No Facial Cleanser No Shampoo - Doing Without

^I definitely believe climate has something to do with it. My skin is much less dry in the summer when it's super humid (in Virginia), and when I spend winters up in Boston I begin to need a lot more moisturizer.

My advice, even to people with oily skin, is to leave it alone as much as possible. I used to use Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash and it was stripping my skin of so much oil that it was over-producing it. I carried around those little oil absorbing strips and used them whenever possible. Since I began using gentler face washes (Cetaphil is lovely) I no longer needed the oil absorbers and my skin is perfectly calm. It's never been better. I'm constantly sleeping in makeup with no terrible consequences (but it is pretty quality makeup, so that might be part of a different story).
going back to the very first post in this thread...
i completely agree!
it is actually strange, all these beauty products out there.
kind of a rise in 'consumerism'
it's just a way of marketing that they say you need 'shampoo' for your hair, special 'facial cleansers' just for the face, etc. etc.
(yet i still have to say you can't just use 'body soap' on the face. i sometimes use nothing because it feels better and doesn't make it taut)

but i do believe it's not in the IV that you became better...
you probably did not eat much when you were on IV?
that is what happened to me
i was on a liquid diet for one week
and wow, although my skin did not look better, I FELT SO GREAT
like i was in a good mood all the time and my mind felt so clear and i noticed my eyes were actually open all the way (meaning i had actually finally got enough sleep every night).
and all this was probably from the diet... and the good environment/people around

personally i think i could enhance my skin with a not-complicated diet like this (with solid food of course) and many other things not connected directly to manufactured products
That first post was mine (as well as the last one before yours)---and I don't know what they put through those IVs, but it's a very purifying experience! As much as it sucks to lie in a hospital bed for a week, it seems like the break from everyday stress helps as well. Now obviously I'm not saying we should all put ourselves in the hospital immediately, but maybe this can help us learn that to take it easy and get more fluid is the best thing for our skin (and probably everything else, for that matter).
I had to try this

I used to have little acne as a teenager (I'm 23 now) I still get spots once a month or so. I usually wash my hair every other day.

I haven't worn any make-up today or yesterday, and I have washed my face with water. Today is the day I would have washed my hair, but today I did it with just water. I can't say that it looks clean.. but I willing continue this untill monday.

I was expecting huge spots, but my skin feels fine. The only thing I really miss is make up. I don't always wear eye make-up, but I like to wear foundation and blusher.
I agree that the less you do the better. I think the skincare industry just perpetuates itself! I've been washing my face with Neutrogena T-Gel shampoo (weird, I know, but it has the same ph as your skin and makes your face feel so clean), followed with aloe vera gel. My skin has been better than ever, and if I use anything I used to use, I immediately break out. Even my old oil-free moisturizer freaks out my skin, when it didn't cause trouble before.
I'd be down to try this no cleanser, no shampoo thing except for one little thing... I wear SPF everyday in my moisturizer, and I'd really hate to do without that. :unsure:
I didn't last 'till monday... I was scared to get pimples. so I washed my hair today with shampo and cleaned my face.

during my experiment I was surprised that my scalp didn't itch at all, my hair didn't even feel that dirty, it was easy to style too. I can definetely see this work for some people. maybe I'll try the without shampoo thing again :woot:
For those of you who have tried the no-shampoo thing, do you blowdry your hair? My hair is so flat if I don't blowdry it. Can I get away with not using shampoo and then blowdrying it or is this going to wreck my hair? What do you think?
I find that the air quality and pollution means that I do have to wash my hair everyday

Oh, yes. When I was living in the country I could go two or three days without needed shampoo or facial soap. Just water, and that was fine. Now that I'm living in central DC, everything seems grimy and nasty if I skip just one day...yuck.
Want to put my 2 cents in this thread. I used to be a product junkie, esp when it came to skincare, but I went through a teensie weensie natural living stage for a period of time and what I learned most from it is to not be so dependant upon products. Whether you're using a glycolic cleanser, dr. bronners soap, or just rosewater, the skin is going to reflect how your body is functioning - meaning the food you are eating, the exercise you are getting, and the environment in which you live - I suppose if you want to get philosophical also your emotional state.

So really, "skincare routine" should be fruits, veggies, water, mild exercise, clean air, and lots of love. :smile:
i have to agree with the 'no clenser please' regime.

I was in hospital for a while myself and my skin was in great condition despite the fact rhat i could not wash it everyday and could not use any cosmetic products.

the less i touch my face (with my hands, by using other products) the better skin looks.
however living in London it does make things difficult because of the pollution level
I'd really like to try this. My skin has gotten pretty bad for some reason, maybe it's hormones, stress or something. It was just fine before! But any expensive products my cosmetologist recommended are not working, no difference. I have been leaving my skin moisturizer-free for night about two weeks, and it is not so reddish anymore although it feels a bit dry and tight, so maybe I'll try some drug-store moisturizer that is most sensitive and has no any fancy ingredients. The moisturizer I am using now makes my spots redder and somehow sore, I feel much better without.

Would it be better to leave my skin alone completely or just cleanse it with water? Maybe use some mild facial spritz every now and then? This whole thing is a bit hard because it feels that every mornign my skin has a film of its own grease or something it has produced during night, and I do not feel very fresh until I get it off, even if it means using only toner.
hi naukku
it's ok to wash with just plain water, i use sea salt water to wash my face but no cleansers or toners for me. you can take out one product at a time from your regimen to slowly phase yourself into this cult. i've been doing this for a while now (can't remember how long) and it's great!! i don't cut everything out, i just don't use cleansers, toners, shampoo etc. i still use my masques and a moisturizer when i need it!! i think you should just cut out as much as you feel comfortable
Thanks dsg, I'll try dropping one product at a time.

By the way, I too have spent few days at hospital, and since I was bedridden all the time I haven't possibility to look at the mirror. When I finally got out, I was afraid that my face would look horrible. But really, never had I seen such fresh looking, evenly coloured, calm skin on myself.

I used only toner for every morning for years to elanse my face after night and my skin was fine. I believe my skin became super irritated about the same time I started using cleanser too. Maybe it is too much for it to handle.

Less is more.
I really can't deal with my face feeling extremely oily when I don't wash it.

I do mess with my face too much.
In response to 1st post.....

I think it has to do with the food that you're getting and your hydration level. Hospital food has to be healthy and balanced, and IV fluids are meant to replenish your body's moisture and water level. Maybe it's working from the inside? Also you're inside all the time, so you won't get dirt/etc on your face.

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