Michael Jackson (September 2005 - November 2010)

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:heart: Stranger In Moscow





Christian Dior Haute Couture Spring 2007
i remember being sooo excited to hear MJ in the Dior show :blush:
i had this video on my MySpace(:lol: well back when i had one)
cut an MP3 of this version of the song for MySpace / imeem as well as just to have a copy ^_^
@ 5:27 Stranger In Moscow vs This Mortal Coil's Song To The Siren

Hear me sing: "Swim to me, swim to me, let me enfold you."
"Here I am. Here I am, waiting to hold you."

I was wandering in the rain
Mask of life, feelin' insane
Swift and sudden fall from grace
Sunny days seem far away
Kremlin's shadow belittlin' me
Stalin's tomb won't let me be
On and on and on it came
Wish the rain would just let me

How does it feel (How does it feel)
How does it feel
How does it feel
When you're alone
And you're cold inside

Here abandoned in my fame
Armageddon of the brain
KGB was doggin' me
Take my name and just let me be
Then a begger boy called my name
Happy days will drown the pain
On and on and on it came
And again, and again, and again...
Take my name and just let me be

How does it feel (How does it feel)
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel
How does it feel (How does it feel now)
How does it feel
How does it feel
When you're alone
And you're cold inside

SIM : ScottyTodd on Maximum Jackson, EdytaGraphic on dA, LouieTheLlama on dA, Wallpaper Gate
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some brootiful Afro Cool Mikey to set the mood

but oh my...

so they're saying MJ's mom Katherine released a song that was supposedly an unreleased track called "Opis None".
i listened to it and it's just a remix of "Destiny" by The Jacksons (1978). i love that song so i'm offended -_-. da hale are they trying to pull?


"Destiny" on the album


"Destiny" on the tour

the main site jacksonsecretvault.com looks like an infomercial mess so i'm not about to attempt to navigate that sh*t.
i don't want to post from TMZ because i hate that site. i'm just going to link to where i heard the song first : "Opis None".

it starts off sounding like someone is playing the track backwards with subliminal messages and tellin' me to buy Big Macs and sh*t.
when you start hearing the lyrics, it's clear it's just a remix of "Destiny".
overall, i don't think it's that bad for a remix if you cut the scary intro and get past the inital jumbledness(lol everything?!).
later on the song seems to make more sense and they kept the guitars in the end.
i'm just like what in da hale? about them trying to pass it off as an unreleased track.

boogie-ing my butt outta here like Mikey

* does the robot moonwalk - forwards *

Destiny : my iTunes, ohnotheydidnt
Afro Mikey : lovelytinkerbelle on dA, ayit'skrazykatie on dA, ohnotheydidnt
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Come together

thank you girls:heart::woot::flower:

o. m. g.



sent to me by a friend
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^ you're* FML :rofl:

Smooth Criminal
dark blue




SC, all dA : duoforbidden, blackparademarcher93, shyangell
I love the Strange In Moscow video.
And I love the pics and video of the making of even more.
He looks so gorgeous in them. :wub: :wub:
^ i'm so feelin' Stranger In Moscow since it's been raining in California.

full version of "Breaking News" is on the Official site

HQ of MICHAEL album cover.
it's very "Leave Me Alone" video / Dangerous album cover which i'm fine with.
but i wished they used more current photos since the MICHAEL album is supposed to be Invincible era songs.


Naked, did you see the Prince symbol in the bubble underneath the Dangerous eyes?

Breaking News : MJ Official
MICHAEL : Sony Music Digital
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better quality of "Breaking News" photo
because it was legit buggin'! my perfectionistic qualities are flarin' :rofl:
the website be trippin' because i noticed the photo would get all low quality mid song and at the end of the song...at first i thought it was my eyes but nope it kept doing that :wacko:
i was working under the time limit to edit that post
~ Under Pressure, Um ba ba be, Um ba ba be, De day da, Ee day da - that's o.k. :winkiss:

anyways, i love the set up, it's so old school with those TV boxes with those knobs that fall off in your hands :rofl:


Breaking News : MJ Official
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That 'Michael' cover looks so "busy" like there are too much going on. And not in a good way like the Dangerous cover.
That picture where he's wearing the Smooth Criminal jacket he looks so good.
^I agree. The more I look at it the more I dislike the cover:( It's like they tried to re-create Dangerous but failed.
And why am I hearing talk that Breaking News is fake?:unsure:

Naked, did you see the Prince symbol in the bubble underneath the Dangerous eyes?

