Pete Doherty & Kate Moss

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How can someone who is only famous for being a drug addict be called 'succesful'?! And the guy's actually proud of it! What a sad loser.Come on Kate sort it out! :rolleyes:
Mabli said:
How can someone who is only famous for being a drug addict be called 'succesful'?! And the guy's actually proud of it! What a sad loser.Come on Kate sort it out! :rolleyes:

He can be called sucessful because he is sucessful damnit ! :p
You can be a moron and sucessful.
And talented (I'm obsess with the Libertines right now)

Kate is only famous for being beautiful when you think about it.
We don't know her so it's quite possible that she's as dumb as him .
Looks are deceitive (sp?):innocent:
The day she was said to have dumped him, there were photos of them going out that night. She clearly never ended it. But I'm kinda fed up of everyone making Kate out to to be the victim-she's not. She's a big girl now.
impossibleprincess said:
The day she was said to have dumped him, there were photos of them going out that night. She clearly never ended it. But I'm kinda fed up of everyone making Kate out to to be the victim-she's not. She's a big girl now.



americans cant understand how successful pete is.
libertines are considered one of best bands of recent years.
petes own babyshambles have had at least 1 #1 hit in england & I think pete had another big hit w/wolfman, right?
pete is a superstar in the music business right now.

other than that i think hes disgusting and kate in an insane substance abuser to date him. he is awful for her and she is insane to be a mother with lila & pete in her life.
lady grey said:
americans cant understand how successful pete is.
libertines are considered one of best bands of recent years.
petes own babyshambles have had at least 1 #1 hit in england & I think pete had another big hit w/wolfman, right?
pete is a superstar in the music business right now.

Ehm...people on the european continent do neither! I have NEVER heared of any of these bands before Kate started dating him!
I wouldnt call the libertines amazingly succesful bassed on the release of ONE album!:lol: And how much attention would they really have had if they didnt have a drug addict (ex) member.
Word on the grapevine is that their record company played A LOT on Pete D's drug problems.Shows how twisted is all is...
Mabli said:
I wouldnt call the libertines amazingly succesful bassed on the release of ONE album!:lol: And how much attention would they really have had if they didnt have a drug addict (ex) member.
Word on the grapevine is that their record company played A LOT on Pete D's drug problems.Shows how twisted is all is...

They released two albums actually.
I've heard of them long before Kate started dating Peter.
I'm french and they're famous here in France.Some of my friends are german and spanish and i think they're famous there too. I presume that they're known by fans of indie music all over europe.They also toured in Japan, in Brasil...
I wasn't attracted by Peter's drugs addiction:blink:which put me off in fact.
I think they're the most or one of the most famous indie band in england at the moment.They're often on the cover or inside the NME and received some NME awards.I don't know how much cd's they've sold but they at least received critical acclaims and rightly so IMO.
So overall I would say yes they are sucessful.

Sucessful or not I don't see what it would change anyway? Kate dates a drugs addict. End of the story. Would it be better if he was the most famous singer in the world?:blink: No He still would be a drugs addict.
...and now Chris Martin tells Gwyneth to stay away from Kate! :lol:

Source: (in german)

"Chris respects Pete as an Artist but that`s it. He (Chris) is a concerned Family-Person who would never want to be dragged into the world of Pete & Kate.
So Gwyneth will stay away from Kate, for the good of her daughter Apple."

Wohow! It`s really "drawing circles" now...:lol: What a ridiculous over-reaction of Chris Martin! Not very mature...rather hysteric...
Pete Arrested!!

PETE DOHERTY has been arrested on suspicion of assault and theft.

Doherty remains in custody this morning in London (February 3) after being arrested in the north of the city after an alleged incident at a hotel.

A spokesperson for Scotland Yard said: “Police were called to a hotel in Peters Lane, London EC1, at 6.20pm yesterday following a report of a man being assaulted.

“A 25-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and theft. He was taken to a north London police station and remains in custody.”

