Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minillo: It's ON!

Both Jessica and Nick were nothing, especially Nick, before their reality show. But it was Jessica that shot herself and the show to success. Nick got his fair share with that show, plus all the special appearances like USO tours, their Christmas Special and anything they did together. However, he shouldn't get a single cent from of her profit from her album, movies, endorsements, cosmetic lines, commercials which, by the way is the bulk of her earnings. Bottomline, Jessica was the bread winner or else Nick wouldn't go to this extent of asking alimony.

BoscoBJGD said:
But for her marriage to Nick there would have been no reality show contract, no chance for her to "charm" the world with her "I'm a stereotypical dumb blonde" routine, no endorsements, no movies, no interest in her. She would have stayed the wannabe Britney or Christina that she was for so long. Look at her now after they announced the divorce...her popularity has fallen a great deal. She will never be at the level she was about two years ago. And as for him getting some of her money...I think it's a great thing. For so long women have been getting half of their husband's fortunes for "supporting" them while they made money or became famous. Nick was an integral part of her success, and he deserves just as much as if the roles were reversed (he had become as successful as Jessica and she was in his position).
I thought that they were supposed to have a prenup, but Jessica didn't want to (because Nick was more famous at that time), and he loved her too much so he agreed not to?

So in a way, he deserves that right to ask for alimony, I think, if she asked for (and he gave her) the right to it too.

Equality seems to be one of those things that people are quick to demand, but slow to give.
smartarse said:
Both Jessica and Nick were nothing, especially Nick, before their reality show. But it was Jessica that shot herself and the show to success. Nick got his fair share with that show, plus all the special appearances like USO tours, their Christmas Special and anything they did together. However, he shouldn't get a single cent from of her profit from her album, movies, endorsements, cosmetic lines, commercials which, by the way is the bulk of her earnings. Bottomline, Jessica was the bread winner or else Nick wouldn't go to this extent of asking alimony.
So why is it ok for women to get half of their husband's money and alimony upon divorce (which happens all the time), but not men (especially ones who played such a crucial role in his wife's success)? Assuming you're a woman and are for equal rights you have to accept that men can benefit in the same way that women can.

By the way, Nick was worth more than Jessica before the marriage.
Like I said Nick got his fair share from the Newlyweds, their special appearances and their christmas shows. That's why he doesn't need and should not ask for alimony. whereas, a woman who asks for alimony most cases have children to content with.

Nick's group 98 degrees wasn't as successful. they rode the coatails of N'Sync and Backstreet Boys. They didn't even last another album. Jessica was in the Britney, Aguilara, Mandy Moore phase and was doing quite well. not as big now as then, however, but just as well. Why do you think Mr. Simpson took a risk with making such a show as the Newlyweds when Nick and Jessica got married? Nick's well off because of his father compared to Jessica but he sure wasn't worth more than her professionally.

BoscoBJGD said:
So why is it ok for women to get half of their husband's money and alimony upon divorce (which happens all the time), but not men (especially ones who played such a crucial role in his wife's success)? Assuming you're a woman and are for equal rights you have to accept that men can benefit in the same way that women can.

By the way, Nick was worth more than Jessica before the marriage.
With all due respect, you are wrong about Jessica being more successful than Nick before the marriage (Google it, you'll find plenty of sources). And you still haven't addressed the issue of why women deserve a share of their husband's accumulated earnings during marriage, regardless of whether they also worked during the marriage, but men don't. Further, plenty of women without children get spousal support. It's very hypocritical to say that women deserve money if their husband was the primary earner but men don't if their wife was the primary earner, and frankly it relies on old gender stereotypes.
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Who cares? Nick wants that money, b/c he CAN get it...thats all there is to it. the opportunity is there and I'm sure his lawyers are up for it.
Did anyone see that VH1 behind the music: "Nick Lachey"? he had tears in his eyes the whole heartbreaking :rolleyes: I dont have a problem admitting that it made me laugh.
I disagree. Jessica's father got them the contract for the reality show. And it was she who made the lucrative money out of it due to her persona-esque at being comedic without trying. Adverts poured into her image as well as the producers. And given the feedback with the show, the money was geared toward Jessica. She was the asset to the show. That is why she's got contracts to do appearances, cosmetics, and movies. Not Nick. He was just her husband and the second banana so to speak. Actually, being with Jessica boost him in the public's eye.

