
Grunge - the photography of Michael Lavine

Nirvana in 1991. "For my book I deliberately chose pictures of Kurt looking positive, because he wasn't always miserable, despite what people assume. He had a great sense of humour and he laughed a lot. It was from this session that the 'Nevermind' photos came."


Kurt Cobain and Courtney Love, shot in Lavine's Bleeker Street studio, 1992. "I believe this was the only joint photo session they ever did," says Lavine. "I love these shots, they're so intimate. They were in love, and you can tell."

they had a feature about Nirvana in my morning paper today. it was the 20 year anniversary of Bleach, their debut album.There was a picture of Chas,Jason,Krist and Kurt in a Boston house in 1989.
i cried like a baby last nite after watching documentary about kurt.... he was something so special... i wanted to ask sth. i read a year ago that his case will be reopened since the police actually some PI found bunch of new evidence... did someone here hear sth about it?
off topic, but i found it weirdd that my fav musicians prefer kurt, damon and pete:innocent:
MissAtLaPlaya wrote about Kurt's style on her blog...She describes exactly how I feel about it, and him (well except for the not a fan of Nirvana part, of course):

I wouldn't call myself a fan of Nirvana, but the personality of Kurt Cobain has always interested me. He was probably a very rich person, in terms of character. His style was, in my opinion, one of the purest we've ever seen. He wasn't influenced by trends, he wasn't influenced by anything.

She also posted a ton of pics of him with it. I'm afraid most are reposts, but you can find them here. She makes a interesting point about his sunglasses near the end.
A was such a big fan that when I was younger i was always sleeping in Tshirt with Kurt's picture on.:lol::lol:
It's odd this hasn't been mentioned on this thread yet, but Kurt is on Guitar Hero 5. You can unlock him, and play him on any song. It's annoying to see him singing You Give Love A Bad Name. Makes me want to gag:yuk:. There are articles by the Rolling Stone on it here. I guess Courtney Love gave them the rights:doh::innocent:.

Having their songs in Guitar Hero and Rockband is fine, but this is too much:rolleyes:. This is why I prefer Rock Band.
I can't believe it's been 17 years since his death today :cry: Time flies.
I can't believe it's been 17 years since his death today :cry: Time flies.

i know.... cant stop thinking about it whole day.... i was downtown with my friends all morning and we were like 'there should be a street in every city with his name'....:(:cry:

hope he found his peace.
thank you sweetie.

anyway, in case you didn't see this, its kind of funny. the baby is all grown up

I think we shouldn't cry over Kurt. The guy was strong. He decided now is my time and he went off... So be it. We should celebrate the genius he left us. Oui?


It was 20 years since he left the building on the 5th.

But more pertinent, Nirvana will be inducted into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame today.Perhaps it's ironic. Perhaps Kurt wouldn't've liked it. But their music is being remembered and people like Michael Stipe and Joan Jett will be there with band members to recall and pay tribute. So woot! :mowhawk:
^I know everyone loves Fallon, but were his stories really that important or funny to tell when you have a Nirvana reunion happening!!!?? Maybe we would like to hear Krist & David talk more, since they haven't been in a late night show together since their Nirvana days. Ugh!! *end of rant! :D

Anyway, here's their speech at the the Hall of Fame ceremony! :flower: Really emotional and sweet.

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^ I agree about Fallon; I was thinking the same - really? I don't care about your band and your new years gigs. :rolleyes: I care about the 2 guys you're supposed to be interviewing!

Thanks for posting the clip. Were they booing Courtney and also who's the younger girl with the short black dress?

Lovely speeches from Krist and Dave. I liked the ladies who fronted the songs, but Kurt was sorely missed. No one has/had a voice like his that was ferocious and melodic at once.
^so many fanatic nirvana fans have long held a grudge against courtney and often questioned courtney's true intentions....accusing her of using kurt and nirvana's popularity to push hole and herself into the limelight and especially heightened those sentiments when "live through this" was released just the day following kurt's death. and then seeing her sue the band members left right and center for rights in the late 90's and early 00's didn't help matters much either.

the young lady in the picture is kurt's younger half-sister brianne o'conner.

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