Pete Doherty & Kate Moss

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o well....she'll be back tomorrow. lets see what happens
Even if they are in love - things are moving reeeally quickly. They're allegedly talking of marriage?!
...and now Pete MADE IT INTO L`UOMO VOGUE!!!

HE HAS A FULL PAGE IN THE "Backstage" Editorial by Keiron O`Connor!

THIS IS f*cking INFURIATING!!! :furious: To me this guy appear as THE OPPOSITE OF FASHION!!!! :yuk:

HE IS JUST AN UGLY JUNKIE WHO USED TO f*ck KATE MOSS! Pah! Is that what it takes to get into italian Vogue!?!
Seriously, I wanna cancel my Subscription and send these ******* a letter-bomb! :yuk:
I'm pretty certain on front of a magazine it says "Why Kate doesnt want a boyfriend" and there's an interview inside involving her, but i haven't read it so it could mean anything!
Heroin_Chic said:
...and now Pete MADE IT INTO L`UOMO VOGUE!!!

HE HAS A FULL PAGE IN THE "Backstage" Editorial by Keiron O`Connor!

THIS IS f*cking INFURIATING!!! :furious: To me this guy appear as THE OPPOSITE OF FASHION!!!! :yuk:

HE IS JUST AN UGLY JUNKIE WHO USED TO f*ck KATE MOSS! Pah! Is that what it takes to get into italian Vogue!?!
Seriously, I wanna cancel my Subscription and send these ******* a letter-bomb! :yuk:

Ack! I can understand your frustration!!

Thats annoying :unsure:
Pete in Vogue OMG!

:rolleyes: You guys need to chill out. I mean seriously. :rolleyes:

It's a rockn'roll issue nothing Kate Moss related don't panic:rolleyes:

There are several eds featuring young british indie bands and there's only one pics of him with his band.
It would actually have been weird to not include him since his band is one of the most famous and most critically acclaimed brtitish indie band of the last two years.
He's much than a junkie for people who care about music you know.

And he was in french vogue last year as well too because of his talent he wasn't modelling:blink:. He was very cute back then though.^_^
SUNDAY 20/02/2005 09:54:17 Doherty in court tomorrow

Rock star Peter Doherty is due to appear in court tomorrow accused of robbery and blackmail.

The 25-year-old ex-Libertines singer and on-off boyfriend of supermodel Kate Moss was arrested earlier this month following an alleged dispute with documentary maker Max Carlish at the Rookery Hotel in Islington, north London.

Also detained was Alan Wass, 23, guitarist with four-piece bank Left Hand, who faces the same charges.

He, too, has been listed to appear at a preliminary hearing at London`s Snaresbrook Crown Court.

The men, both of north London, are not expected to be arraigned at this stage.

Doherty, a self-confessed hard drug addict and now singer of the band Babyshambles, has been at the centre of media focus during his brief romance with Miss Moss, 31.

The status of their relationship remains uncertain, with some friends claiming they will marry and others that the singer has been dumped because of his drug addictions.
Very good Article!

Can't stand him now
How the tabloids turned ex-Libertine Pete Doherty into 'Potty Pete', their favourite edgy crackhead.

by Neil Davenport
'Kate Moss dumps troubled rock star Pete Doherty on Valentine's Day', declared the UK Sun last week. It is, of course, only the latest dispatch on the affair that's gripped the tabloid's imagination these past few weeks. 'Thinking of Kate got me through this', said the ex-Libertine about the supermodel after yet another night in the cells. While family and friends urged Doherty to give up the drugs, others were urging Moss to give up Doherty. A natural and justified response to both the spectacle and the gossip is a curt 'who cares?'.

Yet the blanket coverage on 'fading rock star' Doherty shows a peculiar change in pop culture's relationship to society. As anyone with a faint knowledge of rock'n'roll will know, musicians' drug habits are the norm rather than the exception. Same goes for the attendant drug fallouts of instability, madness and an inability to wash. There's little about Doherty that's novel, but there's plenty about society's response that is.

An article in Private Eye reveals the part played by the Sun and the News of the World in keeping the Doherty saga going. Obviously, Machiavellian tactics by tabloids isn't Earth-shattering news. But what is unusual is how far they're egging on lifestyles once confined to society's underbelly. Of course, the Sun covered its back with statements such as, 'if you think drugs are cool, look at these pictures…what's happened to him could so easily happen to you'. But it begs the question, why is the paper effectively subsidising his drug habit then?

For the tabloids, it seems Doherty's heroin addiction and self-destructive behaviour is edgy entertainment - and certainly worth shelling out for. And they're not alone. Recently BBC4 devoted half an hour to Doherty, with Newsnight's Kirsty Wark cheerily probing his drug habit like it was a fondness for Haagen Daaz.

All this would have been unthinkable 20 or even 10 years ago. Even within the music industry heroin addiction was still a taboo area. Dark connotations of personal degeneracy and goonish irresponsibility were never seen as handy marketing tools. Indeed, during the Britpop wars of the 1990s there was a concerted PR effort to keep news of Jarvis Cocker's and Brett Anderson's heroin addictions off the front pages. Elsewhere Kurt Cobain famously threatened British journalists who raised questions about his and Courtney Love's heroin use. And when London records signed drug-ravaged Liverpool band Shack in 1999, the label's biggest mistake was to promote them as former heroin addicts. 'Who'd want to buy records of craggy smackheads?' was one label chief's despairing response.

