New York F/W 07.08 Schedule

there is some industry breakfast on the calendar....
something about 'health issues in the fashion industry'...

softgrey said:
there is some industry breakfast on the calendar....
something about 'health issues in the fashion industry'...


it could be this, from wwd...

The CFDA is staging an event to discuss health and beauty on Feb. 5 to an invited audience of designers, models, agents, editors, industry leaders, and health experts and specialists from eating disorder organizations.
kimair said:
it could be this, from wwd...

Well, this issue needs to be addressed collectively by the wider society, the blame should not be laid at the feet of the fashion industry (although we are somewhat "PARTIALLY" responsible) Parents have a responsibility to see to it that their children are properly nourished. Children (and some adults) need to be taught that that they are as valuable as the some total of the attributes of thier character, and that they are created by a Loving God (some might diagree here, but thats another discussion for another time),who created them to be a blessing to the world, and not on their phisical apperance.
Obesity needs also to be addressed, and not by holding McDonalds and Burger King accountable. but by parents being firm and resolute in insisting that thier children eat properly and monitor thier wieght gain. I have gotten in to a lot of trouble by saying that people are fat, but i dont care.......... well....... I do care actually.
It is not my Intent to be rude or to hurt peoples feelings, but i think it is just as cruel to lie to someone to make them believe they are OK when they have a serious problem.
I could say more on this, but I dont want to use this thread for a subject that is not entirely related to NY fashion week.................
hopefuuly with fashions approach we can lead the forefront of helping the wider society to solve this problem.
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OK just kidding.... its Feb 25-march 4.......... a very looonnngggg week
zamb said:
OK just kidding.... its Feb 25-march 4.......... a very looonnngggg week


I will book plane tickets to be sure to be in town..:woot:
The tents are being put up...! I'm so excited that it is almost here:woot:
oh yes
The tent is almost there.
Can't wait! :woot:

This pic is what one of the tents looks last night

credit: by myself


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zamb said:
OK just kidding.... its Feb 25-march 4.......... a very looonnngggg week
thankfully, since its pretty much the only week that's exciting anymore...

hoping new york at least excites with a good marc jacobs showing on monday! and a few good suprises of course :innocent:
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where on earth are the threads about this :/ There have been a few shows so far, or am I wrong?

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