Lara Bingle

Lara Dancing with the Stars


Another promotional shot of Lara and the girls from Dancing with the Stars


Lara's Second Dance on DWTS

Lara wearing a sexy black number :flower::flower:


Source: Same as above
Lara's Third Dance on DWTS

Lara and her partner come second dancing the Argentine Tango:flower::flower::flower:


Source: As above
Lara Bingle - DWTS - Week 4

Lara & her partner didn't do as well this week. They finished in the bottom half of the dancers.:cry:




Lara Bingle - DWTS - Week 5

Lara and her partner did much better this week. They finished one point behind the two leaders.:flower:



Source: as above
I haven't been watching the show but is her face really like that on tv? from the photos she looks incredibly aged.
In post #138 i like the dress with the green leather jacket.
Unfortunately I missed last sunday's show but Lara looks much better on TV than in the photos.
Not that I hate her or anything but I cant believe she needs/has a stylist, a Harpers Bazaar creative director at that, to recreate looks I see of girls walking around Sydney all the time. Im not even emphasizing how normal for aussie girls her looks are. She just has money and has the designer labels and the hairdressers and makeup artists.

Oh and her looks like the Ellery dresses and Josh goot dresses, any event looks really where she is usually just wearing an aussie designer dress, I hope she didnt get a stylist to get those for her because they've always been dresses anyone can get a hold of and let's face it, its not like she's Blake Lively busy to find the time to get them for herself.

Im just pretty much raving how she has a stylist is all for styles the Olsens or whoever else in magazines have pretty much worn, and she gets praised for it.
^That's very true in Sydney-well in the city mainly-the girls basically dress the same with the brands available to them. I think having a magazine stylist just gives her style a more of a 'edge' or something :rolleyes:
I'm not a big follower or anything but I like some of her outfits on her even though her style is something I usually detest however she seems like a genuinely nice person with a bad media rep. Speaking of which she's on the cover of Grazia with a shoot and interview.
Lara Bingle - DWTS - Week 7

Firstly, an addition to my comment about week 6. While Lara and her partner scored high from the judges, when the TV audience votes were added in, they were in the bottom two:(. However, they did make it through to week 7;).

Week 7 consisted of two dances, one individual and one group. When the two scores from the judges were added Lara and her partner were equal second. When the audience vote was added they again made it through to the next week;).



Source: as above
Lara's Last Dance

Week 8 of Dancing with the Stars unfortunately saw Lara and her partner eliminated. While getting a reasonably good score for her second dance, the judges gave Lara low marks for her first dance:cry:. Together with a low audience vote, that meant elimination:cry::cry:. It was fun while it lasted:rolleyes:.




I couldn't stand the hair on dwts! its not a modelling comp it was a dancing comp. The hair looks great in still shots, but not in motion. The fact that she has her own personal hair stylist for the show (she didn't use channel 7's make up team), and still failed with the hair makes me :lol:. She could have done very well since she is pretty, but its not enough. She didn't take the comp seriously enough imo, I think she only went on for publicity, to maintain her relevance in the media.

the last dress she wore was a total cheap Givenchy copy, I couldn't stop laughing when I saw it :lol: :lol:

Whats next for Lara now?
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i agree with todd Mckenney: "She seems to think the world owes her a living,"
(Sydney Confidential)

the hair was so distracting (maybe thats a good thing) on DWTS. i find it hard to understand why she actually has her own 'hair stylist'.... other than a couple of parties during fashion week she doesn't seem to be doing much. fair enough for those events she will go to that trusted person... but there is a difference between that and having a permanent hair stylist to go everywhere with you and not being able to use channel 7's own?
^ I think her 'hair stylist' is her best friend

I think it is very disrespectful that she refused to use channel 7 stylists, I mean, if she wants to be taken seriously as a model then she has to get used working with different people. Even on magazine shoots she will only use her 'hair stylist'/best friend. She has a lot of potential, short girls are doing well now. This hairstylist guy is not that good anyway :) what gives...
guess who did the makeup for this shoot :lol:

All Photo’s: Patrick Mcgreal for
Makeup: Max May


is he the only one allowed to touch her face/hair? She dosen't need so much attention on make-up, if she would smile more it would help her so much. She looks like such a diva when she does the fierce face (especially on dwts). She needs to smile and show Australia she is a warm person.

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