Liliana Dominguez


He is spanish....20 years old...He is Pilar Miró soon... he is Journalist and filmmaker and actually he is boyfriend of Cayetana Martínez de Irujo, daughter of a Spanish duchess... he is not a model but he could be ...
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Tamar Stern said:
She's adorable....
she used to go out with my good friend Diego Garcia....
she and Petra Nemcova were in his band's (Elefant, my hunny plays geetar! in the band :) )last video.

Wow wow wow, it was a surprise to find this post!!! :flower: I'm a big fan of elefant!!! I saw them a year ago and it was an incredible show. so beautiful songs, diego is simply so beautiful, and Mod is one of the best guitarists in the world! It would be so nice if you could tell them that they MUST tour again in europe (esp. Germany and the Netherlands! I'm waiting forever now) :heart: :p ... & Diego and Liliana... such beautiful people together....
She is beautiful :heart:
Did she not do the shows this season?
^No, I don't think she does shows anymore. Not sure why but I miss her too.

I love this editorial to bits.
More of principles

Well... it seems she continues working for Principles
Good looking Mexican girl!
Mexican with indian blood..
I have a little indian blood as well ;)
I like to drink some Tequila with her some day.. without the worm though! This bottle is waiting for you!... only the best, guapa! ;)
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