i agree with a lot of the comments made. i feel like i should feel really bad for her (and of course i do regarding the miscarriages) but it does seem like a way to get attention, especially now that tom cuise has got a "new" family with someone else. I just think these sorts of things dont belong to the media, they are the experiences and traumas that are closest to you and shape you and don't need to be splashed across the newspaper. There's a difference between general chit chat/celeb gossip and personal tradgedies that should be kept completely private.
i also agree that it will end up hurting her existing children to hear so much about how she "yearns" to have a baby. Surely in the long run this is going to make them feel as though they are not quite good enough, like they are fill ins for the "real thing". It doesnt matter by what means she got her children, they are still her children and her main priority should be to appriciate them and appriciate how lucky she was to be able to have them in the first place, unlike some people who are not as fortunate.