Katharine Hepburn

I can almost hear her in The Philadephia Story!
"oooh how LOOOVLEY..... oooh" her voice was quite the trip!
It's not Hollywood that makes the stars though,never has been. Those who really have succeeded in the past and made "icon" status are those with distinct characters,personalities, really different and individual to start with. That's the case of so many, like Audrey and Katharine Hepburn,Greta Garbo,Ingrid Bergman, Bogart,Cary Grant,Vivien Leigh,Clark Gable, on and on!

YeI see what you mean, I was thinking of the old studio system. Talent was cultivated, actors were trained, images were created. Some stars today will become iconic, but not many.


spiden001 flickr
LOL I was going to post that knitting picture of her! haha I got tired to hunting for pics though...

Yes, nobody bothers to actually see if anyone can act before they slap them with makeup and film it.No dance,no fencing,no voice,no singing, no dinners with Selznick or Mayer... NOTHING.
LOL I was going to post that knitting picture of her! haha I got tired to hunting for pics though...

Yes, nobody bothers to actually see if anyone can act before they slap them with makeup and film it.No dance,no fencing,no voice,no singing, no dinners with Selznick or Mayer... NOTHING.

Haha, I was ready to post and I saw that you posted the same photo #117. I love the old glamour photos!

I agree about the lack of importance placed upon acting talent today. Botox only makes the situation worse. So many actresses cannot move half of their facial muscles. I cannot imagine Katharine with Botox, trying to play a scene and make it believable.

scarletsmith, flickr
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Oltre la Moda cosi Unica
Vogue Italia March 1994
Photographer: Steven Meisel
Fashion Editor: Joe McKenna
Model: Linda Evangelista
Make-up: Denise Markey
Hair: Garren

Stunning editorial: Linda as Katharine. Her classic style never goes out of fashion.

Posted by missbluejean via levangelista.net
Thank you so much for all the beautiful pictures!!!

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