Laura Bailey
Dean Street Townhouse
30 November, 2009

A sleepover on a school night on Monday. Felt so decadent packing my beloved, if very battered, ancient Prada suitcase for one night in Soho. Jumped in a taxi in a cherry-red Temperley London cocktail dress and checked in to the spanking new Dean Street Townhouse.
Danced around my tiny perfect jewel of a room (Number 13), torn between hotfooting it to the bar, or slathering myself in Cowshed lotions and potions in the privacy of my gorgeous black and white bathroom. Loved spying on the smoking chefs and sparring lovers on the Soho streets below. Instant theatre.

When I first moved to London, Soho felt like the centre of the world and Nick Jones’ brilliantly imagined Townhouse captures that rare sense of freedom and endless possibilities, whilst spoiling you rotten in every sense. Even the tiniest bedrooms ache of luxury with definitely one of the most comfortable beds I’ve ever slept in, tiny silver pots of tea and coffee tucked away, and the service that Soho House is famous for: laid-back and ‘anything goes’ but also ultra-professional with an uncanny ability to predict your every move and need.
I savoured my breakfast in the bar the morning after - surrounded by my fellow one-night standers: Roland Mouret, Stephen Fry, Gwyneth Paltrow et al - as fuzzy sunlight filtered through and last nights’ tales emerged over espressos and pain au chocolates, before reluctantly running back to my real world, imagining this dream of a place dissolving in a puff of smoke in my wake. I’ll check its still there and just as good in sober daylight when I book a big shiny red booth at the back for an early festive lunch one of these days.
69-71 Dean St, W1. (020 7434 1775)
December's Best Points
04 December, 2009
Just a few things to guarantee a smile as December falls……
STARTING NEXT YEAR’S DIARY… Grateful for the December advance pages and all the renewed hope and promise I feel in the process of neatly inserting birthdays, phone numbers and plans in my very best handwriting. By mid-January it will all be a sloppy felt-tip blur but I’ll enjoy the brief frisson of colour-coded calm for now; it feels like starting over. I’m usually loyal to Liberty’s beautiful selection but, one recent grey November day, I was irresistibly drawn to a splash of shocking pink in my local Smythson window and thus zoomed in on their perfectly chic ‘Soho Diary’. The endless extra blank pages are perfect for a pathologically punctual girl with time to kill scribbling away whilst I wait for my more fashionably late friends. I love the explosion of optimistic colour when I’m rummaging in my trusty black Chanel handbag, and that’s before its overflowing with snaps and lists and postcards and so many good intentions for 2010.

ICE-SKATING… I find it almost impossible to be in a bad mood in a pair of ice-skates. Even though I have to pretend it’s for the kids it’s actually quite hard to get me off the ice once I’m there. Really bad songs take on a new life when under the influence of a temporary (and probably imagined!) amazing grace. The fairy-lit trees and old-fashioned glow from the carousel at the Natural History Museum add to the rosy-cheeked pure glee of the experience. Incidentally, I can never resist a vaguely Russian-inspired outfit when even just thinking about a trip to the rink. Don’t fight it. Any excuse to score circles in the ice in a Julie Christie/Dr Zhivago fantasy daydream ….

ADVENTURE IN ART… A lone mission east on the first icy December day, duffle coat pulled up to my ears, to one of my favourite secret places in London: Museum 52 on Redchurch St E2, always a source of inspiration and temptation. Thanks (I think) to the brilliant Lucy Chadwick for a new obsession. Still can’t stop thinking about Tom Wood’s raw and heartbreaking photographs in the Now That Everybody’s Here show. Some are from his award-winning Bus Odyssey series, chronicling Liverpool lives in transit - a recurring focus for the artist. Others tell more hedonistic, though still tender stories. If I was rich I’d snap them up. Must be more ambitious/businesslike from now on! The pictures are curated by Wood’s long-term friend and collaborator, the conceptual artist Padraig Timoney. Some are many-layered and painterly, others simple hardcore portraiture, but all take you on a mysterious and seductive journey.

