Polina Kouklina

Marie Claire France June 2011






She's back and she can't be more beautiful :blush::heart: But please Polina back to red hair! :p
Good god, Polina's so beautiful it's almost embarrassing. Do you figure she ever gets tired of having people gape at her continually? Or do you figure it's just something she's learned to take for granted by now? Like... "Sigh. Yet another love-lorn admirer throwing flowers at my feet? Yet another bevy of men swooning wherever I may be? Sigh. Being ungodly blessed by genetics is truly such a curse." :p

But truly, I'm so happy she appears to be getting back into the game in earnest now, after her break. However, whoever did the Tommy photo-shoot with Polina apparently held some sort of simmering grudge against her, since it looks as though she was roughly kidnapped off the streets, forced to dress in shoddy clothing, and then made to model at gun-point. (Seriously, look at her expression in half the photos. She looks like she's smiling for all she's worth, lest a kitten just off-camera be killed because of her.) And that tan! That garish pink lipstick! THAT BLUSHER THAT SHOULD BE TAKEN TO THE HAGUE TO BE TRIED FOR CRIMES AGAINST THE WORLD. Did they deliberately decide to set the make-up gun to "wh*re" before they discharged it off of her?! She looks adorable in the photos where they more or less left her loveliness unmolested but otherwise, the poor dear looks like she rents by the hour.

Regardless, Fiammifero, you are a dear and a heart and a wonder for somehow managing to find all of these photos of her. I consider your efforts nothing less than heroic, although I am secretly convinced you may have made a pact with dark forces to keep tracking so many things with Polina down. Yet it so... bravo! I admire your dedication to the cause of allowing us to keep admiring her. ;)

The Nero Su Bianco pictures are great too... Polina looks so cheeky and adorable in them! Her make-up is fun too... if my hands didn't shake like I've been drinking with the British Royal Family for the past 30 years, I'd love to try and pull off that heavy eye as well. The pulled back hair also looks great on her, since it makes her look as though her hair might be a little darker (though alas, we know that's not the case.) Overall, she looks gorgeous! You figure if someone sends the photographer a beseeching email, he might give us more photos or candids? I am willing to use puppy-dog eyes if necessary, you know. Mayhap in response, he will throw us a bone.

And the Marie Claire article! I am speechless in the face of such beauty! Thank you so much, Minus, for showing this to us! She looks so radiant and delicate and glowing, like a princess stepping out of a medieval tapestry in some extremely natty clothes. If her hair was always styled that way, I actually wouldn't mind if Polina kept her hair blond. I think that most of the time, her hair is too... pale for her, to the point where it washes out her delicate features. When her hair looks a little darker and have some brown undertones, it really highlights her beauty. Blond-brown looks very fantastic on her, though it might just be good lighting in this case. Still, I think this is the best and most romantic editorial she's starred in so far this year!

All right, I'm done now. It's my first post so I may have gone, uh, overboard in my wild enthusiasm. You shall all forgive me, I hope? :flower:
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Welcome on board, PaintednPlucked!
Ah, I hope I don't end up like poor Doctor Faustus on my quest for new photos :D. No, it all comes down to good luck (whenever it happens to strike), I bet there's sadly a lot of stuff that ends up going unnoticed.

But I couldn't agree with you more... and those Tommy photos are truly something sinister.

Thanks to minus for the Marie Claire! I'll try to get it scanned soon.
As we are waiting for more new stuff to surface, here's some oldies from Russian Vogue, May 2004. This ed was mainly about Aiste Miseviciute, so Polina had only two pages.

Peace! Work! May!
by Oliviero Toscani

And here's the Plaza ed finally scanned, two of the previously posted shots (in post #37) never made it to the printed version.

(all scans by me)
Simplement Blanc
Ph: Bruno Ripoche
Style: Claire Dhelens
Magazine: Marie Claire France June 2011

ebook30 via Mirik
Thierry Mugler Metamorphosis beauty campaign! I read that it will debut in May, but that sounds a bit odd, since the photo is already released... anyways, this is for the Solar Goddess collection, but there will be other ones as well, probably coming up later.

Shot by Philippe Kerlo,

Also by Kerlo, this is for Pièce à Conviction Bijoux, probably new as well,

And another shot by him, don't know for what publication,

(all photos from philippekerlo.com)

Making of video for Mugler

Video Go See -clip from June, by Paz Turner Creative Group
An embarrassment of riches :woot:

She's never looked better (her hair is more red again!), and appears to be back for good this time.

Karma², Fiammi, even if it has to be the "mental" kind :lol:
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Mugler Campaign

Hah, finally got my log-in information so I can reply again. That and taking my summer break has been keeping me away. ::sheepish::

It looks as though the fashion world has finally come to its senses and given Polina the beauty campaign she's long deserved! She looks like a golden *goddess* in these photos and if I wasn't already getting a little fond of her being blonde, this would have done the trick. I think her hair is gorgeous in this campaign and her other attributes are not even to be spoken of-- I think we should merely gaze upon her and sigh a little, stars lost in our eyes? What else is there left to say? :heart:

Those other Kerlo photos are great too. She looks fantastic with the dark auburn hair... could those other two photos have been taken earlier, btw? She has her freckles (which I miss!) and her darker hair there as well. Maybe they were taken a few years back?