Check this out


Feb 3 2005


By Stephen Moyes And Pete Samson

THE drug addict rocker in love with Kate Moss was arrested last
night - hours after pouring his heart out to the Mirror.

Pete Doherty was held for allegedly beating up a pal who refused to
give him money, apparently for a fix.

Only a few hours before, Pete and his rock pals had given the Mirror
an exclusive insight into his relationship with Kate. Our chat
included the amazing revelation that the couple are planning to MARRY
after she had proposed to him by phone from New York.

He also claimed he will kick drugs and plans to go into rehab on

But late last night the ex-Libertines front man, 25, was in custody
after documentary maker Max Carlish claimed he had been attacked at a
hotel in Clerkenwell, Central London.

Mr Carlish, 38, went to hospital with two black eyes and a busted
nose. He said: "I was in a hotel with Pete and everything was going
fine until he started demanding loads of cash.

"He wanted thousands and I knew he was going to go out and spend it
on heroin. He was desperate for a fix. I said no and he went beserk,
punching me. There was nothing I could do..he was going mad.

"I'm blind without my glasses but he pulled them off and smashed them
on the floor and trampled on them. Despite the drugs, he's quite a
big bloke. His eyes were wild. It was terrifying.

"He beat me and he wouldn't stop. My face is a miss. He stole all the
money I had and my mobile phone."

Mr Carlish called police and went to University College Hospital. He
had made a documentary about Doherty, which included pictures of him
taking heroin.

Doherty has recently told friends of his anger at shots of him
taken "ages ago" resurfacing.

Police said last night: "We were called to a hotel in Peter's Lane.
We arrested a 25-year-old man on suspicion of actual bodily harm and

Earlier Doherty and his pals revealed how he and Kate had sealed
their engagement with a sex romp at a Paris hotel - and how he plans
to kick crack cocaine and heroin.

He told the Mirror: "I am happy. Who wouldn't be. It's all in my
hands. I want to make it work. The drugs have got to stop or I'll
lose her. I owe it to her. We are soulmates."


EX-LIBERTINE Doherty and best pal Peter Wolfe had a drugs and drink
marathon recently that ended with them rolling naked on a blood-
soaked floor, carving each other's initials on their bodies with

Both were spending £1,050 a week on cocaine, heroin and hashish.
Doherty said: "We are kindred spirits. New Romantics and poets. But
our drug-taking spiralled out of control."

Wolfe, a song-writing partner, added: "We became helpless addicts.
Either the drugs stop or we do, fatally. We know that." Doherty told
friends: "I have so much to live for - my loved ones and my music. I
can make people feel better by what I do. I will do the

"Wolfman and I took up drugs to get off the drink. But it has all
gone wrong. People will always take drugs and it's easy to blame

"But we realise we have a responsibility to music followers who might
be influenced by us."

Doherty will today travel to Bath to record a debut album with his
new group Babyshambles, after which he will be free to "get clean".


DOHERTY told how he and Kate "got serious" after her 31st birthday
party at her Cotswold mansion.

She had previously told friends "I'm after his bum" after seeing one
of his impromptu gigs two months ago.

A wild fling followed, culminating in an all-night sex session at the
party last month. Now Doherty has told the Mirror: "It is a beautiful
thing. I am a different person after meeting Kate.

"I am happy. Who wouldn't be. It's all in my hands. I want to make it
work. I've been given a second chance.

"The drugs have got to stop or I'll lose her. I owe it to her. I owe
it to everyone."

In a further chat with pals, he added: "I am smitten. But she has
been pursuing me relentlessly.

"She is very demanding. Always wanting my attention. It is
interfering with the band. Music is the most important thing.

"But I am in love with her, totally. She is really sweet. We are

"Kate did not expect me to stop or quit drugs immediately. She loves
me and wants me to get out of this mess once and for all."

After his initial week-long rehabilitation in Ealing, West London, he
and Kate are planning to spend up to six months together in St
Petersburg, until he has beaten his drugs nightmare.

