
Wow you see the name "The Fashion Spot" and the least fashion thing is Metal, so I tought nobody like it in this forum, Im GLAD to now I´m wrong. Well here are my favorites:
1. PANTERA (The band with more power in Metal, Dimebag we miss you bro, Getcha Pull)
2. METALLICA (They are not what they used to be, but to me 1989 Seattle Colliseum is one of the peak of Metal history.)
3. IRON MAIDEN (Proof that longevity does exist in Metal.)
4. OZZY OSBOURNE (The man is really smart hooking up with the best musicians.)
5. LED ZEPPELIN (I know I know they aren´t Metal, but they have been a great influence in many Metal artist and myself, so they deserve a place in my list. HAMMER OF THE GODS.) \m/
Yes you are right, my brother is obsessed with Black Sabbath me not so much, but I can´t deny that without them probably Metal would not exist as we know it.
Anyway I also like Trivium but the singer needs to get his act right because I don´t like when he does 2 types of voices one screaming and the other singing like a pop song, I guess has something to do with the fact that he is japonese.
im not so much into old school metal
i really like death metal/hardcore.
ive been going to local shows since i was 14.

i really like bands like parkway drive, i killed the prom queen and bring me the horizon. there are HEAPS of others that i like more then those bands, but those are the ones that others have the most chance of knowing.

anyone here listen to the same kind of metal?
^I love Metalcore, I'm not that much. In the death Metal department, I like Children of Bodom.
So japoelflaco,what Triviums album do you consider the best? I think Shogun is a rather addictive album, but Acendancy and The Crusade are really good too. Its stange that they passed from a metalcore band to heavy metal them back to metalcore and now they are trying to put thrash in their songs.
^^ Well first of all I only like certain songs, my favorite is probably ""A Gunshot to the Head of Trepidation" so I guess "Ascendancy" is my favorite of them, and my least favorite is "The Crusade" that album really s..ks. And I don´t like them so much now because they gotten so hyped just because Metallica likes them. They need to stay grounded and focus on the songs and good lyrics my God, Heavy Metal needs good lyric writers in this moment.
From infamous Peter Beste exhibition


Metal is all about pretty colours...


...and healthy lifestyle (Fenriz from Darkthrone)...


...and weird appreciation for animals (Varg Vikernes). Especially goats.

Soma visuals.

Hellhammer '83

Sunn O)))
Bumping this because another metalhead has entered the building. I mostly listen to death metal, but I go through phases where I'll listen to power, black and thrash, too.

Favorite bands at the moment are Bloodbath (my ultimate forever favorite), Aeon, Nekrogoblikon, and Amon Amarth.

I've been listening to a lot of Demiurg lately. Not sure if anyone's heard of them, but I searched Dan Swano (love Swano) and they're one of his side projects.
That's funny, never knew there was a Metal thread on tfs :lol:
I used to be a metal head, went to metal concerts all the time, was 'friends' ( :brows: ) with all the local metal bands and totally dressed like a goth for a loooong time.
I still listen to some Metal bands occasionally, but I've calmed down a lot in the last couple of years and don't really like all that loud stuff anymore. But I still love Eisregen, Opeth, Dimmu Borgir, Dark Tranquility and Ensiferum (when I'm feeling folky).
oooh a metal thread!
I used to be into metal, metalcore, thrash, death metal a while back in middle school. Now I'm getting in to metal again, I cannot really live without it. I've been listening to Children of Bodom, Cradle of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, In Flames, Between the Buried and Me, Leaves Eyes, and Apocalyptica. I recently discovered Therion and Sunn O ))).
I love metal music and hae for a fair few years.

At the moment I am loving Deathstars, Cradle of Filth, Lamb of God and Chimaira. Opeth are amazing too
I saw Katatonia, Swallow the Sun and Orphaned Land last week. Watain is playing in Hollywood in November and I'm hoping to catch a ride to that. :)
Omg Im not the only happy person to find this thread :woot: I've come back to Metal recently, I used to listen Doom and Black, and now Progressive. Opeth and Tools, anyone ? :mowhawk:
And I wonder if there have been any fashion shows that used metal as music.

Fashion people into metal are the most decent thing that ever happens \m/
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^Haha, I'd love to see a fashion show that uses metal music. I think fashion has lots of gothic and punk influences (mainly visually) but metal not so much :ninja:

^ Sounds like it'll be a blast.

I'm going to see Ghoul & Cannabis Corpse tonight.
I saw Cannibal Corpse live about 5 years ago. They were great.
i love metal!

i dont have a specific sub-genre i love, im open minded when it comes to metal but somewhat of a snob when it comes to what i actually listen to.
my favorite bands are as follows in order:
1) Iron Maiden <3 <3 <3
2)Dream Theater
4)Opeth (just discovered them, and they will be moving up in this list shortly)

i actually saw maiden for the first time every this summer at madison square garden and dream theater opened for them. needless to say, BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE!

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