Natalia Semanova

Some of those pix are less interresting because they come from catalogues. I'll try to keep Valeria Mazza's thread alive, but I'm the only one... so it's a bit boring. This thread is a lot more fun... (because of you Pashen'ka of course!)

(Scanned by me)
You 2 rock!
thank you Vicky and Pash for scans with Natasha!!!!
I'll see if can give you karma
^ Welcome, Sweet! :winkiss: :flower:

^^ Thanks a lot VickiB!!! :blush: :flower: Gorgeous scans, I particularly :heart: the candid one, so lovely! :crush:
Thanks Sweet Rus to be interrested in what me and Pashen'ka trying to do (I mean to promote Natalia (or Natasha in Russian way). I will scans other pix of her soon (promise). Thanks Pashen'ka for those pix!!!! She's so cute with red hair!!!
I too think that redhair really suited her gorgeously! :crush: She was also ultralovely with dark hair, imho...:crush:

Like in this ed, one of my absolute faves of her:

(my scans)
This ed is cool, but there is not enough close-up of Natalia... A face like that it have to be closer on photographer's objective;).

Thanks again Pashen'ka!!!
^ :p I know what you mean, but I still think the ed is great 'cause it shows her aethereal, magical, mysterious, poetical side...:crush:

Anyway, here's some faceshots! :D

(my scans)
aethereal, magical, mysterious...... just as you Pash :blush: ;) :heart:
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"De l'air" edito is one you've send me, I remember :woot: I love it so much
:heart: :heart: :heart:
btw, I love her with dark hair too, and she reminds me of the young girl in the movie "Leon" , Nathalie Portman, who was so cute at that time
The first one is how I discovered Natalia (with this picture & article). The last picture is a picture of Natalia when she was a child.

Scanned by me
^ :woot: Thanks a lot, VickiB! :clap: That gorgeous ed (btw, I'm missing the 1st pic, so I discover it now! Thanks a lot!!!) is from german Vogue, june '95...;)
^ :woot: Thanks a lot, VickiB! :clap: That gorgeous ed (btw, I'm missing the 1st pic, so I discover it now! Thanks a lot!!!) is from german Vogue, june '95...;)

Ok! The ed with white background is from German Vogue, june 1995. Thanks!!! Do you know where the one with red hair (on my discovery Natalia) is from? I think it's a German Elle, but which year and month? I would like so much to have this editorial!!!!

Thanks for Albertti's ads! I have just one of these (the last one) but mine is Black & White. It's funny because she's with Tasha Tilberg... and Gosh they looks like sisters!!!

Thanks again Pashen'ka... Mysterious man (according to Mariemaud!!!);)
^ Nope, unfortunately I dunno where the first pic in #474 is either :( (btw, it could be french Elle, not german...;))

Natalia & Tasha do really look alike in those ads...:D

:blush: Actually, it's "international man of mystery", a funny definition I've stolen from Austin Powers... :lol: :D
thank you, Vicky and Pashenka, again! Enjoy all the pix^_^
:heart: Gisele, Natalia and Carmen:heart:


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