Thank you!^°Isa, I used to wear Clarins and I thought the quality was good. It didn't oxidize on me, and I never had a problem with breakouts.
I have just bought Nars Mata Hari blusher because I fancied a change, I'm a bit worried it's going to look clownish or stupid. Has anyone used it please?
^I've always wanted to wear blush but I never have because I'm quite fair skinned. And because I naturally have pink cheeks. Like insanely pink cheeks, and not in a "ooohh I look like I was outside enjoying nature way" but more like all over pink. Plus on top of that I'm quite a blusher, anytime I get flustered I turn red. So does anyone know of a way calm the pink down while maintaing my fair skin? Is that even possible?
^I've always wanted to wear blush but I never have because I'm quite fair skinned. And because I naturally have pink cheeks. Like insanely pink cheeks, and not in a "ooohh I look like I was outside enjoying nature way" but more like all over pink. Plus on top of that I'm quite a blusher, anytime I get flustered I turn red. So does anyone know of a way calm the pink down while maintaing my fair skin? Is that even possible?