There is a clamouring for further displays of self-flagellationIn recent years, though, society doesn't know where to draw the line - especially of that between the public and private. No amount of personal degradation is considered off limits for public viewing. In fact, the grislier and more sordid the spectacle, the more 'cutting edge' and 'taboo breaking' it's supposed to be. But there's nothing forward thinking or challenging about obsessing on life's seamier corners - it reeks of rank philistinism. As mentioned before on spiked, the success and impact of Reality TV has helped foster this degenerate and ultimately dangerous culture. It's created a clamouring for even further displays of self-flagellation, humiliation and degradation.

This is the bizarre position that a minor indie rock figure like Doherty finds himself in. Last summer, the Libertines resembled Reality TV contestants rather than your average indie band mooching around Camden boozers. And it began to alter everyone's perception. The music press reviews for their second album were largely indistinguishable from heat magazine (basically assessments of how much tabloid gossip they'd generated in the past fortnight), while the tabloid press decided that even an indie band could rub regular headlines with Kerry McFadden and Jade Goody.

It doesn't matter, then, that hardly anyone bought the last Libertines album or that Doherty's current band, Baby Shambles, are no great shakes. His pasty chest and mug will continue to be hawked around the front pages. And why not? In a culture overdosing on the squalid and the sordid, a washed-up crackhead seems a grimly appropriate poster boy.
Moss and Doherty Have Public Shouting Match
By James Wray Mar 6, 2005, 17:17 GMT

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Model Kate Moss and former Libertines singer Pete Doherty have had a huge fight in a London pub.

It seems yesterday afternoon Moss, who split with Doherty last month, was having some drinks with actor Rhys Ifans when Doherty came in to the pub.

Witnesses say the two were very cozy with their arms round each other. Doherty proceeded to start a shouting match with Moss before storming out of the bar.

This was apparently the first time the two had been face to face since Doherty's arrest over robbery and blackmail charges.

We had thought his bail conditions not only included a 10PM to 7AM curfew but also that not go outside without his manager and security guard. It is unclear whether he was accompanied during the incident.
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Pete Doherty leaving his home in Islington yesterday
© Rex Features

KATE MOSS might not be gracing the engagement rumours with any comment, but Pete Doherty is happy to talk about it. "Yes, it's true, I have asked her to marry me – and she's agreed," he reportedly told Femalefirst. "I told her that if we were to continue going out with each other then she'd have to marry me." The Babyshambles frontman, who was kicked out of the Libertines for failing to give up his heroin addiction and is currently facing criminal charges of robbery and assault, is said to have fallen for Kate at her 31st birthday party in January. "She assured me she doesn't trust me an inch – and I'm a bit paranoid and insecure," he went on. "But she's one of the most beautiful women in the world, so who wouldn't be insecure? Thankfully, she agreed to marry me. We haven't set a date yet, but if things aren't going well in court we may have to marry before the case ends. Obviously, with it all hanging over our heads we can't plan too much ahead." (March 15 2005, AM)

Jadee said:
:rolleyes: You guys need to chill out. I mean seriously. :rolleyes:

It's a rockn'roll issue nothing Kate Moss related don't panic:rolleyes:

There are several eds featuring young british indie bands and there's only one pics of him with his band.
It would actually have been weird to not include him since his band is one of the most famous and most critically acclaimed brtitish indie band of the last two years.
He's much than a junkie for people who care about music you know.

And he was in french vogue last year as well too because of his talent he wasn't modelling:blink:. He was very cute back then though.^_^

is this issue still on news stands??!! :woot:
morgan38 said:
^Oh God, I really hope this isn't true.

Me too! :o

My god, Kate walks around with a ring and denies nothing!

If it isn`t true (consider their shouting match in a London Pub a few days ago!) then why the hell does she let this scumbag say that!?! :huh:

Btw: why is he out of Rehab so fast??? Doesn`t a SERIOUS & lasting Rehab take month??? (consider the intense Therapy & psychological counseling that is necassary to make a permanent change!)
Don't take this the wrong way, but some of the things he says makes me think he's still on drugs....
"I told her that if we were to continue going out with each other then she'd have to marry me."
"Thankfully, she agreed to marry me."
He sounds slightly desparate too.
As much as I love Pete for his musical talents he needs to hush-up about his relationship with Kate.
is it just me or is he carrying a paint brush in the same hand as his cigarette?
maybe he's trying to do a lucian freud ;)
Acid said:
is it just me or is he carrying a paint brush in the same hand as his cigarette?
maybe he's trying to do a lucian freud ;)

I see it too.

Paint brush, cigarette and milk...weird combination...

Btw: what`s around his neck???:blink:
Babyshambles are playing with Queens of Noize in Camden tonight
They're playing at Koko, then DJ'ing at the afterparty with the Queens at Camden BarFly

Wonder if Kate will be there .... will make it my duty to find out ..
Acid said:
is it just me or is he carrying a paint brush in the same hand as his cigarette?
maybe he's trying to do a lucian freud ;)

Yes . :rolleyes:

He's just been painting his ripped tee-shirt !!! :lol:
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