Lucinda Chambers - Stylist

UK Vogue June 2012
"Sporting Gods"
Models/Athletes: Hannah Whelan, Luke Campbell, Jodie Williams, Rebecca Downie, Louise Hazel, Kelly Sotherton, Heather Fell, Euan Burton, Vanessa Raw, Laura Bechtolsheimer and Chrystall Nicoll
Photographer: Peter Lindbergh
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers
Hair: Valentin
Make-Up: Lucia Pica

Vogue UK July 2012
A Clean Slate
Josh Olins
Fashion Editor: Lucinda Chambers
Model: Suvi Koponen
Hair: Samantha Hillerby
Make-Up: Samantha Bryant
Manicure: Jenny Longworth via Mat Cyruss
My Fashion Life

Lucinda Chambers
Speaking at the Vogue festival, in partnership with Vertu, Vogue fashion director Lucinda Chambers revealed her lengthy career in fashion started with a cigarette.

"Smoking got me my first job," she said. "At the time when I joined Condé Nast as an assistant, all the office was partitioned. One day, my boss left for lunch and I quickly lit myself a cigarette. She forgot something and came back, so I threw my cigarette over the partition and it landed on the desk of the assistant to the then-editor of Vogue - Beatrix Miller. Luckily, she was a smoker too and she got me an interview at Vogue."

Describing her schoolgirl self as a "real under-achiever" ("but I didn't care, I wanted to be a secretary and get married anyway"), Chambers also revealed a few of her fashion disasters - involving three famous Vogue cover girls.
"The first [disaster] was the first trip I ever went abroad for. I had seen this place called Nadak in the National Geographic - it's in a rural, very remote part of India and very difficult to get into and also to get out of. I thought that this would be a wonderful place to take Cindy Crawford and Patrick Demarchelier. Of course they wouldn't mind sleeping in tents with the make-up artists or not having any running water... They didn't, but I wouldn't assume their good nature again!" she laughed.

"Then there was Emma Watson's cover shoot. A US train driver stole the luggage, carrying hundreds of thousands of pounds-worth of couture. So the shoot started with me finding a pair of sunglasses in my bag - picture one -and Emma wearing the assistant's hat - picture two. All the while I had her assistant there saying: "Emma's been waiting for this moment for 10 years, you're losing her here."

"Then there was a shoot with Cheryl Cole where she turned up drenched in sweat, saying that she really needed to lie down. I told her that she could have a quick sleep, but we had to start. When she woke up I put her in a skin-tight zip-up dress. I found out later that she gone straight from the shoot to the hospital, where she was diagnosed with malaria."

And what does she think it takes to become one of the world's most successful fashion editors?

"You have to be a bit bonkers," she said. "You have to be able to look at people, places, wrappers - everything - in a slightly skewed way."

Vogue UK August 2012
Volume Control

Photographer: Josh Ollins
Model: Guinevere Van Seenus
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers

clmus via Mat Cyruss
Vogue UK October 1997
Photographer: Arthur Elgort
Fashion editor: Lucinda Chambers
Make-up: Lisa Eldridge
Hair: Ken O'Rourke
Models: Karen Elson and ?

Vogue UK September 2012

Dandy Haze
Nick Knight
Stylist: Lucinda Chkambers
Model: Karlie Kloss
Make-Up: Petros Petrohilos
Hair: Sam McKnight & next models blog via Akashisko
Vogue UK September 2012
Deauville Rendevouz
Mario Testino
Models: Stella Tennant and Marte van Haaster
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers
Hair: Christiaan
Make-Up: Val Garland via Mat Cyruss
Vogue UK September 2012
Midas Touch
Nick Knight
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers
Models: Kate Moss, Stella Tennant, Lily Cole, Karen Elson, Lily Donaldson, Jourdan Dunn, David Gandy, Georgia May Jagger, Naomi Campbell
Make-Up: Val Garland & Petros Petrohilos
Hair: Sam McKnight via Mat Cyruss
UK Elle August 1987
"Shrink to Fit"
Models: Naomi Campbell, Looma & Camille
Photographer: Martin Brading
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers
Hair: Thomas McKiver
Makeup: Tracie Martyn

Scanned by kelles
Behind the scenes photos of her discussing Midas Touch editorial with Beckham & Smith:


models: Nina Brosh & Diane Kruger
photographer: Pamela Hanson
fashion editor: Lucinda Chambers
hair: Julian D'Ys
make-up: Linda Cantello

Mojopin scans @ TFS
UK Vogue October 2012
"Gowns of Brixton"
Model: Jourdan Dunn
Photographer: Tyrone Lebon
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers
Hair: Samantha Hillerby
Make-up: Miranda Joyce

UK Vogue IPad App via Chanelcouture09
UK Vogue October 2012: Kristen Stewart by Mario Testino via Fianna

"Untamed Heart"
Model/Star: Kristen Stewart
Photographer: Mario Testino
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers
Hair: Christiaan
Makeup: James Kalliardos
Manicure: Emi Kudo

UK Vogue IPad App via Chanelcouture09

Vogue UK October 2012
Gowns of Brixton
Tyrone Lebon
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers
Model: Jourdan Dunn
Make-Up: Miranda Joyce
Hair: Samantha Hillerby

Vogue UK October 2012

Untamed Heart
Mario Testino
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers
Star: Kristen Stewart
Make-Up: James Kalliardos
Hair: Christiaan
UK Vogue January 1989
"Indian High"
Models: Fabienne Terwinghe & Cindy Crawford
Photographer: Patrick Demarchelier
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers
UK Vogue December 2012: Natalia Vodianova by Mario Testino

"Colour Fest"
Model: Natalia Vodianova
Photographer: Mario Testino
Stylist: Lucinda Chambers
Hair: Christiaan
Makeup: Val Garland
Manicure: Lorraine Griffin
UK Vogue January 2013
"By The Book"
Photographer: Patrick Demarchelier
Model: Karen Elson
Styling: Lucinda Chambers
Hair: Sam McKnight
Make-Up: Val Garland
Nails: Jenny Longworth

Digital Edition Vogue UK 01/2013 via Mat Cyruss
Vogue UK September 1992

"Culture Clash"
Photographer: Peter Lindbergh
Fashion Editor: Lucinda Chambers
Hair: Guido
Make-up: Stephane Marais
Model: Linda Evangelista


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