Olympian Going Home © Tom Wood 1975, courtesy of Museum 52

Free Peoples © Tom Wood 1975, courtesy of Museum 52
COCOMAYA… I rarely go out to lunch but can’t resist tea once in a while - and now that Cocomaya exists it could easily become a habit. This is the fantasy: steamed-window tearoom of faint childhood memories, injected with modern romance and glamour, not to mention the almost too–beautiful-to-eat chocolates and cakes. Exquisite still life tableaus in lavender and rose and lime. I’m going back just for the one that tastes of the very essence of honey, and the world will just magically slow down for a moment or two…


BOOKING A BEACH TRIP…. All my best travel memories have sprung last minute on a wing and a prayer and I thank the fashion gods for all my round-the -world surprises (NY tomorrow for a problem..oh..I accidently on purpose stayed five years…the Maldives to write…next week…ok...if you insist…) so it’s still a little alien to me to actually think ahead and get organised. (Blame my brand new school holiday schedule), but a long English winter will leave me aching for the sun and I’m dreaming of returning to the Seychelles - or the “Seashells” as my four-year old insists on calling the islands he’s ogled on my show-off computer bursting with snapshots of giant turtles and pirate coves.
White Vest Quest
07 December, 2009

Perhaps surprisingly, my wardrobe is pretty minimalist these days - but a spy in my closet would note a few seemingly obsessive compulsive shopping disorders; the most obvious being my white vest fetish. I have piles of them and I haven’t stopped yet. (It could be worse-at least it’s not Manolos.)
I have them extra long for pregnancy and now layered over skinny jeans; shrunken boy-style ones, perfect thrown over a bikini on the beach; racer-back for running; newish crisp ones that aren’t embarrassed to be seen with a suit; and washed-a-thousand-times-ones that are perfect as pyjamas. I wear them all and only I can decipher my system or logic, or lack thereof. I’m fickle and disloyal.
Just as I swear allegiance to American Apparel, along comes Isabel Marant. Stella McCartney competes with teenage Petit Bateau - and my absolute favourites don’t even have a label as they come from a vast pile in a Mexican market and are probably designed for old men! Needless to say, I bought in bulk. The perfect white vest goes with anything and at least three come with me on every trip.
My favourite flared pink Miu Miu mini-skirt which is like a hacked in half ball-dress is designed to be worn with something sparkly or beaded by someone more glamorous but I always end up wearing it with a white vest or two. Likewise my harem trousers, which I can only wear if they feel as comfy as track pants, are equally dressed down with said vest.
Some feel like old friends. They make every day feel like a fresh start, like spring. A pure white vest is my uniform. Even if you see me in my staple vintage flowery frocks, chances are I’ve got a white vest - possibly thermal – on underneath…
Late Night BFA Report
10 December, 2009
Just home from an amazing night celebrating 25 years of British fashion, make-up scrubbed off, hair unravelled and pjs on… Loved my new Roland Mouret egg-yolk yellow minidress(exclusive to Net-A-Porter), brave for a blonde perhaps? I’ve always been a bit afraid of yellow but this was the simplest shift that felt like the easiest, silkiest second skin. A dress to run and dance and laugh in. Lots of old friends dressed to the nines.

I picked up fellow Vogue blogger Jacquetta Wheeler - in the most beautiful Erdem floral print frock – in a taxi en route, and we navigated the circus outside the Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand together, looking out for each other in the crowd. Ran into Karen Elson on the red carpet looking absolutely stunning in a long scarlet dress. She was the one everyone else wished they’d looked like; proper old-school movie-star glamour… though when she slipped off the stage later there was a terrifying silence until she picked herself up and bravely, gracefully got on with the business of presenting an award to the inspirational Grace Coddington. Other killer looks - in my book at least - were Rosamund Pike in pale grey Lanvin and Erin O ‘Connor and Eva Herzigova both in dramatic to-the-floor black.

I presented the award for Best Accessories to the gorgeous and talented Katie Hillier with, amazingly, no mishaps or sudden stage-dives. Sarah Brown battled vertigo (a strange transparent screen separated presenters from audience which created the effect of being on the edge of a mountain, but blinded by lights…) to introduce the evening alongside chairman of the British Fashion Council, Harold Tillman, and Kate Moss was voted most popular British fashion icon, and the room roared in agreement as she took to the stage. Georgia May Jagger was named Model of the Year,and I’m sure the celebrations are still going on as I write. (I blame my naughty nocturnal baby girl for a fear of very late nights for now…). Emotional scenes and promises of new year dinners/shoots/adventures as we all fled into the night. Jax and Charlotte Tilbury jumped in my car and we filled in all the missing pieces and behind-the scenes-stories on the way home. And so to bed…

Thanks for posting Cosmocat!!

