New York F/W 07.08 Schedule

did i read that correctly? bruce is back?! omg,really great to see the girls back again.
Scott said:
did i read that correctly? bruce is back?! omg,really great to see the girls back again.

yes, they are Back,
since last season actually.
(they didnt show last season though,) last season is on their website

I shall be sending them flowers this week, and a welcome back note.............
ah zamb,thanks for telling me that! i had no idea and i really missed them too...

(the collection looks gorgeous....picking up where they left off...nice)
I can't wait for it all to begin, but I'm also really looking foward to seeing some of the newer designers again!
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zamb said:

yes, they are Back,
since last season actually.
(they didnt show last season though,) last season is on their website

I shall be sending them flowers this week, and a welcome back note.............
zamb...what is the website for bruce? thanks!
Thanks for posting :woot:

Looking forward to Marc Jacobs stuff, Vionnet and Zambs show ofcourse...
thanks for the schedule zamb! :flower: i can't believe it's that time of year already....
btw,do watch out for knitwear extraordinaire,Pierrot too!
shopping247 said:
thanks for the schedule zamb! :flower: i can't believe it's that time of year already....

Youre welcome,
and the beauty of it is, it isnt available anywhere else online as yet,
it is exclusive to TFS

there may be a few updates when as the weeks progress, thins such as time changes, and a few missing names may be added
Scott said:
btw,do watch out for knitwear extraordinaire,Pierrot too!

Yes he is very Good, he was a friend of Miguel Adrover,
and was Onced backed by Onward Kashiama

when i had just moved to New York , I was supposed to work for Him (through a tess Giberson connection) . Those Days the industry was less grinding , and everybody helped everybody. That was also pre Sept 11 , 2001,
which pretty much wiped out a lot of the smaller stores that really supported independent talents..............
zamb, if you got 2 front row seats to your show i'll attend :shifty:
leyla m. said:
zamb, if you got 2 front row seats to your show i'll attend :shifty:

well It wont be a (runway) show, but it will be a really nice, very creative presentation.
It will be in a very nice space in SOHO.
I will PM you the rsvp information so that I can send you the invites.

Yes, and you can have front seats

they will be collectors Items!!!!!!!!!:p
zamb said:
well It wont be a (runway) show, but it will be a really nice, very creative presentation.
It will be in a very nice space in SOHO.
I will PM you the rsvp information so that I can send you the invites.

Yes, and you can have front seats

they will be collectors Items!!!!!!!!!:p

i want to sit next to Leyla! oMG Leyla you're coming to NY?! O M G!! NY Is gonna be hot this year! Everyone from Europe is coming! yaaay! Zamb I'm coming to your show. :woot::woot: Hopefully I'm invited B)
Oh la la TSE is going to be good! What a delicious lineup! OMG I cant waaaaaaaaaaaaaait!
OMG I just noticed Dennis Basso is on the list. Cant wait! my magazine just did a cover with his items so I'm totally gonna be there

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