The couple are discussing having children. Kate already has a two-
year-old daughter Lila Grace, by ex-partner Jefferson Hack. Doherty
has an 18-month-old son.

She realises his drugs craving is too strong to give up without
expert help.

But his addiction is causing trouble between them. Doherty
said: "It's a difficult time at the moment, we've had a bit of a row.

"It's the usual s**t, she wasn't happy about newspaper pictures of me
looking wrecked. I'm worried I've f****d it up as usual."


DOHERTY was shocked by newspaper photos of him looking wrecked as he
left a gig on Monday.

He kicked one paper across the floor and said: "I hate it, just like
everyone hates seeing pictures of themselves, especially when they
are off their heads.

"I don't look like that, do I? It's photo-shock, I'm sure.

"I have been gutted reading about 'Kate and the crackhead' but I
knows it's true. My family have been hassling too.

"But people who love my music understand me. I write stuff on my
website and feel very close to them."


EMACIATED Doherty will be sedated for three days on Monday at the
start of his rehabilitation programme.

He is committed to beating his devastating addiction to ensure his
future with Kate.

It promises to be a daunting task. In the early hours of Wednesday,
he was "'chasing the dragon" in a crack den in East London.

After a curtailed set in a nearby pub, Doherty, dressed head to toe
in black and with a huge spliff stuck in his trilby hat, clambered
into a car and disappeared for an all-night drugs session.

Doherty, whose three previous visits to rehab centres have failed,
will embark on his latest attempt to kick his habit in Ealing, West
London, with pal Peter Wolfe.

The treatment will involve having a chemical device planted in their
bodies, which coats any remaining heroin in the system and suffocates
its effect.

Later, as Doherty and Kate Moss head to St Petersburg, Wolfe and his
girlfriend Gemma - 21-year-old daughter of Star Wars director George -
will make for Biarritz in France.


PETE Doherty touched on his pain at rarely seeing 18-month-old son
Estile, by ex-girlfriend Lisa Moorish.

He said: "I did see my kid last week. I do see him sometimes, but not
that often, I must admit. It is hard.

"I'm between places at the moment, I always seem to be between
places. I haven't had a real home for years. I suppose I'm homeless

But he told a pal that he and Kate had already discussed having
children. "It can happen. We both have a young child from previous
relationships. It might even make us last."

Lisa Moorish also has a child with Liam Gallagher.


DOHERTY is so in awe of friend Peter Wolfe that he named his new band
Babyshambles after him - Wolfe's mum called him Shambles and pals
looked on Doherty as Wolfe's baby.

Wolfe, 36, who co-wrote Doherty's 2004 top 10 hit For Lovers,
said: "Pete and I grew so close due to our love of music.

"I had been virtually living as a tramp but Pete saw through that and
wasn't bothered. We were libertines. The same animals.

"We began to write together and think together and his love and
support helped me through my marriage break-up."

Wolfe, who has had a book of poetry published, was on the books of
Gillingham FC in the early 1980s with current Birmingham manager
Steve Bruce. Doherty played football at county standard.

The two became friends after meeting in the Filthy McNasties pub in
Islington, North London, in 2002. They were soon living together and
Doherty landed his first record deal.

Wolfe, known as Wolfman in the music industry, said Doherty was a
hybrid of erotic author Marquis de Sade, tennis legend John McEnroe
and hapless TV comic Frank Spencer.

Wolfe said of Doherty's relationship: "Kate is besotted. She adores
him. We all do. Pete is a lovable character.

"When Kate is with him she is natural, childlike. Her accent is the
lost girl from Croydon.

"He doesn't treat her as a celebrity. Pete has done that for her.
It's as if she's under his spell. She says she has never met anyone
like him."

Wolfe added: "People find it so easy to write Pete off. He is a
successful musician and is going out with the most beautiful girl in
the world.

"It reminds me of the story of George Best when he was dating Miss
World, and someone asked, 'George, where did it all go wrong'."
Marriage? Children? St Petersburg?

That guy has lost all contact to reality... :doh:

Btw: why havn`t we seen pics of him & Kate together!

