Numéro #223 June/July/August 2021 by Lusha Alic, Yulia Gorbachenko & Lee Wei Swee

The problem with Numero is that it became a victim of it success in the industry. So somehow, the magazine is even more niche than before and had kinda becomes a wonderful business card for Babeth, her talents and the owner.

Babeth has a vision, an eye for photographers and while her magazine at the beginning wasn’t necessary different from what Carine tried to do with CRFB or even Katie tried to do with LOVE, in the sense that it was a vanity project done with friends, her love for fashion and photography triumphed and it was really audacious.

But ultimately, all the talents she discovered or showcased first (M&M, Akrans, Kadel, Sundsbo...etc) became household names and suddenly, the Numero aesthetic became diluted a bit everywhere.

But I think we should really applaud her for keeping her standards. Numéro is still about great models, good photography and it’s still one of that counts for people in fashion.

But I wish she would go back to the formula of the early days sometimes...mixing old generation with new generation. Very big superstars models...
The problem is that it sounds very nostalgic and not exciting at all after all...

Does Babeth consult for any brands? I think with her talents she can be as influential in the industry as Carine, but she not.

I think her main problem is she too stubborn and not versatile enough as a stylist. I feel like all of her Numéro covers always have 3 colors ( Black, White and Red). Numéro may be good but it can be great if she take more risks.
Does Babeth consult for any brands? I think with her talents she can be as influential in the industry as Carine, but she not.

I think her main problem is she too stubborn and not versatile enough as a stylist. I feel like all of her Numéro covers always have 3 colors ( Black, White and Red). Numéro may be good but it can be great if she take more risks.
She did a lot in the past. I don’t know if she is that involved lately.
She was consultant for Hermès during the Gaultier years (it was obvious if you watch closely the photographers during that era), she has consulted for a lot of brands. But her consultant is like « old school » consulting. She is really a respected voice that puts talents together or would advice a designer (what she did with Alber for example)...It’s not styling the campaigns like what is commonly used as consulting.

That way, she really pushed Numero’s talents. She started Numero with the fabulous Art Director Thomas Lenthal so, the vision was absolutely beyond at the time.

Overtime the magazine has become less fashion forward but maybe more Arty...It is still a beautiful magazine but it’s now more of an extension of the group it is part of (Paul Emmanuel Reiffers bought the magazine years ago). It’s still chic, the title is respected and has survived but the really small amount of people who buys it doesn’t make it relevant in the global sense of the word.

But I think what is great is that despite not or barely not styling at all, she has created an identity for the magazine.

She is as influential as a different way. Carine also has that fame and that aura of the big names she has been associated with. Babeth, even when she was at Vogue, has always been a BTS person.
Wow, Mayowa'd ed is amazing. The girl can model and she's a star.
Sofia Sanchez & Mauro Mongiello
Stylist: Samuel François
Hair: Kazue Deki
Make-Up: Lloyd Simmonds
Model: Saffron Vadher
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Mariya Pepelanova
Stylist: Irina Marie
Hair & Make-Up: Gloria Rico
Model: Barbara Valente
I just realize this is for 3 months…i saw it today and it looks good but why 3 months??? So next issue will be september? Weird…

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