R.I.P Patrick Swayze

This is so sad. I hope that his death can bring some much needed awareness to pancreatic cancer. RIP

For those interested, here is a link to the pancreatic cancer action network... they have a lot of benefits/fundraisers/events listed. September is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month :flower:

This is truly sad indeed-I didn't believe it when I saw it on the Urban Decay Twitter, but sure enough, it was confirmed a few minutes later. I hope he rests in peace.
This is so tragic. My dad was his fan and died from cancer almost at the same age as Patrick. May he rest in peace. :(
Very very sad, loved many of his movies, and of course the Dirty Dancing was the ultimate. :heart:

Awww this is really sad GOD BLESS HIM !!! my favorite ghost :(!!! R.I.P
so sad, however..i am confused :huh: he died in march? or this past week? why is this just coming up on the yahoo homepage??? can someone explain? :huh: :blink: :unsure:

RIP :(
I'm so sad about this :( I loved his work! RIP Patrick! My prayers for his family.
I just read it, that's so sad news!!
I never tell anyone, but I loved Dirty Dancing so much I got the DVD and double Cd soundtrack!
Just read about it on some other website :mellow: So sad... but, I'm sure it was a relief for him, after all he endured due to the cancer. I hope he finds peace :heart:
North & South was on the television since last week (every night a few scenes of book 1). Loved him in that. That's actually where I knew him off, because I always watched that with my mom. Before ever seeing Dirty Dancing,.,

I wish his relatives a lot of strength to endure this loss.

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