February 4, 2005 -- KATE Moss' druggie boyfriend, Pete Doherty, has been arrested just days before he planned to check himself into rehab and get clean. Doherty, 25, was busted in North London on Wednesday after he attacked a photographer who'd taken pictures of him doing drugs. The rocker, who's supposed to go into rehab on Monday, claims Moss (above) has proposed marriage to him. Doherty, former frontman of the Libertines, is said to have a $1,500-a-day crack and heroin habit. Moss' pals are worried sick that he'll end up getting her hooked as well.
Doherty vows to quit drugs for Moss[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Troubled rocker Pete Doherty has vowed to kick his drug habit for the sake of his relationship with Kate Moss.

Speaking after being released on bail, The Babyshambles singer described how thoughts of his supermodel girlfriend kept him going through four nights inside a London prison, where he was remanded charged with robbery and blackmail.

Doherty, 25, told The Sun newspaper: "I felt like crying but the thought of Kate on the outside kept me going."

The self-confessed drug addict added: "I'm determined to kick the habit for good for the sake of my relationship with her."

"Six days without heroin hasn't been as bad as I expected. I have been through the worst of the detox. I want to prove to my mum above everyone that I can do this."

"I also need to stay clean for the sake of the bandmates and the fans."

The musician has been taken to a drug rehabilitation centre as a condition of his bail, under which he must also observe a 10pm to 7am curfew.

[/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]RELATED STORIES[/font][font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2][font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2]Doherty due to be released from jail[/size][/font], 08 February 2005
[font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2]Pete Doherty set for another night in jail[/size][/font], 07 February 2005
[font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2]Doherty arrested over alleged assault[/size][/font], 03 February 2005
[font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2]Pete Doherty and Kate Moss an item[/size][/font], 25 January 2005
[font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2]Doherty appears on BBC's Newsnight[/size][/font], 21 December 2004


:blink: I thought she dropped him while he was in jail...?
Heroin_Chic said:
Doherty vows to quit drugs for Moss[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

Troubled rocker Pete Doherty has vowed to kick his drug habit for the sake of his relationship with Kate Moss.

Speaking after being released on bail, The Babyshambles singer described how thoughts of his supermodel girlfriend kept him going through four nights inside a London prison, where he was remanded charged with robbery and blackmail.

Doherty, 25, told The Sun newspaper: "I felt like crying but the thought of Kate on the outside kept me going."

The self-confessed drug addict added: "I'm determined to kick the habit for good for the sake of my relationship with her."

"Six days without heroin hasn't been as bad as I expected. I have been through the worst of the detox. I want to prove to my mum above everyone that I can do this."

"I also need to stay clean for the sake of the bandmates and the fans."

The musician has been taken to a drug rehabilitation centre as a condition of his bail, under which he must also observe a 10pm to 7am curfew.

[/font][font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]RELATED STORIES[/font][font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2][font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2]Doherty due to be released from jail[/size][/font], 08 February 2005
[font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2]Pete Doherty set for another night in jail[/size][/font], 07 February 2005
[font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2]Doherty arrested over alleged assault[/size][/font], 03 February 2005
[font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2]Pete Doherty and Kate Moss an item[/size][/font], 25 January 2005
[font=Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif][size=-2]Doherty appears on BBC's Newsnight[/size][/font], 21 December 2004


:blink: I thought she dropped him while he was in jail...?

Put it this way... would you trust a man who sold his story to not one, but two tabloids? :innocent:

I give it five minutes.....
To be honest, I am beginning to doubt the exsistance of their relationship
boho_babe said:
To be honest, I am beginning to doubt the exsistance of their relationship

Well, you can't visit a news website, switch on the telly or look in a newspaper without seeing him declaring his love for Kate - hes obviously making the most of it and selling 'exclusives' to anyone with a chequebook. I can't imagine Kate being into that, shes always been very low profile when It comes to that kind of thing. It's like watching a car crash. :ninja:

funny, but she's nowhere to be seen, is she :innocent:
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