royal dish
Princess Life is far from fairytales
So hard work Marie and Joachim on a daily basis
A princess lives are not as spoiled as most think. Princess Marie does not have a bevy of court ladies, who meets her smallest wishes. Just as she does not walk around with a crown on her head all the time.
In Denmark today's daily life as a princess is far from being fairy tales and cartoons, as possible as can be, tells the Princess Marie to the morning newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
- Life as a princess is certainly different in fairytales. My husband was not a frog, when I kissed him first. Princesses now work. They are more independent in their choices. They have of course a big responsibility to represent the royal family. We want to help wherever we can and work for our country. It's something I do with pleasure, explains Princess Marie about her life as a princess.
The article will also shows how the princess and prince shared their lives between daily life in the marshes of southern Jutland and life in Copenhagen. Here, the couple has an apartment at Amalienborg.
- I love the city and to have contact with many people, but I really need to be in nature and be a little protected. That's why is it so great to be here. We are also often at Amalienborg Palace in Copenhagen in connection with meetings and official functions. I feel I have the best of both worlds, says Princess Marie about her life in the capital, respectively, and the village Møgeltønder.
When the couple is staying at Schackenborg in Møgeltønder in Jutland, their life closely resemble ours. They get up early in the morning, Marie cooks breakfast for the small family, brings her son Henrik almost three years to day care and then goes back to the office, located on the castle's first floor.
- Schackenborg is a business that requires a great effort and much of our time. Additionally, I have many meetings with the patronage and cooperating organizations across the country and especially in Copenhagen. We spend a whole lot of time traveling back and forth. So when we're at home, there's a lot to do with the operation of Schackenborg, says Princess Marie told the newspaper.
Here she reveals also that in contrast to Prince Joachim, Marie's knowledge of agriculture is little. Her operating range is something else entirely, but she still can be her husband's sounding board.
- Besides my patronage and official duties, I also focus on Schackenborg. My husband and I work a lot together. I work more on the business side, because I do not have much experience in agriculture. But we exchange views, talk about strategies and new products. It is team work, reveals Princess Marie.
When the couple is not working, they spend their spare time together. They enjoy the flat marshland that surrounds the three-winged, white castle in Møgeltønder, go for walks for miles, and cook together.
- Meals are very important, also for Henrik, and we love to cook together. If there is really bad weather, we can see a movie and read a book when we have time, but we do not have much time. Time is a precious good, so it is important to prioritize, says the princess.
It is understood well, Princess Marie priority. For the article, it also emerged that Prince Joachim's working on Schackenborg rarely ends before 17.30 o'clock.