Oh yeah! GIrl I'm tellin ya. Your eyes are out of this world!:o
I wonder if it's some kind of a secret message to Prince?^_^
^That's good. I'm waiting till Dec to hear the whole thing^_^
Man. The Prince thing. These two can never get away from each other:lol:

PS. Can someone post the Oprah interview?
^ wow! i just got home about an hour ago, soo many comments! :woot:

Another HQ, this time with the Prince symbol edited out B)
they should put something else in there like his Smooth Criminal oxfords :heart:


Naked & Ciao!, i agree. i think the reason Dangerous album cover worked was there was ONE central Michael with little visual gems around him. i love Michael but why do we need 12 years worth of photos? (unless it was a compilation album from various eras) and none from the supposed era of songs : Invincible.

Naked, yeah that's one of the reasons i do kind of like the MICHAEL photo just because there is so many little things to look at ^_^
is that a popcorn "pop cone" in the bubble next to Smooth Criminal? :rofl:
i'm not crazy about it as an album cover though

they can never get away from each other! :rofl:


MelBelle, thank you for posting the Oprah interview :flower:

i'm liking "Breaking News" so far. i listened to it with headphones with my eyes closed :rofl: to help with the hearing senses of course :brows:. it does sound like him in the under current but with another enhanced (not because he needs it but because of the low quality of the demo) vocal of Mikey layered on top. someone posted a video that removed some of the music so you can hear his vocals more clearly. it sounds grittier like the Mikey we are used to more so than the Official edit. no offense to Jason Malachi but dude never fooled me, he doesn't have the grit to pull it off. people have been comparing the lower tones in Breaking News to 2000 Watts. i have been listening to Who Is It lately as well and i think some of his tone reminds me of that song in this "raw-er" version. a lot of signature vocal ticks from 2 minutes in and on...

@ 2:02 "oh no"
@ 2:07 "ah" sound
@ 2:10 vibrato
@ 2:48 falsetto

if they have the audacity to sell tracks that aren't Mikey, i'm gonna go Don Corleone and they gonna get the damn KISS OF DEATH from me.

MICHAEL edited : hip hop n more
Prince : MJ Lovers
The Godfather Part II : gifsoup / ohnotheydidnt
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i think the Oprah interview went well considering the issues i have with her regarding MJ. not giving her all the credit but she seems to want to 'do right', now when it comes to MJ--i don't really have issues with her otherwise...hope she stays respectful.

damn i cried through most of it, tissues errywhere! when Oprah pointed out the baby picture of Michael, it made me burst into tears then Katherine starts crying too which made it even worse. whenever the haters around me say anything mean about him, bb Mike is who i picture them hurting :cry:. not that he was still a child but on the inside we are all vulnerable. if you wouldn't hurt a child then why would you be so malicious to another human being? i can't talk about June 25th without crying.

it's sad that MJ didn't discuss his vitiligo treatments with his mom, i do understand why though. it's weird that Katherine didn't just research the treatments for vilitigo herself. maybe it's just me but i'm just the type to not be content with not knowing, knowing the process would help a lot to understand what someone is going through. it's good that Katherine put Joe on blast about the beatings.

the kids are so cute. it's good that they had the family literally right there with them. aww Blanket is soo shy. Prince is serious biznaz just like how his family described him to be and i was happy he was a bit cold towards Oprah, ngl. Paris is a little spitfire isn't she? :claps: i love how head strong she is. i think things are gonna be okay * big sigh *

another musically inspired post ^_^
Madonna "Revolver" (2009)
lyrics always remind me of Mikey