I saw her at the Vogue/Chanel Fashion Night Out party in London where she was styling and posing for the photoshoot. Will dig out some photos if I can...
Speed-Freak Beauty
15 December, 2009
This is my slightly breathless got-to-get-the-kids-to-bed-and-be-out-the-door-transformed-in-fifteen-minutes beauty routine…

6.45pm: Shu Uemera black eyeliner pencil (or Bobbi Brown liquid eyeliner in Hunter painted on for cat-eyes if I’m feeling calm…) and Lancome mascara applied whilst singing to the kids in the bath (I like eye make-up a bit sunken in/steamed up so put it on before I shower).
7pm: Baby to bed.
7.15pm: Four year old to bed…
7.17pm: Shower (Aromatherapy Associates De-Stress Oil, a mood-changing camomile and frankincense mix which can be used pre-shower or in the bath) followed by a speedy scrub with Goodworks Good Karma.Three minute mask at the same time (Sisley Radiant Glow Express Mask) if I remember…

7.20pm:Splash face and spritz with NUDE hydrating water.
7.21pm: Becca hydrating primer (miracle product with SPF that is all I use in daylight) over Shu Uemera moisturizer.
7.22pm: Becca Tinted Moisturizer in Camel with a dash of their Opal Shimmer from cheeks to temples (I’ll switch to the stick foundation if facing lights and cameras but don’t usually bother).
7.23pm: Run Realhair’s weightless serum through hair – untangles and adds shine at the same time.
7.25pm:Chanel blush compact (I’ve always used Pink Cloud but it’s now discontinued so I need to find the replacement...) and Shu Uemera lipstick (in a natural nude or Ferrari red depending on my mood) chucked in my handbag to do in the taxi en route…

7.28pm: Spritz of Chanel Beige… grab earrings or a bangle or two.
7.30pm: Babysitter/taxi!
8pm: Dinner with Tom Ford… should anyone be allowed to be that handsome AND that talented…? Grateful for low lighting, my white Stella minidress, good wine, old friends… and my trusty black eyeliner.
Short Shrift
18 December, 2009

Christmas parties with all their expectations of sexy sparkly dresses fill me with slight fashion dread. I’m feeling a touch puritanical, not quite scrooge-like but definitely on the serious side. I’m thinking high necked blouses and skinny sweaters, but mostly I’m thinking about shorts!
I know it’s December (and snowing!) but I love the severity of shorts (with thick tights - maybe ribbed as opposed to this season’s obsession with sheer or patterned) and lace-up heels (by Tabitha Simmons in an ideal world). My alternative “art-student” party outfit.

I loved Stella McCartney’s tiny shorts in her spring/summer 2010 show (above) and yesterday a friend gave me the perfect pair of navy blue crepe de chine Miu Miu shorts for Christmas and insisted I open the parcel immediately rather than surreptitiously as soon as he left. Lucky me.
If I do succumb to the dress it will be in favour of my ancient vintage treasures in timeless prints (or fluorescent flowers and backless if the spirit takes me). I’ll save my splurges for the New Year and pieces I’ll wear forever. Maybe I’m just getting too old for one-night stands - especially with sequins and glitter - and the only diamonds I’ll wear will be in my hair. I think I’d rather be pale and interesting in the corner than the blonde on the stage these days (or nights). Probably just a phase…
Boothnation gets the party started
21 December, 2009
My absolute latest must-have party accessory is not a bag or a pair of shoes or a sparkly hairclip…It’s a portable photo booth!
At a friend’s 40th in the summer the girls were queuing up for the chance to pose with a friend (or four) in a super glammed-up version of the passport-photo machine I use in the tube station.
Once we realised that the prints emerged a minute later as if lit by Mario Testino - and were airbrushed to boot - some of us went back for more...and more. The booth became our very best friend; nothing like a bit of photo-shopped flattery to get the party spirit flowing. A couple of relationships may even have been ignited in its cosy confines - ideal accidently-on-purpose flirting conditions. I still have my party pics from that night -great souvenirs - and the birthday girl gets a double of every single picture of her pals pasted into a keepsake memory book.
That machine worked in colour and the black and white version at my favourite ever Christmas party this weekend was even more addictive. The mini silver airstream parked in the living room enticed hundreds into its velvet-walled den, bringing out the diva in everyone - even the boys! As the night went on there was a natural progression (or deterioration?) from the demure to the debauched and the evidence has either been smuggled away in handbags or politely left behind to amuse our hostess the morning after….
Here’s a few of the early uncensored still-on-best-behaviour shots….
Me, Bella Freud, Caroline Hickman and a couple of intruders…