And as always, Mascha, you are a detective of the highest caliber for finding these photos. Seriously, how do you do it?! I'm honestly sincerely interested in finding out what mad googling skills you might use to track these down! You are like some sort of awesome fashion :ninja: right now.

A few questions, though. These Mugler photos are actually supposed to be released in May of 2012? So does that mean we'll get more of these photos as the full campaign rolls around? Or that Polina will be (or might be) starring in more campaigns for Thierry Mugler's beauty line until then? Might she have some kind of longer contract with them as of now or is she a one-shot deal? I remember that I got very excited when I saw she was working with MAC cosmetics about a year or so back but she only did three short campaigns with them before she apparently stopped working with them. I really hope she continues with Thierry Mugler's line and this photographer... he shoots her BEAUTIFULLY.

Also, does it seem to anyone else like Trump Models is really pushing Polina right now? I noticed a week ago that if you go to the Trump Models website, a photo of Polina lips (in black, from one of her beauty eds in... 2005, I think?) flashes you by in the middle of the presentation of all the other models. This plus the fantastic new video really gives me hope that they're pushing her career back on track again. Hell, she's only... 25 or 26 right now, no? Not quite time for even models to be put out to pasture to graze for the rest of their days. ^_^

(By the way... hi Tarden! It is like a mini-reunion over here. XD)
It is like a mini-reunion over here. XD
Indeed! Now we need to get Magus in here as well :D

And Tarden, I've missed you here! :heart:

About the Mugler, some bridal webzine had written (in June) "...Thierry Mugler new beauty collection Metamorphosis into a Solar Goddess, which will be debuting in May." Now, I really don't know whether that is true, I mean, why would they shoot this a whole year before it comes out? It is not for Summer 2011, that's for sure. And if it's for Summer 2012, then I find it a bit odd, cause it's already out on the photographer's website at this time. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see until something pops up in the Mugler site.

I'm thinking there will be a couple more (Mugler) collections besides the Solar Goddess that will feature her as well. It's probably just one image for each collection, like the ones with MAC. And I don't know whether these Mugler shots are going to be in any magazines, or just in the website... most likely the latter. And when will they come up... just have to wait and see again.

That Pièce à Conviction photo, it's not in the company's website, so either it's old or so new that it hasn't made it to the site yet. But, as it was added to the photographer's site just recently, I'm kind of very hopefully guessing that it might be new! And I'm also guessing that the auburn locks are either a wig or photoshoppery.

Anyways, maybe we will get to see her with MAC again some day as well. They release a gazillion of collections every year and use different models for virtually all of them, so who knows, I don't see any reason why wouldn't she be casted again. Besides, the MAC collections are (mainly, I presume) shot by Miles Aldridge, and he surely has an appreciation for her beauty... we all remember his gorgeous medieval czarina styled ed from Vogue Italia back in 2004.
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Oh, there are just so many questions regarding the Mugler collection! So many ifs, ands, and whens, as well as questions about what other things this photographer might have shot with her... Do you think it might be a good idea to contact the photographer directly via email and ask him if he could just tell us more about this collection, as well as where the other editorial might be coming from? I wouldn't mind sending the email myself but if you think it's a bad idea, I'll definitely refrain! Still, if he's friendly, I'm hoping he might be able to tell us more about his work with Polina and if he ignores me... well, nothing ventured, nothing gained!

I certainly hope Miles Aldrige works with her again-- that Medieval Princess shoot he did with Polina was nothing short of sublime! One thing I've noticed about Polina too is that she seems to work with some of the same photographers over and over again. Phillipe Kerlo's already seems to have worked with her at least on three different occasions, she's worked with Joshua Jordan on at least three editorials, and I remember that the photographer on the BSB shoot mentioned he's worked with her before as well. I guess once they photograph her, they just can't get enough. ^_^

Also, here are a few test caps for the amazing Thierry Mugler video... god bless that photographer, he put up so many goods! I'm still working on those caps and will post more soon-- there's so many good shots of Polina there. Feel free to post them up on other sites if you so desire-- no credit necessary.

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New photo from her City portfolio, does anyone have any clue for what it's for?


New photo from her City portfolio, does anyone have any clue for what it's for?

New photo from her City portfolio, does anyone have any clue for what it's for?

Ooh, interesting photo! Not classically beautiful, but you can finally see her freckles again! (I was afraid she'd lost them, which would be a damn shame. There's absolutely nothing cuter than a face full of freckles.) Also, her hair looks really, really red in the photo. A trick of the light... or maybe she has changed her hair back to red after all? That would be so excellent!

Not surprisingly, I have no idea where the photo might come from but I did just send an email off to the info email at City Models asking if they could identify the photo. If they can, all the better. If they can't.... eh, nothing lost either. Fiammi, I bbc'd you on the email so you should have it in your inbox as well.

And hilariously enough, right next to that photo in their portfolio of Polina pictures is a scan of mine! It's years old but I can tell it's mine since it has "FF" posted right on the bottom right corner. Hilarious... they couldn't find a cleaner copy?

Also, a few more caps, though they're now all up at the excellent PolinaKuklina.com:

And then, I had the bright idea to take the caps you made of the Go See and make, like, SUPER CAPS. Admittedly, they're not that impressive but I kinda like seeing so many pictures of Polina's pretty face set against each other... it's fun to see her expressions change.

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