It’s still impressive how she continually walks Demna’s Balenciaga with their unconventional types of models (nothing wrong and not necessarily complaining). Just a testament of her massive range across brands and designers. Sometimes I wonder if her facial asymmetry gives her an edge – especially in Balenciaga’s case that afforded her to be more “different” and harsher and pared down to their aesthetic.
More importantly, am pleasantly surprised to see she’s even more ‘sexy’ at Balenciaga than she has ever at Versace(!), IMO. And while people have their perception and definition of what’s sexy, this hot pink cut-out number is certainly something to look twice and gives that spicy punch in a Balenciaga’s plain, sexy way. Have voiced in the past that it would be great to see her sashay in a Versace staple dress. But nada. Zilch. Is Versace sexy? Or is Wen too tomboy to be in their dresses…