With my best beloved Josh and Jonathan…

PS - I wore an old favourite stripy Chanel dress and my red Perspex Lulu Guinness Lips bag, a Day-Glo rainbow in a world of über chic little black dresses…
Kilimanjaro Climb
04 January, 2010
As I rejoice in returning to a “room of one’s own”, (yes, even the piles of unopened mail, post-Christmas debris, endless lists, and those dreaded resolutions in all their shapes and forms, secret and otherwise), I have no choice but to confront my multiple personalities as am so surrounded by the evidence of their existence.
My beautiful black Alaia boots (and equally beautiful snow-white ice-skates)and other more sparkly Christmas trinkets lie askew atop an enormous North Face duffle bag which, slightly shockingly, seems to be heading up Kilimanjaro in 27 days time (countdown…)with me attached to it. What was I thinking?
My sane sensible side definitely meant to say no when my friends, the three musketeers, “invited” me. (Can you call a chance to joust with fear and altitude sickness not to mention pure physical agony an invitation?) But I heard the “can’t resist a dare” side of me saying a definite, if faint, “YES”, and there were witnesses…and I am proud… So, yes, I find myself the proud owner of a sackful of synthetic fibres (Pertex?!) and a spanking new pair of Scarpa climbing boots which came with strict instructions to wear in and beat up daily til the trip. Might get a few strange looks on the school run…
I’m fit in a Tenpilates/occasional jog in the park kind of way and I climbed a volcano in Bali once upon a time but this is SERIOUS - and I’m running out of time. Plus, I’m a full-time mother for a month whilst my kids’ gorgeous nanny suns herself in Australia so any exercise for now is going to be simply stomping round town with my little ones. So, when a 6’5” intrepid strapping male friend told me he’d spent an hour a day in an altitude-training chamber in Covent Garden for three months prior to his Kili climb I actually felt a little faint. I try to focus on my magical memories of lone travels in Africa - and the fact that I have definitely said at various points in my life that this is something I REALLY WANT TO DO - and more importantly, the fact that Cheryl Cole and Co did it - and breathe…
I glance at a beloved painting above my desk in my schizophrenic study which calms and inspires me on all kinds of journeys. Gentle footprints in the snow. Towards home.
Happy New Year.

By Amy Gadney, courtesy of the artist
08 January, 2010
I may have spent the rest of today in moonboots (!) splashing around in slush but for a brief moment whilst my baby girl snoozed I danced around in the snow in totally inappropriate summer dresses dreaming of sunny days to come. (Ideal distraction from my Kilimanjaro stockpiling.) Temperley London’s spanking new diffusion line ALICE includes pretty much everything I like to wear on holiday - stripes, playsuits, (torn between hot pink and tiger-print) and little white dresses….and here are a few of my favourite things.
Forgive the black tights. It WAS snowing. Looking forward to bare brown legs and freckles sometime soon.

This quirky blazer will get even better with age and a few washes. I love the idea of throwing it over a favourite faded summer frock and it makes me dream of long strolls towards cold drinks with still-sandy toes as the light fades.

This is the perfect in-between-times spring trench when thick layers are redundant but I still want to cover up. Love the wrist details and the subtle polka-dot lining. The sun even came out as we snapped it! A good sign.

A clever dress with a drawstring up the side, which can gather it into a tiny mini over a bikini or let it down a little for those shy early holiday moments. Mixed with sloppy off-the -shoulder devil-may-care attitude, this will go everywhere with me this summer. And packs as small as a pair of socks!