Really? I wasn't aware that you could be a newlywed without a husband... I should let my aunt in on this!
^ With that, I should add that Jessica "shot" to fame BECAUSE OF the show and the way she acted in front of the camera. "Dumb blonde" worked for her I guess. But keep in mind that that camera wouldnt have been in her face had she not been a newlywed to NICK who WAS more famous at the time. All I remember from jessica is some weird Bow Wow duet before she got kicked to the curb because there was already a Britney Spears...

Jessica's father didnt want a pre-nup because nick was worth more. Now I'm sure he's kicking himself but who gives a crap. I wish the best for Nick and it's about TIME he got over that #$&%^&%.
I like them together but its a big age difference, even with Jessica it was. I want Vanessa's body. Even on Newlyweds you could tell Nick and Jessica just weren't right when Jess would do/say something stupid Nick would look reallllly pissed off, and the look on his face was as if he thought she was doing it on purpose/playing it up (which in some cases she probably was). He's such a normal guy, I definitely think he needs someone who isn't from Hollywood necessarily, but is just down to earth normal, which Vanessa may very well be. I still think she would've been cuter with Jeter.


Nick's hair looks lovely, doesn't it? :lol:

This was also posted on Perez:

Be careful, Nick!
MTV VJ and on-again fling Vanessa Minnillo will chew you up and spit you out!
Let's hope the former beauty queen is being honest and open with Jessica Simpson's ex.
Sources close to the situation tell that Minnillo is still not done with long-time boyfriend and baseball babe Derek Jeter.
In fact, after spending a romantic time with Nick in Cabo San Lucas and Atlantic City last week, Minnillo was spotted at a Yankees game just this week rooting for Jeter and the home team.
Hope Nick isn't too invested in Vanessa!
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silk skin paws said:
She's hooking up with famus people. What gives?

I dunno. I guess she's on everyone's "to do" lists for the week. :lol:
BoscoBJGD said:
So why is it ok for women to get half of their husband's money and alimony upon divorce (which happens all the time), but not men (especially ones who played such a crucial role in his wife's success)? Assuming you're a woman and are for equal rights you have to accept that men can benefit in the same way that women can.

By the way, Nick was worth more than Jessica before the marriage.

Yes that is true.
Jessica was actually in serious debt when they got married - her last album bombed and she was seen as a poor man's Christina and an even POORER version of Britney Spears.

Thanks to the TV show (which used Nick's song in the opening - mind you - not Jessicas) they both shot to fame.
Jessica got more fame because she could do a whole range of things such as make up, (very ugly) shoes, body products etc.
Plus the little tweens who seem to idolise bimbos like her ate it all up.

She was stupid enough not to sign a pre nup because Nick was more famous - well I'm sorry, but sucked in - Nick should get half of whatever profit she made through Newlyweds.

There is no way she would be where she is today without Nick... I could not see the appeal of something like "Single Life" etc... Newlyweds because it was a COUPLE show.
smartarse said:
Like I said Nick got his fair share from the Newlyweds, their special appearances and their christmas shows. That's why he doesn't need and should not ask for alimony. whereas, a woman who asks for alimony most cases have children to content with.

It is comments like this that keep such double standards in the justice system when it comes to divorce, alimony and children.
Who get's what? the woman or the man? Unfortunatly it isn't as black and white as your theory.
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Well.....I know that Jessica Simpson released a second album before she got married to Nick and it bombed big time. After she married him and the show became a hit....she re-released her second album and it generated more sales this time around due to the popularity of `Newlyweds.`

so.....I agree that Jessica simply got lucky by marrying a semi-success boyband Degree 98 group leader Nick Lachey...and got a offered a reality show. She even mentioned soo many times in the gossips mags that her marriage to Nick was the pintacle of the revival of their careers! So he should get half or some of the $$$!! Jessica Simpson was a tabloid star anyways....there`s no real substance with her...she`s was bland back then when she was trying to become the next `Britney Spears` or whoever was more successful than her at the time! She`s still bland now.....but with more press coverage this time!!
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