Good god, Polina's so beautiful it's almost embarrassing. Do you figure she ever gets tired of having people gape at her continually? Or do you figure it's just something she's learned to take for granted by now? Like... "Sigh. Yet another love-lorn admirer throwing flowers at my feet? Yet another bevy of men swooning wherever I may be? Sigh. Being ungodly blessed by genetics is truly such a curse."
But truly, I'm so happy she appears to be getting back into the game in earnest now, after her break. However, whoever did the Tommy photo-shoot with Polina apparently held some sort of simmering grudge against her, since it looks as though she was roughly kidnapped off the streets, forced to dress in shoddy clothing, and then made to model at gun-point. (Seriously, look at her expression in half the photos. She looks like she's smiling for all she's worth, lest a kitten just off-camera be killed because of her.) And that tan! That garish pink lipstick!
THAT BLUSHER THAT SHOULD BE TAKEN TO THE HAGUE TO BE TRIED FOR CRIMES AGAINST THE WORLD. Did they deliberately decide to set the make-up gun to "wh*re" before they discharged it off of her?! She looks adorable in the photos where they more or less left her loveliness unmolested but otherwise, the poor dear looks like she rents by the hour.
Regardless, Fiammifero, you are a dear and a heart and a wonder for somehow managing to find all of these photos of her. I consider your efforts nothing less than heroic, although I am secretly convinced you may have made a pact with dark forces to keep tracking so many things with Polina down. Yet it so... bravo! I admire your dedication to the cause of allowing us to keep admiring her.
The Nero Su Bianco pictures are great too... Polina looks so cheeky and adorable in them! Her make-up is fun too... if my hands didn't shake like I've been drinking with the British Royal Family for the past 30 years, I'd love to try and pull off that heavy eye as well. The pulled back hair also looks great on her, since it makes her look as though her hair might be a little darker (though alas, we know that's not the case.) Overall, she looks gorgeous! You figure if someone sends the photographer a beseeching email, he might give us more photos or candids? I am willing to use puppy-dog eyes if necessary, you know. Mayhap in response, he will throw us a bone.
And the Marie Claire article! I am speechless in the face of such beauty! Thank you so much, Minus, for showing this to us! She looks so radiant and delicate and glowing, like a princess stepping out of a medieval tapestry in some
extremely natty clothes. If her hair was always styled that way, I actually wouldn't mind if Polina kept her hair blond. I think that most of the time, her hair is too... pale for her, to the point where it washes out her delicate features. When her hair looks a little darker and have some brown undertones, it really highlights her beauty. Blond-brown looks very fantastic on her, though it might just be good lighting in this case. Still, I think this is the best and most romantic editorial she's starred in so far this year!
All right, I'm done now. It's my first post so I may have gone, uh, overboard in my wild enthusiasm. You shall all forgive me, I hope?