You've been hit by a smooth criminal, a bad girl
I gotcha crying to your mama, saying I can't believe it
I've seen your type, bring a knife into a gun fight
Caught up in the law right, I think I'm in love right

BAD tour set to "Revolver" by MJACKSONEYES
@ 0:33 lucky girl, that Sheryl Crow :brows:

Dangerous Tour & etc set to "Revolver" by Speechless2908

:crush: @ 1:30

who's BAD? B)


ooh such a P.Y.T, tenderoni you've got to be
spark my nature, sugar fly with me

BAD Revolver : ohnotheydidnt, meryt_aten on dA, maxoooow on dA
Dangerous Revolver : screencapped by me ^_^
I haven't gotten around watching the whole thing yet, but he said, 'my own mother don't believe me.' I can so picture him saying that! Mike was definitely a guy who knew how to have it his way.
the kids are so cute. it's good that they had the family literally right there with them. aww Blanket is soo shy. Prince is serious biznaz just like how his family described him to be and i was happy he was a bit cold towards Oprah, ngl. Paris is a little spitfire isn't she? :claps: i love how head strong she is. i think things are gonna be okay * big sigh *

I skipped to the part with the kids:blush:
I can't decide which one I like better, Prince I or II:blush: Paris is smart and adorably beautiful of course, but look at those two boys! Prince has the lowest voice ever! I cannot picture Michael, being as soft-spoken as he was, to be having a teenage son with a baritone voice like that. I just can't work my head around it:lol: And you're right! Prince knows his stuff. Ain't nobody be tellin that boy what to do! But I love how he still has a baby face, and shows it once in awhile:blush: OMG I still think of him as that boy told by daddy and Mickey Mouse to go to shower! Or the boy who tried to sing his ABCs!:blush: And Blanket:heart: He is the mini Michael. You can so tell the boy had no love for that Oprah lady^_^ Just look at the way he stared after she asked if he was still home schooled-_- And little baby complained about older brother always getting away with anything! *awwww*:heart: I'm so happy the kids are turning out fine. I have a feeling that they weren't as sheltered as the world thought they were. But did you guys see the vitiligo-looking marks under Prince's arms again?:(

Oprah on the other hand, gave an expected performance, this based on what I've seen so far. Although I do feel like she was (or seemed) less genuine than when she was interviewing LMP. Katherine is such a cute little old lady, especially when you know that she'd go and ask the plastic surgeons to pretend to do a surgery:lol:^_^

did you see Blanket wipe his mouth then shake Oprah's hand :rofl:
he was trying to hide behind people, i was like that as a kid too but sometimes it wasn't just shyness, it was because i disliked the people who were at my house :rofl:

yeah Prince's voice is so deep! he was such an adorable tot with his super high voice A B C Deeeee :lol:

Oprah did annoy me too. she did ask stupid and insensitive questions as usual but i felt she was less aggressive. well, i can't really give her credit for 'being easy' on them so much as the Jackson family was not going to let her get away with things. she was so awkward around them too. the way she worded her questions suggests she doesn't know how to speak to children...kind of like what i said about Martin Batsh*t when he was talking to Prince about Star Wars.

Katherine was making me choke up every time she was close to tears again. she is such a mother lol hearing her say some of the things about his looks really stung but it's expected of mothers. they are blunt but they just want their kids to love what they were born with because to them, no matter how grown they are always their 'baby'.

i always felt that LMP gives Oprah too much, she could be easily swayed into saying things she didn't intend to say or exaggerating because Oprah is egging her on. with MJ's kids, they are stronger than that, it shows how well he raised them.

so whose idea it was to interview the kids? clearly Prince and Blanket didn't want to be interviewed. Paris is outspoken but she just wanted people to see how great of a father she had. see how they didn't care for Oprah's attention as much as their cousins... it makes me so happy to see that they understand everything Michael did for them as a father.
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