does nothing to me.
what do you think of plastic surgery? I dont know if I'd get it myself but I dont see anything wrong with it. if it makes you feel better, it's all good.
One dream to be accomplished: I have many dreams to accomplish, I make new plans every single day, I'd love to go from one place to another, see it all. get a backpack and travel somewhere.
what makes you drop a tear?: When I see how things change in my life and feel that there were many left behind. meaning that by choosing something, you lose others.
what scares you?: the emptiness that one feels. has it ever happened to you.. everything's going good but you feel empty inside?, like nothing matters and you start to question a lot of things about your life. there are many times when you feel that.. despite everything going alright.
are you currently practicing any sport? none at the moment.
your favorite national and international model: national would be Daniela is Natalia Vodianova.
your best and worst show?: hmm, that I'm aware dont know..skip that.
Rugby or Polo player?: No idea, I told you I know nothing.
favorite animal?: a lion, I think they're very bold and not scared about anything.
City or country you'd like to go back to?: I really liked Italy, dont know why, that country just throws me.
what would be your ideal man?: he has to be a lot of fun, and a bit crazy above all things.
what do you see in a man firsthand?: his eyes.
Song, book and movie to recommend: 'Sin Embargo' from Joaquin Sabina, the book "Never again" about the time of the dictatorship and film..I dont know, "Mystic River"is one of the last good ones I've seen.
Memorable Phrase: I dont know phrases but I always remember desiderata, it seems so pretty to me. (desierata= Latin Word for "things to be wished")
whats your philosophy on life?: You need to make things that make you feel good, no matter if they're convinient or if they're normal. as long as you dont screw anyone up, you need to make things that make you happy every single moment.
What are you tired of hearing?: things that would be convinient for me to do.
How do you feel about death?: I feel curious to know exactly what it is. but anyway, acknowledging one's inability to do something about it, I like not to think about it too often.
If you could choose your death, how would it be?: I never wondered about that. I guess I'd like to die falling from a great height, so I can feel what it's like to fly.
Who are you thanked for or how would you like to thank them?: my dad and mom,
every passing day, I'm more thankful for having them, i love them.

Who would you have liked to meet: I dont know.
What's happiness?: it's something you start to feel. you love what you do and people around you, you have a million projects that you're succeeding at, and if you dont, you start making them.
a message you'd like to send: I dont know. skip that.
mmm this thread it's little bit abandoned :innocent:... i'll post some scans of jorgelina :P

Yeah, me too! btw, those Eufemia ads are scanned by me and I made the error of iding the model as Jorgelina... :doh: The girl is actually brazilian Roberta Martins.

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