Rachel McAdams storms out of Vanity Fair shoot

liberty33r1b said:
will she still be on the cover, though?

Depends on how much press she gets off this :rolleyes: ... covers are just extensions of commercials I think for the major magazines.. (my two cents).. but I honestly doubt Tom Ford would want to shoot her again though if she walks off the set.. he's probably used to models who do what they are told... maybe Mr. Ford will surprise us though..

That would be badA** if they put her on the cover though.. rear view.. walking off the set... and Scarlet and Keira with faces like :o .. I'd buy that.
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masquerade said:

Ah Tom Ford.. master of persuasion... if he could get Louis Pederson to shave her you know what into a gucci logo.. :innocent:

No but most likely Rachel just freaked out since she wasn't expecting it and calmed down a bit.. its too bad the initial story came out though, I'm sure this is probably going to dissapoint some people.
I don't think it was such a moral stand, as it was a shock to find out she would be posing nude only when she arrived on set, whereas her publicist knew, but had "forgotten" about it. She was understandibly pissed that her publicist would forget to tell her something like this, i mean, that gets you thinking what else he/she forgot to tell her...
FrockRadar8 said:
the thing that floors me is when i hear about men "conducting business meetings" in strip clubs...what the hell is that all about?
What kind of business is the question that pops to mind? This sounds like a scene from a bad 80s movie... but then again this would never happen in the UK
SiennaInLondon said:
FrockRadar8 said:
the thing that floors me is when i hear about men "conducting business meetings" in strip clubs...what the hell is that all about?
What kind of business is the question that pops to mind? This sounds like a scene from a bad 80s movie... but then again this would not be the norm in the UK but I don't know about elsewhere
oolie coco said:
I am not shocked by nudity.

I'm shocked by sexist images of women in p*rn*gr*phy and the fact that women's bodies are constantly used to sell, while men's are always covered.

It is objectification and degradation of women that shocks us. Not nudity.

Also I am an atheist.

As far as I know, men's bodies aren't always covered in p*rn?!? What on Earth?... I am not well acquainted with p*rn let alone the sort of p*rn that has men in jumpsuits but maybe you can enlighten us. If there is no full frontal for the men, it is the same with the women.

Anyhow I am not defending practices withing p*rn*gr*phy, I am defending p*rn*gr*phy in general as a concept. The message I was referring to was somehow placing p*rn as the antithesis of art and religion, which I don't think it is. I just don't think they are in the same dimension as each other.

Furthermore, I agree that if Rachel McAdams didn't want to do the shoot, she shouldn't have but it seems with hindsight she did want to do the shoot. Just because she is a woman, doesn't mean she isn't playing the same sort of media game as the rest. She knows the implications of being on the cover of Vanity Fair better than anyone.

Lastly to get back to my main point -I was saying that I don't think it helps that in America, nudity and sex are at interlinked inextricably. This sort of furore doesn't help retrain people into 'not being shocked' by nudity. If it isn't arousing/shocking/provocative and is just plain old nudity, then there will be no, as you put it, degradation involved. She was meant to be naked, she didn't want to be, everyone started crying MISOGYNY at the top of their lungs. Now let's see -who turned nudity into sex. Not Tom Ford (although he is a bit of a sexist twat I admit) -he is too behind the scenes. Not the photographer -we haven't even seen the photos. No it was the punters like you, too used to the idea that nudity is WRONG with a capital G-O-D. Atheist or not, religious concepts are deeply ingrained no matter how much of a fallacy they are.

And let's not forget that pretty boys are a Hollywood staple too. Just this week Orlando Bloom was complaining about how important male looks are to the studios even though one wouldn't think he would have a problem with it. This is not a women's lib issue, even though everyone loves making things into mainstream feminist issues when the real important work that feminism ought to deal with, are left dormant.
^^I dunno about that.....
There are a few 'men' only meetings that I've witnessed in places like the Rhino club. It's not the norm but there's a definite underground sleazy meeting scene....especially in London...and especially in amongst the City lot and the media industry.

Sorry Mods....a little off-topic there!
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Well I don't doubt that the city establishment can be horrendous when it comes to letting women in but from my work experience at JP Morgan Chase, the women were a billion times scarier than the men... and there were plenty of them. As for the Rhino club I still don't think it is the norm for execs at big city banks to take clients to strip clubs. Maybe I am being naive but it can't look professional can it?
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^Depends on the men in question...
The types who go for that sort of thing seem to be able to gauge each other from the offset.
Sadly...deals are able to be sealed between two men in these situations BECAUSE of a jolly knees up lunch meeting at places like the Rhino Club.
It's terribly cliched and of course not a frequent occurence but yes...it still happens!
How are men going to look at nudity without a relation with sex and just think it is plain old nudity? Okay so a man looks at a naked woman, what happens?

Also the majority of nude images and sexual content are of women. Whether it's magazines, music videos, movies, and so on. Are we supposed to accept that?

Also I don't understand some of the things you are saying. Tom Ford is doing a photoshoot involved with nudity and WE turned nudity into sex? Have you heard some of the quotes that Tom Ford says about women?
I love Tom Ford.....He is my man!!! "I would pose nude for Tom"...God...I should get a t-shirt made with that quote.....

Rachel who???? Never heard of her...and not only that...she sounds like she needs to take a chill pill...STORMING out like that...in my opinion she acted like a spoiled little brat....it's not like she's Nicole Kidman or anyone huge like that. She should have talked it over instead of storming out like a baby...:p :innocent: :lol:
equinox said:
''I would pose nude for Tom"...God...I should get a t-shirt made with that quote.....

:shock: i want one! :woot: :lol:
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What with this? More than ten times I have heard people saying: "I have no problem with nudity, I'm European" Being European doesn't mean you can accept people running around naked at your wedding party! It's weird how they just think Americans are all closed-minded about nudity. Btw, I'm a European as well. :) I don't have problem with nudity if they are artistic. (If they are p*rn*gr*ph*c, then they belong in different place, different type of magazines). Rachel did the right thing for her. She is sexy. She doesn't need to be naked to prove it. But if someone decides to take off their clothes? They're welcome to. But they need to prove that not only they are sexy and such, but also talented. If they are, then all applause for them. This is so simple!
I could have sworn I saw her boobs in "The Notebook", so I don't understand why she backed out. Plus, it's Vanity Fair, not Playboy, so things are covered up. But it's her choice I guess.
is the recent Vanity Fair issue with Scarlett Johanssen and Keira Knightley posing with Tom Ford the one Rachel was supposed to be in? Thank goodness she backed out because it's ghastly... very unflattering for Scarlett especially.
I used to like Scarlette, but my opinion about her has gone slowly to a downturn. She seems more concentrate on being a bombshell than to actually do anything. Same with Keira. I seriously don't like the idea of media exaggerate the truth. With title like: "Lindsay: confession of a superstar" blah blah... Since when superstar is Lindsay? Seem like you only need some hit silly movies and scandals and boom you're a huge star.:innocent:

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