Actually I know I said I thought the presentation was a self-indulgent larp before but after reeling in my negative attitude towards life lol and thinking about it in a less cynical way I kinda change my mind or have new thoughts on it. I feel with the show, as self-indulgent as it is, there is a proposal or at least an invitation to think about a more thoughtful and restrictive way of dressing, creating, or consuming in general (if you can even say that really). With the feeling it tries to evoke, that wenchy debaucherous art nouveau vibe, I can see the parallels between the period Galliano references and now, but also a main glaring difference. Back then during the "fin de siecle" the prominence of p*rn*gr*phy and eroticism arose from the restrictions of the culture that people were rebelling against. Those boundaries of the dominant moral codes and behavior caused the proliferation of sexual expression among women, "gheys" lol, and "decadents". And with France trying to put a halt on all the p*rn*gr*phy lol all of that sexual expression filtered into fine and decorative art making it more available for people in society. There was a pretty good action/reaction reason for those political ideologies. Today I feel there is a similar decadence, an even more unrestricted hedonism, but without similar boundaries. Yes there are of course oppressing forces in our society today, but in regards to something like restrictive moral codes and behavior there's not a lot going on there, at least in reference to the gender and sexuality of the people who consume Paris fashion week. There is no constricting force that makes anyone be so decadent other than the ennui from being spiritually obese on the internet. I.e. larping as someone oh so fabulous "challenging the norms" "provoking society" when there's really nothing inside you but a will for attention and validation. Which to me kind of all makes sense mixing and translating the ideas of a brainless decadent larp and all that comes with it with the eroticism of art nouveau into the old brainless dolls clomping around the runway, the prostitutes with the merkins and extremely tight corsets proposing a thoughtful rigor while simultaneously mocking the huge @sses and fake faces of Kim and Kylie wh*ring themselves out online, some things we see today like the trend of bodysuits covering the face, fingers, and all interpreted in colors of the fauves. There is a lot going on in there that made me think a lot about why people (me included lol) do the things we do today and how maybe I can change to be more thoughtful. And I'm still looking. And still waiting for the show notes... Anyways that's my projection onto it lol. I feel bad for being so superficial and negative as a first reaction.