Kirsten Dunst in Rehab

substance abuse (other than alcohol) comes with drinking...i think its both...especially in that scene shes hangs around...

Substance abuse doesn't always come with drinking, but I agree maybe it does in Kirsten's case due to, as you say, the scene she hangs out with.
I know a lot of people ( not smart people!) who drink a lot when they go out because they feel like it's a way to get a buzz without having to do drugs.
But, anyway, who knows in Kirsten's case!
I'm really just hoping if it's true she gets help and has the fortitude to really apply what she learns in rehab to her everyday life.
Not a lot of these Celebs seem to be able to do that, sadly.
i hope it is true she is going to rehab (if she has a problem)
and i hope its not true (if she does not have a problem)
just seems to be the trendy thing to do at the moment,
really hope its not a publicity thing.
hmm...what to do in Hollywood nowadays? rehab? or getting pregnant?
I'm not really shocked or surprised.

People need to realise that they know their knowledge of their favourite celeb is limited to what their publicists wants you to know.

its well known that celebrtis that are 'cute and innocent' are often the ones who are total terrors behind doors.
^ Perhaps, but I still think that's a big generalization.
There are plenty of people in Hollywood who seem nice and, yes, are no bother right throughout their careers!
For actors etc. in the public-eye though it must be very hard to lead normal lives, lets not kid ourselves. Even if we can empathize with them we can't sympathize because we've not been through the same kind of pressures etc.
We might have been through similar ones - even worse ones - but we're not in the same situations and environment so we can't talk. We should try our best not to judge.
I just hope she gets better soon, and stays healthy for her own sake.
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i think the public-eye being a reason for not being able to live a normal life, is a lame excuse...
whenever u shoot a movie, record an album etc...u want recognition...sometimes its good sometimes its bad...but u know from the beginning that it will happen...if u dont want it to happen or if u feel u cant deal with it...dont do it...there are plenty other jobs outthere...believe me ive seen it happening...
we all have our problems...the majority of the ppl dont have the money to check into a glamourous rehab centre though...
^ Fair enough, but I still feel like its a shame that just because you want to live your life a certain way ( being an actor) that you have to face having your life targeted on.
Being an actor is ( or should be) an artistic calling just like anything else. I'm a writer. If someone told me that if I wanted to write I'd have to face being written about in magazines etc. I would find it very difficult to just say, " Okay, so I won't try and be a successful writer then!" because it's my calling. It's what I feel I'm here to do with my life.
Excusing the people who are obviously just in it to be famous, I feel sorry for those who have the same kind of passion towards acting but have to put up with all the other pressures.
It's a shame. That's all I'm trying to say. And there is huge pressure without a doubt, and these people are only human. I know I would easily crack under it all.

Do you guys think Kirsten will continue to act after this by the way? Because she said that she almost quit last year due to her depression. Do you think she'll continue now?
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I don't think anything in Hollywood could surprise me anymore! I didn't see this one coming at all. Kirsten always seemed like she had everything together in my eyes, but I guess not.
well then do theatre and not movies...
or avoid blockbuster movies...seriously if u act in Spider-Man movies..u certainly dont want to avoid publicity
^ Yes, but maybe you don't enjoy acting in theater and, lets face it, many of the good roles are the blockbusters! There are a lot of great things about acting in a blockbuster: getting to work with a fantastic director; a wonderful script; talented co-stars; getting to improvise and be more free etc. etc.
I'm not excusing these people if they're getting themselves into a state just for the hell of it. I'm just saying, it's easy to understand how many actors pick up bad habits due to pressures, or end up suffering from depression etc.
I'm just trying to be sympathetic and not so zero-tolerance!

Anyway, as I said, do you guys think there's a chance she'll quit acting after this? I don't really think so, but she did announce pretty publicly how she almost gave up after her bought of depression last year.
Any thoughts?
good roles are the blockbusters? i dont think so...its good money yes, but good roles?


i dont think she will quit...but maybe she will think a bit more carefully before choosing roles...its been a while since The Virgin Suicides..
besides the news.... this is funny because it's always the same text when they announce a rehab in Le Cirque.... they just changed the name of actress and a thing to remind you what movie/song she's/he's done....
the rest is always the same....

and i'm pretty bored of people saying this is trendy....
this is NOT a trend.... those people going into rehab have real troubles and honestly rehab is not new.... it's just less and less taboo now....
good roles are the blockbusters? i dont think so...its good money yes, but good roles?

Yeah, I was really mean there are huge benefits to working in a blockbuster ( Like I already listed, working with great directors, great co-stars etc.) but there are a ton of great Indie movies too. But, honestly, it seems the Indie stars are getting more famous these days than the blockbuster ones! Lol!

Anyway, I'm getting off topic, sorry Fairy :flower:
And I totally agree. I don't see Kirsten quiting acting, even though she's threatened to a few times.
She's been acting since she was like ten! What else would she do?
God, remind me not to be a child-star in my next life! :ninja:
Well, i think that all this going-to-rehab-thing might have something to do with Heath's death and the realisation that things don't always go HIGH when you abuse. Maybe a reality check-in?
anyway, it's nice to know she realised she has a problem and decided to solve it. privately.
^ Great post! I couldn't agree more.
I think the Heath bit might be true because they were close. As awful as it might sound, if other people can look at what happened to Heath and use it to take positive steps to save their own lives, well, that's the best thing that can come from the tragedy.
I'm really hoping for Kirsten. xx

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