Michael Jackson (September 2005 - November 2010)

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oh yeah and i love how Prince and Paris was talking about their favorite memory with Michael and Snickers :rofl: some of my favorite things :heart:
^And Skittles:rofl:
I saw that with Blankie! I know I was like that too as a kid. He kept trying to hide behind was it Jafaar or someone else:lol:
I could put in the caption *No! Don't let the monster find me.*-_-

I agree with you Oprah was awkward and she didn't quite know how to be with the kids. She looked like she was in awe. Just like any adult who knows he/she is not liked by the kids:lol: But I do really like how they shot Havenhurst, it looked like a really nice place. And did you see how Mike was playing badminton and then Prince was playing it too?:blush:

I heard Oprah refused twice to do an interview with Katherine and then when Katherine offered the kids she agreed?
your caption! :rofl:

i heard that too but i didn't know what to believe. i can't imagine Oprah turning down anything MJ related...unless she really was holding out for the possibility of interviewing the kids too -_-

Hayvenhurst looked really nice. and it was cute to see the second generation playing outside! ^_^ their personalities remind me so much of MJ :heart:

it was really sweet to hear about him doing improv with Paris ^_^. it means the world to children when you encourage them to pursue their dreams.
Just Kiss Me Baby
And Tell Me Twice
That You're The One For Me

The Way You Make Me Feel


^ :kiss: :heart:


^ :crush: :wub:

TWYMMF, all dA : dahaai wyrd, secrets of the pen
Inspired Post.


Lady Gaga "Brown Eyes" (2008)

Guess it's just a silly song about you
And how I lost you
And your brown eyes

^ i love the intro of the video with pianos!

hey Naked...another I'll Be There photo :winkiss: :wub:


Honey yeah, it's no surprise
I got lost in your brown eyes



Brown Eyes : last.fm, miyanushi on dA , shamone ontd
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I have my brown eyes too:crush:

The Thrill Walk was cute^_^ It was a little short though. My favorite part was when the coffin/tomb opened:lol:-_-
Although I do despise the 'MJ' painting they had on the wall in the bedroom. That totally looked like that world's number one impersonator:lol:
^ i wish they could make a Thrill Walk movie! :heart:

the first official single of MICHAEL will be "Hold My Hand" with Akon on November 15th on MJ Official.



1. Hold My Hand (Duet with Akon)
2. Hollywood Tonight
3. Keep Your Head Up
4. (I Like) The Way You Love Me
5. Monster (Featuring 50 Cent)
6. Best Of Joy
7. Breaking News
8. (I Can’t Make It) Another Day (Featuring Lenny Kravitz)
9. Behind The Mask
10. Much Too Soon

source : MJ Official






2007 : newchristiane.skyrock, sodahead, zimbio, bankruptcy and insolvency blogspot, king of pop . eu
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^You know they do say the bigger your hand is, the bigger your... will be:brows:-_-

So what about Breaking News? That wasn't an official release?
I love recent Michael. I love it most.:heart:
The first official single of MICHAEL will be "Hold My Hand" with Akon on November 15th on MJ Official.

Jeez! This song has been out for years! :doh:
And the album cover is fugly...
Stupid $ony !!! :yuk:
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Naked, you naughty! :brows: yeah, i always had a thing for big man hands :winkiss: ...to help me crack open lobster :rofl:

Breaking News was just a preview but Hold My Hand will go on sale digitally on Nov 15.

Diorette, i want more Michael on the finished track :flower:...MOAR! :rofl:

Akon interview about MJ :heart: (February 2009)

I love every era of Michael!
but i always miss seeing mature MJ, it just does not get enough love sometimes :wub:
~ Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough!


What More Can I Give (studio)


What More Can I Give (United We Stand 2001)



WMCIG : meggy_mjj on dA, xoxo vampire buzznet, telegraph co uk, myspace
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You are the sun
You make me shine
Or more like the stars
That twinkle at night
You are the moon
That glows in my heart
You’re my daytime my nighttime
My world
You are my life


comparison photo :crush: can i has both MJs?




so smooth B)






^ i love.

guardian co uk, victorz1999 on dA, imdb, triplem, concrete loop, access hollywood, celebrity rush
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Jeez! This song has been out for years! :doh:
And the album cover is fugly...
Stupid $ony !!! :yuk:
mj.com claims that according to some letter Michael wanted this song to be the first single from an upcoming album :ermm:
I don't like the cover either, it's too busy

I wish they would have "Another day" as the first single :(



sent to me by a friend
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^ ^_^ always fascinating to see people's signatures

i was playing "Hold My Hand" a while back in my car, warm reception from my friend so far. i hope it does well.

i would love for "Another Day" to be a single as well, there is not enough Rock on the radio.

blue version of the Arno Bani photo (from an uber A capella yt vid of BN)


One More Chance


screencapped by me, imdb
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I'm sorry but I have got to say this.
I do not like where the Michael Jackson legacy is going EXCEPT FOR CIRQUE OLE (I still haven't seen the finish product), AND GRAMMY MUSEUM (he really needs his own Giant Gallery).

These songs they are putting out are crap Crap CRAP. This is not how Michael works. It is being presented as CHEAP.

I think that SONY and who ever else is involved needs to take two steps back. Find some very talented people in the world, even if it takes two years, to execute the music and image properly.

This is ridiculous and lazy.

What is going to end up happening is, the fans are ONLY going to by the old stuff, AND NONE (hear the Sony, none) of this new crap.

I'm not trying to come across in a mean way, but this is not right, and you will just loose this money. Still profit from the old stuff, but there will be no buying of the new stuff, unless, who ever is in charge gets there act together.

Another thing "We are the World- Remake" was and is terrible. Stop bringing on these stupid people that just want to rush out something for money.

Find someone with amazing artistic vision to over see Michael's sound and image.

Quincy Jones, you are a musical genius, no one can take that away from you, but don't touch another Michael song, unless it just involves you (You Alone). It seems like when other people work with you, it goes to Cheap Crap. -But I know you are a genius.
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^ i agree, i'm pretty frustrated with the way things are going.

fan shouldn't have to question MJ's voice on any of the upcoming tracks. the songs shouldn't be over produced, period. like i've been saying, if it's a demo, then it's a demo. some fans will buy because they still love it regardless of it being unfinished, that's how they want it. not an autotuned mess.

it might not be that Sony needed more time so much as they went to the WRONG people in the first place. why not get the people who used to work a lot with MJ like Bruce Swedien? who know what an MJ track is supposed to sound like and who have quality control.

i give credit to QJ for his work in the past but nothing of MJ's needs to be remade, especially without MJ there. after hearing WATW and P.Y.T, clearly QJ doesn't know wtf he is doing anymore.
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