
It was WAY better than Mamma Mia! (I had to see it twice... its worse the second time...)

Sadly, they closed it. It was playing in Las Vegas at the Paris hotel. Its still in London I think.

Have you ever seen the show Rock Star: INXS? Well, Ty and Mig (I think thats his name) were in the show. (Ty was in Vegas, Mig in London.)
To Much Love Will Kill You is such a beautiful song, and its so sad that he was dying when he recorded it.

Oh, and Made In Heaven is amazing! And Don't Stop Me Now of course.
These are the days of our lives

This video is so heartbreaking yet beautiful. I love it but at the same time it always makes me sad.
I cannot even tell how much I love Queen and how much I love Freddie.
He is/was such specal and talented person.

I did sing Bohemian Rhapsody...I don´t know how it crossed to my mind to sing it live at karaoke, it did sound horrible...but let me tell you this: if we sang it with Freddie it would be a killer
My Biology saw them in 1982, I envy him so much for that. Once he suggest us to listen to some music since he didn't have anything left to give us, he asked for a Queen song so I put Bohemian Rhapsody and some people started to laugh and make fun of it. It's a beautiful song, too bad some people can't appreciate it. :rolleyes: Go listen to BEP then!
ok, i am offically jelous too!
It is like biggest dream to see Queen and Freddie on stage.
Too bad it is impossible.


my Loves together :heart:

photos: simpsonseiya, ohnotheydidnt
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I really love queen :heart:
My favorite songs ('Cause I can't choose only one) are:
Somebody to love
Killer Queen
Another one bites the dust
Show must go on :heart:
Bohemian rhapsody
I love LET ME LIVE it is amazing and I can listen it over and over again,
also LIVING ON MY OWN is great, but it is Freddie´s solo album, so it is not really Queen. DONT STOP ME NOW is also fun and GOOD OLD-FASHIONED LOVER BOY is song that makes me smile!

My favourite album from them is A NIGHT AT THE OPERA

My dad owns LIVE AT WEMBLEY´86 dvd and I get allways amazed when I see it, I allways cry when I see it and I allways sing along and dance along. I sooooo wish I would have been there!

I must say that I totally hate WE WILL ROCK YOU and WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS. I have never liked those two tracks.
was great to see brian may at the grammy's this year!...
i love how excited dave groll got when brian may came out on stage...

so cute!...
Kingston Crown Court in London, 3/24/21


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