ALICE by Temperley London is available at all Temperley London boutiques from early February and online at (launching soon).
11 January, 2010
Rings on my fingers, and bells on my toes...
First I was a silver girl. As a teenager experimenting with black eye make-up, goth music and a sulky attitude, my wrists rattled with silver - bangles and charms looped alongside grubby hoops of black leather. My earlobes stretched with the weight of Kensington Market turquoise and silver. Gold meant weddings and middle age or a hint of Dallas or Dynasty, but not in a good way. Bling, but not as we know it.
Ten years later and I was converted. Easily led on an early shoot, I was probably hero-worshipping a blonde stylist with nonchalantly chic bands of golden thread around her wrists and perfectly sourced pendants from glamorous travels. I stashed away my silver and I don't think it even made it back on my move home from NY to London. (My girlfriends drowned in loot those last few weeks.) Gold was the thing; always two or three skinny chains with charms around my neck, all gifts from friends; a 'Love' disc, a surfboard, a shell scavenged by my son - and sometimes round my belly too. Rings on my fingers -and toes, four mismatched studs in my ears (my favourite the tiny punky safety pin I found in Opening Ceremony in NY - wish I'd bought half a dozen!). I could go on.

And then, last Christmas I was given three chain bracelets made by Tara Agace in gold, silver and a rosy bronze - and I wear them together all the time with fresh eyes. Nothing else in my wardrobe matches so why should my jewellery? I like the clash as I wear my Lara Bohinc twisted gold bangle with some simple silver bands. Or my diamond Muzzy ring by Solange Azagury Partridge; amongst old sentimental trinkets. A silver necklace or charm amongst the gold chains is a highlight, chiaroscuro flash. Probably against some kind of style laws but who cares? I'll save everything for my daughter from now on - though she may one day sigh at my bad taste and wish I'd gone to SJ Phillips for the real thing...
I Love Your Style
15 January, 2010
Amanda Brooks is my beautiful, wise and beloved friend who I call for advice on well, pretty much everything, but especially dresses.

Heartbroken in baggy jeans or reborn in Chanel, we watched over each other throughout those late Nineties, growing-up, dressing-up NY years. Many a decision was made on our weekend flea market trips, and not just about the odd impractical vintage splurge. I was even her bridesmaid - it being an American tradition to include your grown-up girlfriends - and it’s quite an achievement to make a gaggle of twenty-something girls in matching dresses all look, and more importantly, feel amazing. There’s fashion - which she LOVES - and then there’s style, which she has in spades - and now she’s sharing her secrets…

I love Your Style is just out and is the kind of book that should be devoured in one binge-sitting and then wallowed in at leisure. Linger over the rare snapshots of Brigitte Bardot, Mia Farrow and our modern-day off-duty icons. And get inspired by her vision of street style, bohemia and the classics.

Amanda quotes Ralph Waldo Emerson in her introduction, “Insist on yourself, never imitate” - and it is this sense of honesty and originality that she celebrates throughout. Self-awareness, experiments and even “mistakes” are encouraged in pursuit of streamlining one’s very own fantasy. There’s nothing elitist or exclusive about Amanda’s taste. She may love vintage Dior, but can get just as excited about the joys of an army surplus store. “You don’t have to be rich...” as the song goes.

I’m there in the “Eclectic” chapter, which I think is Amanda’s charitable interpretation of my schizophrenic style over the years. She snapped me in my messy study in between breastfeeding shifts, but I forgive her. She has that gift particular to women who love women of making you feel like the very best version of yourself in her presence, stormy shadows under eyes et al.

Here she is in my garden as our children danced around us making friends.

And this is her brilliant book!
Sport Relief
20 January, 2010

Who can forget Ali G’s infamous interview with Posh n’ Becks for Comic Relief in 2001? And this year they (and their boys) are the creative force behind the Sport Relief T-shirts, available from today in Sainsbury’s and TK Maxx – in stores and online. Victoria’s dresses may be the ultimate in ladylike Mad Men chic but for the T-shirts, she let loose with the spray paint for graffiti-inspired skater-girl (or boy) style.
Loved that photographer Jason Bell shot me in my distressed T-shirt, sleeves rolled up, and wearing the old Balenciaga hat and Stella jeans I turned up to the shoot in. Just a smoky eye, no blow-dry - and vintage Bowie on the studio iPod. I could have danced all night.
As it was I was home for tea. Now all I’ve got to do is run a mile on March 21 and hopefully we can add to the £75 million+ raised by Sport Relief since 2002.
Shop or run or both…hats and eyeliner optional.
Thanks as always Cosmocat. I do think you and I might possibly be the only two that read this thread (well you post and I read), but I do love all your updates :heart:
^I know! But I love Laura, so always want to post on the off chance that anyone else visits...

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