Joss Stone

I don't like what she has done with her hair, she's supposed to be the hippie chick not the fake rocker chick.
Joss Stone at the Brits Award, (nice legs!)

What the hell was she doing at the Brits, just saw the video, damn....where did that accent come from?

That was British? Sounded fake American to me.

She is truely a publicity wh*re after last night. What a joke.
I dont know much about her, but she seemed like an total sweetheart on Punked, but she's a bit of a twat there. :rolleyes:

Joss Stone @ Reception of the People magazine InStyle in Berlin, February 16

A colorful and cheery Joss Stone arrives at the Brit Awards 2007 in London. Us

Joss Stone @ Photocall during the 57th Sanremo Music Festival, March 3 - 6 HQs.

I want to be Joss the teenager, not a diva SceneHeard She's a 16-year-old sensation who outsells even Dido. But here Joss Stone reveals why she won't allow her life to be taken over by the music industry

Evening Standard - London | Date: February 12, 2004 | Author: ERIN KELLY

JOSS Stone clearly looks like the luckiest and most bemused 16- year-old in the country. Yet today she is also somewhat flustered, closely chaperoned by her mother and tugged this way and that by her manager and all manner of eager-to-please assistants.

For a teenager seemingly destined to inherit Dido's crown as queen of the pop charts, she's refreshingly naive, entirely lacking in the arrogance you expect from a bona fide phenomenon.

"Right, I've got another photoshoot now," she announces, wearily rolling her eyes. "I don't really know what to do with myself when I'm having my picture taken. I tend to just look at the camera with a straight face, and they'll be like, 'Come on, Joss, change your pose, work it, do your thing.' I'm like, 'What? I haven't got a thing!'" Then she giggles, pauses for a moment and says, "I'm supposed to be really excited by the photographer but I haven't even heard of him so how can I be impressed? I mean, who is David Bailey?"
That's typical of Stone - endearingly innocent. Fresh from her first sell-out celebrity-studded gig in London last week - the Scala at King's Cross is surely the smallest venue she's ever likely to play - she's the critics' current darling with a stage presence at once coy and amateurish, but with a vocal confidence more authoritative than any teenager has a right to have. And she has a new single vying for this week's Number One, as well.

But away from the stage, that gritty, husky voice is mumbling, soft and barely audible, as she peppers her sentences with typically childish slang - "you know", "like" and "stuff ". It turns out that the curtain of blonde hair hides a very pretty face - all cat's eyes and cheekbones - and, free of makeup, she appears a lot younger than she did on stage.

Dressed in holey cords and a V-neck jumper, legs curled up under her, she looks more like a hippyish sixth-former than a soul diva whose album is top of the charts and went gold in America last week.

The Soul Sessions, a collection of classic covers, was recorded in Miami and New York under the watchful eye of soul veteran Betty Wright. It's hard to reconcile this rangy teenager with her throaty, tingly rendition of the Bobby Miller song Dirty Man, a ballad about a cheatin', no-good husband.

It's this incongruity that begs the obvious question - how can a 16-yearold summon up that kind of raw emotion? "I know what you're saying but then aren't your emotions supposed to be really raw and intense when you're a teenager? Who's to say that my feelings are less valid than someone in her thirties? Hadn't you had your heart broken like a million times by the time you were 16? I do have stuff that's happened in my life that I can use when I'm singing."

There is a boy in Stone's life - his name is Tony, and he lives near her home village of Ashill in Devon. "I've known him since I was eight, but we've only been together about four months," she beams. I ask Stone if it's Tony she's singing about on stage. "Oh God, how embarrassing - I dunno."
Cue more giggles.

There's an artlessness about Stone's answers. She's not trying to impress.
It's as if her whole career is something of an accident and so she's still not really taking it seriously. You're left with the impression that this is a girl who just wants to be normal, if only everyone would let her.

It all began when she appeared on the BBC talent show Star For A Night, when she was 12 - under her name Jocelyn Stoker. "Before that I had only done a stint in the school choir. The main reason I did the show was to get used to performing in front of an audience. I saw it as a way to get out of school, really. Work was never my thing."

Not long after Star For A Night, a video of her performing found its way to American record executive Steve Greenberg. Her audition lasted four minutes and she was signed on the spot. She was 14. "My mum read my contract for me.

I was like, boooring!"

Wendy is her daughter's chaperone and co-manager but not in the pushymum mould, preferring instead merely to keep a watchful eye, while her husband works as a fruit importer in their home village.

"My parents would play soul around the house," says Stone. "The first record I owned, when I must have been 10, was Aretha Franklin's Greatest Hits, and it really got to me. I realised how much it touched me and other people-Not my mates, I'm sorry to say! But that's cool, man, having friends who don't care about what I do for work. I'd feel like a bit of an **** being Joss the soul singer around them! They'd take the piss if I was ever a diva!' Clearly, Stone is keen to play down her imminent global stardom. "People keep telling me I'm going to be so rich - and that I already am - but I'll believe it when I see it. My mate Emily works in Burger King and she's always got more cash than me! She's coming on tour with me soon and we can just hang out having takeaways and eating off our laps, no fuss. That's when I'll really enjoy myself - just doing what I'd do at home."

She's shy when it comes to talking about her image. "I can't be arsed with shops and I never wear makeup unless I'm on stage or having pictures done or whatever, so what image?"

She appears to take her artistic freedom for granted, so it will be interesting to see if her record company is still as accommodating when she's putting out her own material later in the year.

MY record company is letting me sing the songs I want and, thank God, no one's tried to give me a makeover yet!

Mentioning no names, but I'm never going to go down that sexy route. I'm not getting my midriff out for anyone. Well I might, if it was a nice one!"
she says, glancing down at a concave stomach.

When I ask her what she would do if the music doesn't work out, she says, "I'll probably go home and be a social worker," and means it. She says: "I like the idea of being able to stay in Devon and do something worthwhile with my life, that makes a difference.

"I'm not really sure how I'll be able to cope with all the fame and riches, if and when they happen. For the moment, it's nice that people don't recognise me. But if it happens then I reckon I'll just get on with it. My mum's more worried about that than I am. She's always telling me not to get caught snogging my boyfriend in the street in case the pictures turn up in the papers. But who cares? I'd rather be snapped kissing my boyfriend than live half a life because I was scared of being seen."

In an industry in which most teenagers would be happy to be styled and told which clubs to be seen at and which songs to sing, she's a welcome rebel. But what are the chances of her remaining Joss, the kid from Devon?

Copyright 2004 Evening Standard - London

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Joss Stone - 57th Sanremo Music Festival Show&Performance 03-03-2007
:blink: hum!, I open this thread out of boredom and find this, what a difference two years make! :mellow:
.. last time i took a moment for her, she looked like this..



she now looks like a palm reader..
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MulletProof said:
:blink: hum!, I open this thread out of boredom and find this, what a difference two years make! :mellow:
.. last time i took a moment for her, she looked like this..


she now looks like a palm reader..


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